Fucking goyim

>start serious thread with citations and genuine matters to debate
>0 replies
>start a shitpost thread with a merchant and some provocative trolling "fucking goyim" as topic
>image limit reached

ffs stop being such retards. do really like CNN that much? don't you fucking WANT to get undiluted and uncensored information directly from the (((horse's))) mouth?

Other urls found in this thread:


what are you talking about Goldstein ?

the only way to make Sup Forums great again is for you to rek gaza again

I'm talking about this board effectively becoming a new Sup Forums
feel free to hate jews if you want, but at least don't be a shitposting fag about it

lot of integers itt
A fucking LOT

why would קק give anything to a cuck like this

what are you doing here anyway?
you are clearly not wanted here.

I don't hate all the jews goldstein, only the ones that want to enslave humanity

So all of them?

Goyims are fucking retards and fall in the same fucking trap everytime, normie-pol proves it but I have affection for them, one of the things you will never feel.

you might as well claim to only hate the belgians that drink
as I've said, it's okay if you wanna hate, just don't troll with it on board that's supposed to be about real fucking events and opinions
that's really fucking annoying


oh yes... "Sup Forums used to be so fucking fancy pants" the oldest meme in the book

you're just mad because you like the attention merchantposting gets

what's your point, pol is just a shitposting board with people expressing their dissenting opinions, what should it look like then Blankfein ?

>trying to debate on Sup Forums

If you legitimately cared about high quality debate with intelligent people, you wouldn't be posting here. You're "debating" and providing sources to people that can barely read and most of which probably didn't graduate high school.

How about you try actually talking to more intelligent people if you really have some point to make? That would be because you're a parenthesis posting Sup Forums retard. You fit right in here. Don't complain that people won't take your carefully thought out paranoid delusions seriously, you're just like the rest here.

If the Jews are so smart why didn't they just all leave Germany when things started getting bad?

which board then?

>But muh serious thread.

>Don't fall to shitty bait anons, the board minor God demands it.

>most of which probably didn't graduate high school
like this guy?

you'd be surprised at how prominent people that are usually seen as losers can become at times of turmoil. and I sense the proverbial storm on the horizon.
people here, although not nearly as red pilled as they believe they are, are still a far better material to talk to than facebook or twitter, IE collectively everyone else
so sure most people here are faggots. but at least you're faggots with potential, so I'm bothered you're wasting it

I've come to the conclusion that all Israeli flags are either proxies, literal zionists or simply shitposters who take advantage of their location to heat things up in here.

I don't merchantpost. I'm a merchantmemecollector

two reasons
first, even before Israel existed, there were already clear distinction between right wing and leftist jews
the former did leave Germany and moved to british palestine, because they already had enough of a national identity of their own and didn't want to remain in the nation state of someone else, especially when that someone was the nazis that openly said they refuse to accept jews as german citizens anymore. these jews that did leave germany between 1933 and 1935 are called the fifth aliyah here, and it was the last one. leftist jews on the other hand still thought they could live in german society and didn't want to leave. the communists in that group actually wanted to turn germany to a bolshevik shithole ostensibly tolerant of all ethnicities and leaving it was seen as a surrender to national socialism which communists refused to tolerate even before the war

the second reason is much simpler
the anglos betrayed us at 1936 and made jewish immigration to palestine illegal
they did so because the arabs here threw a massive chimpout revolt and becing bellend cucks the british gave in
that's why every jew that didn't leave Europe prior to 1936 could no longer leave and when the germans took over they were stuck with us and had to come up with their own solutions :/

what a jew baka


I learned my lesson trusting you rat bastards with anything. You Jewish shits are some vengeful motherfuckers when one of your scams doesn't work, I'll give you that much.

However, I don't have the energy to hate or shitpost about Hitler constantly. People just need to suck it up and not take any shit off you guys.

what lies
didn't you like prefer kicking the jews out to palestine in the start?
and the british immigration ban was listed in the 1939 white paper

Nobody of us was alive back then, So stop the QQ over spilled milk.

you don't trust us to start threads?
I mean sure we can attempt to subvert and shill, but even those generally involve having to exchange lengthy and serious blocks of text


CNN is owned by a jew living in Israel named AVIV

Why do you fucking hate the world so much, my friend

do you involved into something?
i think you're shizo
as me

I've seen some shitty merchants back in my day but I'm not even going to bother saving this one

Then take that up with the bongs. You guys were asked to leave Germany and you didn't. Then, in 1946, you were too big of pussies to fight for your own land so it was gifted to you.

