Burn the flags of Christ

Give me ONE reason to respect this disgusting kikeflag. Give me ONE fucking reason to honor this shitty flag, marked by the cross of Abraham on the Swedish national holiday.

I've burned it before and I'll burn it again. I wish nothing but death and destruction upon the jewish state. The cross is NOT a symbol of Sweden.

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just suck a dick already

How about you kill yourself? People like you are the reason Sweden is the way it is right now.

Fuck you. Fuck modern day "Sweden". Fuck your semitic shitskin religion.


don't you dare

Finland our best ally.

>your ancestors killed pagans
>converted to christ
>and where saved
>and yet you spit on thism

nobody cares


don't be a fagget

Too late.

Because it's the flag of what you were once proud of before it was stained by peace? You should caress your flag with utmost tenderness. Literally fuck it. Just make sure it doesn't get stoned after you fuck it for being impure.

that is a nice fireplace

it's gotten to the point where burning the swedish flag is okay not because you hate sweden but because you hate what sweden has become and what the flag now represents

burning the swedish flag has paradoxically become a good thing because it stands for degeneracy

>Because it's the flag of what you were once proud of before it was stained by peace?
No. Fuck everything connected to the zionist regime. Death to Yahweh and his minions. Fuck the degenerate flag of the cross.

why does he wear the gloves?

>People like you are the reason Sweden is the way it is right now.

He says as he burns his own flag and history and spits in the face of his ancestors to the cheers of the leftist hordes of Sweden on a crusade against nationalism and patriotism

Don't worry about it. I'm white.

>a crusade against nationalism and patriotism

Truely sickin'

I wish I could burn your shitty star spangled banner too. Disgusting fucking kike bullshit.

joojewjoojew we all hate zog clam your tits go watch the golden one and hit the weights with some rage, be the change you want too see

how bout just go home

I hope you burn you filthy traitor.

Good work. To cite one of my favorite songs; "torch the jewish creation".

The golden one is a filthy fucking homo. Varg is much better.

>i don't know what the fuck is going on so i'll just pretend to be a nationalist
Fuck off civic "nationalist" scum. You're worse than niggers.

Then tickle jew/muslim anusses instead of whining on pol. Make sweden reich again. Either that or migrate to another country, but no other country will want your negative immigrant cucknipples. Best bet is to grow a beard, paint it into a black/grey combo and move to London, you'll make friends.

Fuck you, Schlomo. The cross flag is no better than the one decorated with the star of David.


Du borde hängas på torget framför din familj, din vidriga jävla förrädare.

Kramar du om korsflaggan så är du en BOKSTAVLIG förrädare. Försök igen, proxy-jude.

>I've burned it before and I'll burn it again.
You sound like a real brave guy, faggot. I'm scared if I'm not nice, you might call me a mean name, too.

>the cross of Abraham
I'll give you a reason. You know absolutely nothing about history.

Dräp dig själv folkförrädare. Ställer du dig bakom regimens fana så är du värre än en jude.

Or I might burn your shitty kikeflag too.

If that's the way you can find any meaning in life, by all means go right ahead.

>watched a varg vikernes video starter pack

>t. Historyless kike posing as "finn"

Den svenska fanan tillhör det svenska folket och de som stupat för den. Genom att skända den pissar ni på hjältarna som dött för landet.

Isn't your establishment already planning on renewing the flag, as it offends the muslims (and jews)?
You misused Abraham. Where is his connection to the cross? It is a Roman symbol, of a Roman torture and execution device.

Hello Achmed, how's europe? Do you think if I get a tan and fake being a muslim I can score some cute blondes for me and some swedish neetbux?

Konungariket Sverige wouldn't have happened without Christianity civilising you.

I'd stay in cozy and safe Brazil. Even the women are better looking.

Landet de slogs för var kristet, vilket är DIREKT FOLKFIENTLIGT. Försvarar du ett kristet(judiskt) Sverige så har du förverkat din rätt att kalla dig svensk.

Den blågula fanan symboliserar inget annat än förtryck av vårt folk. Den VAR vår symbol men den har blivit stulen precis som så mycket annat.


