What is the best political stance for us to adopt?

what is the best political stance for us to adopt?
i believe in a libertarian ethnostate.

Other urls found in this thread:

takebackourrights.org/docs/Christians-full page.html

Whites thrive in freedom, niggers need handouts or they die. Clearly, anarchism is the correct answer.

There are degenerates in every kin group. These degenerates have a lot of kids. Their population rises and they vote in socialistic governments.

The only ways to prevent this: voluntary eugenics

My friends welcome to Neo-Reaction. Libertarian Hoppean economics, monarchy, freedom of association, voluntary eugenics, hierarchy, anti-democracy, anti-state.

Dark Enlightenment/Neo-Reaction should've always been the true Sup Forums ideology.

The only problem is that Moldbug is half Jewish so all the fucking 1488 retarded stormfags get their knickers in a twist with 'muh jews' and 'muh ethnic socialism is good'.

This, Hoppe libertarianism is Neo feudalism. Many lefties try to use that as a counter argument without ever explaining WHY exactly that is a bad thing. Progressivism is our biggest enemy.

Half Jew is full Jews to Jews at this
>inb4 it was his father
When a guy that looks like this and has a Jewish surname (Yarvin) AND goes by a Jewish pen-name, Jews will take him as a Jew.
Whose biggest inspiration and who most of his though is based was Murray Rothbard? Yeah, have fun with that.

>Rothbard advocated for white nationalism because people should be free to associate with whoever they want
>"lmao, he's a jew, don't listen to him, support le based National (((socialism)))"
Hang yourself, moron.

>trusting the words of the Jew
Jesus Christ, this whole thing is going to keep happening over and over because of fucks like you.

Are you actually capable of critizising his arguments instead of trying to avoid that by simply repeating "jew, jew" over and over again?

We must push libertarianism as much as possible as it denies our natural enemies access to our resources.
So long as we have collectivist policies, we will have a losing parasitic relationship with people that hate us and want us to die.

>trusting a Jew who managed to say this shit without losing his career
Yeah, nothing fishy going on here, then again you probably think any internal argument within the Jewish community means that they're not looking out for each other on some basis. Lmao. I bet you don't even know any Jews personally.

next level: anarcho-pharaonism

>letting them come here to work and undermine the value of white labor "denies our natural enemies access to our resources". Also, who do you think profits the most from libertarian as they do "crony capitalism" and "international communism". You retards only see shit in either collectivist or statist forms without nuance. You'll grow out of lolbertarianism some day and realize how retarded you were.

The white man's choice of ideology.

hw about we go back to hunter gather tribes..that would be good


George Lincoln Rockwell had some good ideas

what about Jews vs me

National Socialism


>ha, wow, stupid fucking stormtards XD le Jews? Wow uh yeah look at this based Jew who vaguely agrees with part of my ideology, so baed, right?

Ethno-nationalism and libertarianism are in conflict.
You need to be somewhat authoritarian in order to enforce ethno-nationalism, it would basically end up being fascism of some sort or another, which is the only way to go imhofam


But the government needs to clean up their brown mess first. Once that is done, the remaining government organizations should be spit up into many different and overlapping groups, and must privately turn a profit on their own. The subhumans the final purge missed won't be able to survive without their handouts, and new ones won't even be able to enter since everything is privately owned.

If you are still concerned, buy a thin strip of land along the boarder you want to protect, just wide enough for a barbed wire fence. Let whoever you want pass, deny the ones you don't, charge those you aren't sure about. If they try to get by without your permission, they can be treated as the trespassers they are. I will certainly pay you to keep your business going.


Literally the mind of a sixteen year old with a part time job at Krogers, I should know, that the same sort of post I would have made six years ago.

i honestly see NS as practical but i stand by my position because i think libertarian ethnostate is MORE practical

Next tier quality threads vs leaf's.

le "based" kike like Rothbard?


>Fine with abortion
>Fine with selling children on a market
>You're not obligated to feed, house, or care for your children

i acknowledge and agree with this. but i still think libertarian values can be salvaged. should have been more specific.

on the contrary, authoritarianism is required to keep people from disassociating into ethnic contracts
new york city, without the civil rights act, would take this picture to a whole other level. those dots can technically live with a different dot yet they dont. hmmmmmmmmmm

>Wow uh yeah look at this based Jew who vaguely agrees with part of my ideology
I think a fair percentage of anons here would agree that with jews you lose. You have to be a fucking idiot to try and actively find some good in one. About the only thing as fucking stupid as falling for the 'not all kikes are bad' meme, is the 'not all mudslime' bullshit

Wrong poster dawg, I was agreeing with you

Literally half this thread fell for the
>not all kikes
meme though

Privatize the boarders, done. Obviously you will need a government for a couple of months to get rid the niggers they brought in, but that is a one time problem.

>voluntary eugenics
so abortion?

>Literally half this thread fell for the 'not all kikes'
Yeah, it does seem like it's been perpetual summer since last June.

I know, was just posting something, I understood you were being sarcastic.

Libertarianism is "kosher" as fuck, another trashy ideology to lead people astray from NS.

It's really frustrating, ain't it?
Yup. I don't have it but there's a pic out there of lolbertarian turning natsoc where it's things like
>yeah well but limits on the borders
>and a military
>oh, and strict immigration
As the libertarian slowly become natsoc

Jews are far worse than any mudslime. I'd rather not have either in a western country, but with the Jew they're far too entrenched and using (and bringing in) Muslims to not only destroy Europeans/Christianity (being their eternal #1 enemy) but using it to then instigate wars in the ME, to have Christians and Muslims divert their anger from Jews to each other.

Meanwhile, this occurs.

>Signing something to designate that Talmudic laws as being "founding of Western civilization".

takebackourrights.org/docs/Christians-full page.html