Now, a a portion of many people's tax dollars goes to you guys to defend against your neighbors. One thing is for certain, Anglos and Krauts will never kill each other for your interests again. Next time, we fight side by side.


forgot to mention most Jews killed didn't even live in Germany. The whole world was taken by surprise by Hitlers stupid invasions (and I mean stupid for him).


Right wing jews:
Allow war criminals to find home in israel
USS Liberty
Born out of the 6.000.000 holocaust
Used ex-nazi soldiers to kill middle east enemies and do spy jobs
Shill for immigration on west
Use stupid goy for wars on the middle east
Sold secret armaments for their best ally most powerful enemy today, China

How are right wing jews not in the same boat as the left wing ones?

When on Europe, you shill for immigration, when on Israel, you shill for more restrictive policies towards immigrants and a vigorous policy of persecuting jews who race mix

I guess you are lying than?


>When on Europe, you shill for immigration, when on Israel, you shill for more restrictive policies towards immigrants and a vigorous policy of persecuting jews who race mix


gifted to me? then how do you explain this map?
the UN can't "give" you anything, they can only recognize you

I love how your fucking ass does not DENY that Jews want to control everyone. Lovely.

You do realize the second holocaust ( the first one actually ) is gonna be really damn ugly right? Hope so.

>You guys were asked to leave Germany and you didn't
Many did, others didn't have where to go, most that were killed never lived in germany in the first place.
>1946, you were too big of pussies to fight for your own land so it was gifted to you
1948. And we had to fight off the entire arab world for it. alone. without support. nice gift. britain was literally abandoning all it's colonies at that time. would you say they 'gifted' india?
>a portion of many people's tax dollars goes to you guys to defend against your neighbors.
have you never heard of the cold war? do you even know how any of this started? It has always been a business deal from start to finish.
>Anglos and Krauts will never kill each other for your interests again.
why do I know more about the history of your people than you? you must be aware that europe was the most wartorn continent waaaaay before Jews had any standing. you guys will kill each other even if the whole world tries to stop it.

why do you talk about things you know nothing about?
lurk. learn. read. grow up. then we'll talk.

>start serious thread with citations and genuine matters to debate
>0 replies
look jew nobody wants to hear a fucking story about some food you ate years ago that takes 3 paragraphs just for you to the fucking point

and it was more a testament to your kinds autism than it was a debate

right wing jews are the worst
i come to a conclusion
we can arm ourselves to the teeth and pretend we are actually safe
or accept our fate because we take land by force and treat people like shit based on their ethnicity.
so in essence jews actually create antisemitism, we always disagree with the world about everything, we always think we know better and i hope its gonna stick us asses sooner than later

USS liberty is a meme. Why do you fags ingnore the fact it was an american ship that sailed off constested egyptian waters DURING THE SIX DAY WAR?
If you don't want to get fired on, don't step into the line of fire during a literal war
not without warning to either side, and not 2 days after we made it clear that every single part of Egypt that has strategic significance will be bombed. Area likes a fucking coastline with egyptian destroyers in it, christ

but that's all moot. saying that I shill for immigration and then for restrictive policies is bullshit, because I only shill for the latter at all times, for both myself and Europe
jews that oppose that usually oppose strict borders in Israel itself too. That's why Soros and his funded NIF cronies accuse us of war crimes despite both being jewish too

Hey fag. heres the scoop


Charges were places on the core columns. The fires in the towers were not hot enough to melt steel but they were hot enough to soften the steel (annealing metal) also the Fire prevention systems were sabotaged by Isralies (more on this later in post)

When the charges in the basement levels were set off it sent waves through the steel structure like striking the worlds largest tuning fork. When these waves his the plane impact zone that softened steel breaks and the top part of the building drops down like a pulverizing block smashing the rest of the tower (which is now shaking apart from reverberations) all the way down to the ground.

There was no nano-thermite that it disinformation the towers were destroyed with normal demo charges and ALOT of them

>who placed the demo charges?

several Israelis were arrested by the NYPD driving white rider trucks which either had explosives packed in them or had empty trailers which after chemical analysis were shown to have traces of explosive material which meant they had explosives in them at one time (combination of TNT and RDX)

The Israelis had fake ID's from a DMV in Tennessee. The Same DMV worker at that DMV issued fake ID's to several of the 9/11 hijackers. Also Israelis were seen moving in next door and following 9/11 hijackers in New Jersey and Florida where they attended flight schools.