Fuck off ape. Disgusting fucking spic monkey mongrels aren't even human. Go kill yourself.

i'd bet you i'd still fuck you up irl you little role playing internet hero faggot

Fuck off Ahmed, this country doesnt need you anymore
Also fuck off if you work for Säpo

No. See We succeeded DESPITE Christendom, not because of it.

Go back to putting up cute little stickers stormwiener boy.

>Fuck off ape. Disgusting fucking spic monkey mongrels aren't even human. Go kill yourself.
but that's haram.

>We succeeded DESPITE Christendom, not because of it.
Citation needed. Consider the notion that for the first time in a thousand years, your nation is without Christianity.

Christianity destroyed REAL civilization and replaced it with monotheistic ANTI-WHITE garbage.

>Dräp dig själv
varför larpar du?


Sapo means frog in portuguese

Häng dig.

Swedes destroyed REAL civilization and replaced it with Swedish ANTI-FINNISH garbage.

>let's disrespect our country's history and all the people throughout it because the jews put our country in the shitter a few decades ago
Ländsförrädare blir dom första att hänga
& det här



keep screeching like the autist you are (on the internet) while you burn flags and see how far you come in life fag


>autistic rage
>linking nrm
you're not a skinhead, are you????


I'm with ya brother.

>I am white
No you are a gay nigger


this is some serious autism going on in this thread

>not getting my point

I am Greek.

What would he have thought at seeing posts like this?

I'll explain it in simple terms for you fucktards. OPs pic is RIGHT and REAL. (((Christianity))) is a jewish sect and always was. Crusader-LARPing desu vault faggots are LITERALLY working AGAINST everything that is white, just and honest in this world. Being a white Christian (or any other sort of Abrahamic for that matter) is literally being a TRAITOR.

And traitors will dangle from the gallows before the jew does.

So when will you pay reparations for those crusades?

le based pagan is just a meme dude

theyll get it when it comes

He would be proud to see that his people resist against the demons who force their evil symbols upon his people.


Or he'd have you hanged.

You don't think towns, castles, 700 years of protection from Russians who would've absolutely devastated your country, food and keeping your culture, language and ethnicity is enough in reparations?

How is paganism so much better than Christianity?

Lithuania has been christian for 600 years.
Bosnia has been muslim for 500 years.

Are you saying that christianity and islam is a part of Europe?

Bränn en kyrka/moské och gör något riktig nytta istället.

You must be so tough Sven I bet you get beat up by Achmed and his gang of Somalis every day.

Wow OP! You show that flag!

Fuck off anti White faggot.

>Swede being a disrespectful degenerate to the symbol of his own country

I hope you're an immigrant, cunt. There is no excuse for this level of faggotry aside from the gutter trash you've imported.


Not an argument. Kys kike shills.

He fought a war in the name of Christ by his own admission, you retard, and you already said you aren't even Swedish, so why do you live there.

You're not funny.

Sup Forums is a hell of a drug. You need to take a break kid burning the flag of your fathers ain't rational behaviour.

Ta livet av dig Abdul

>700 years of protection from Russians
You mean 700 years of useless wars against Russians and Poles?
You know, the 100 years of Russian rule made our language legal in our land. You are in a weird ego-trip where YOU can do no wrong, and your people can do no wrong etc.
We've all been there, so come back in 10 years.

It isn't.

Häng dig Sven Goldsteinsson.

Funny how americans are more triggered by this than Swedes. Literally LMAO-ing at your lives (and kike loyalty).

Utan kristendomen skulle vi inte vara bättre än araber eller andra djur.

>burn the Swedish flag
>Swedes unphased by this
It means that once again, foreigners are telling you that you should grow some balls.

Calm down Mohammed


Rannsaka dig själv.

Förresten. Om du gillar kristendomen, vad är då ditt problem med Islam? Det är ju bara som en patch för att uppdatera den abrahamitiska skiten.

>red flag with white cross falls from the sky during a great battle
>Danish king catches it
>magic powers are granted
>BTFOs all his enemies
Explain that, fuckwads.

Jag vet att du betar efter (You)s, men flr helvete... Ta något som folk faktiskt kan tro på istället

Islam är bokstavligt talat motsatsen till kristendomen.

Does this make you sperg out swedencucks?

>haha I'm gonna burn my own flag that'll show those dumb amerilards

Kek a Greek moves to Sweden, overdoses on Sup Forums and burns the Swedish flag