The Israelis in NYC had in their possession a fake work order to do work on the "fire prevention systems" in the WTC towers dated for the two weeks leading up to 9/11 The companies that they were employed at (urban moving systems) is a well known front company for the Mossad (Israel's CIA)

Need anymore than that princess or can you do the research on your own without me holding your hand?

I said I collect, I didn't say I dishum out.
that's the goys job.

Not to say:

Have legit concentration camps for the bad arab goys
Shun Christians, and straight lie to them about supporting Israel because JESUS SAID SO
Legit believe that they will enslave the world when MOSHUA come

I legit believe Israel owns the world today by being in total control of the elite institutions of earth and almost every mattering nation ever.

Powerful left-wing jews help Israel, Powerful right-wing jews help Israel, you all help Israel and yourselves, by abusing the stupid goy

Well, the world is a war of survival, and I guess you won, I can't hate you for winning

Westerners got stupid under your propaganda, thinking the world is a happy sunshine place, instead of a animalesque battle royal of all vs all

There is no place for weakness in this realm, it was always like that, but instead of developing a martial mindset, you got smarter with your weapons and won the game of civilization conquest

Thats how I see it

Decent answer. Completely neglects your own ethnic religion, but decent answer.

Dont tell me you would have won without help from the shabbos goy ;)

I don't hate jews or Israel, I actually think it's a comfy state, and if I was a jew, I would shill for Israel very hard too

I guess you just won the game by the way you learned to play it

I have zero hate

>try to be honest
>get flak anyway
shut the fuck up, you literal nigger. would you believe me if I denied it?
personally I don't want to control anything except the contents of my fridge, but saying it is pointless because nobody would believe me anyway

we have t_D kids here that call Trump the shabbos goy daddy and you want to hold a serious conversation?

Come here:

And our investigation confirmed that it was a radar labeling accident in the fog of war during a shift change. Stranger things have happened in wars.

Yes, gifted. If it wasn't, then surely you'd have just organized yourselves to go retake it without the Brits abandoning their old empire. The truth is, you couldn't.

I'm well aware of the history of European violence so spare me the lesson. The truth is, you are an immoral and weak people and more than ever, people are waking up to your bullshit. That's why you middle eastern shits come here with these threads to begin with. I don't know where and I don't know when but your day is coming and I'm sure your "people" can sense it too. Best of luck.

Fuck off you hideous kike. Your people are ugly, and you are disciples of Satan.

Eat shit.

idk and care about you, you should assimilate with the arabs you're related after all, there can be peace if you accept it

Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about.

The entire building was demo'd. The top 10 levels would have been destroyed as they were destroying the 10 levels below them.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Ring a bell?

Continuing the list:

Expanded the WW1 on schemes to guarantee your holy land grabbing, and used the Germans as a gambling tool for it, this was zionist mentality, thus, right-wing jews
Zionists also promoted a state of shadowy war with Germans, right-wing and left-wing jews united, damn, capitalists and soviet jews united for Israel
Use evangelics for shilling for Israel
Own the american political class for shilling for Israel, every single senator and congressman, governor and President
Shill for Israel with hollywood, putting you in front of the goy, in the goy market and own nation

what help is that? selling us a dozen scraps of metal and some bent czech rifles still with swastikas? because I bet the tanks and dakota freighters the egyptians used as bombers were totally manuactured in cairo

hello mr schlomo why did u kidnap royal saudi family?

Hey there, Rabbi.

foreskin check

leave palestine please and end this now before the muslims kill all of you.

we offer you THREE african states as your own in exchange.

can't you make a serious post just this once?

>foreskin check

Why are Jews motivated by nothing but power?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

USS liberty was not a confusion. It was deliberated. They did it because americans were snooping on them with a spy hardware, and they did it because they wanted to expand more, and didn't want no one on their way.

They still want to expand hugely, and thats why they are breaking ALL enemies border states so that they can own them all in the future.

We are not far to seeing a super israeli nation.

It must be a grand moment for being a jew.


I would shill harder than anything if I was a jew Israeli now. Greatness on their hands reach, it's only a matter of time now

>have like a hundred or so holocaust ceremonies on avarage
>have to pay tribute and cry about the holocaust
>suddenly find out that the survivors leave in terrible conditions, completely broke as the government siphoned all the white guilt payments out of their hands
>find out that there are tons of small religious communities worldwide just like the jews who didn't suffer from any discrimination for their religion or ethnicity whatsoever

teachers in school can't even define antisemitism, they just assumed that one day people started to use jews as a scapegoat for various reasons, antisemitism was a thing long before WW2

nope... had to buy it all for full price from the Czechs


Ah, so you build the M4 Shermans yourself? Without military help from the West you would have a short history there :)

Audio confirmed jews knew it was the fat depraved burguers on their bullets path.

They knew what they were doing.

Why do every israeli jew think jews and Israel are spotless of blame?

You think any other country of earth could have done what you did to america and survived to tell the story? Only Israel!

says the leaf

The (((jew))) debate is tiring half the idiots say there is no problem with Israel and the other half say every Jew is bad. So we will continue to lose until idiots realize Race has nothing to do with it and it has everything with Talmudists masquerading as Jews

>nothing weird about the USS Liberty attack
>the attacking aircraft had NO MARKINGS

and get an african chimpout too?

don't you fags get it? arabs usually want something only after someone else made it valuable. that's why they're infesting Sweden and Germany but not Poland and Hungary, because they want to gain those wealthier places for themselves
now the middle east is mostly an underdeveloped shitfest, but the israeli districts are not. even if we moved and started elsewhere, some third world fag would step up and demand that too because it would be "stolen" from his ancestors. so we don't wanna run, if someone invades we'll just kill them

Typical Jew thinking that you were 'owed' the Mausers and other shit you received to fight your war.

'Muh swastikas'...

Probablythe finest rifles you desert dwellers ever laid hands on. How are the M16's that my country has given you by the boat load? Does that pony on the left side of the magazine well trigger you too kike?

>denies none of what I said
>makes no argument
>"the turth is"

To tell the truth, I understand why the creation of holocaust myth was necessary

Imagine if there wasn't a holocaust tale after the war. Add to that, imagine if there wasn't a massive demonization campaign against the Germans.

When people asked, why ww2 happened, they would have to consider the nazi rethoric as true and legit.

People around the world would have to consider that jews were to blame.

Would you risk the future of your people like that? So they turned the game in such a way that that would never be considered by anyone.

It's smart as fuck

The world is for survivors, and jews are survivors, don't be ashamed for winning the game

>They did it because americans were snooping on them with a spy hardware
Based jooooz. They are not scared pussies.

> and they did it because they wanted to expand more
If expansion was the issue, then why did Israel gave back Sinai peninsula?

>and thats why they are breaking ALL enemies border states so that they can own them all in the future.
based juz

>We are not far to seeing a super israeli nation.

If it meant the genocide of middle easterns muslims, then i would welcome it
Anti-semitism was a ancient and proud pan-european tradition.

typical kikery bullshit, you are an arab

There will be a day kike, that all your people will be vanish together with Muslims, we gonna kill all your males and turn your woman into slavery...

Your sons will be selled into Gladiators Arenas and Coal Mines and you daughter into whore houses and domestic service.

We will Nuke Mecca and your stupid Wall, we will turn this shithole desert into a plantation zone.

We wont Gas you...We gonna do WORSE!!!


>Image limit reached
Soon chaim.
Most of the shitposters here are okay.
All other who cant argue and just go
>Fuck off kike
Are little children who's dad ass raped them.

>and get an african chimpout too?
africans cant blow up buildings.

you should have picked some group of retards to pick on instead of the muslims.

we kept the indians in check just fine, you should be able to handle some feral niggers.

>arabs usually want something only after someone else made it valuable.
except for the fact that they chimped out immediately and israel is a shit hole with a few exceptions.

>if someone invades we'll just kill them
you've literally always lost to the muslims, dont make the same mistake for the 6 millionth time.

>effectively becoming a new Sup Forums
It's been this way since about April of last year.

Sup Forums actually gets more traffic than Sup Forums now.

>Imagine if there wasn't a holocaust tale after the war.
Then snowflake shitlibs wouldn't have amunition to attack the zooooooooooz

For peace, they gave Sinai peninsula back because they chose to play the long game

Jews are around for 5777 years, they can spend some centuries with super smart strategies for getting what they want

They got Israel back, now they are about to cover it in absolute glory

you want the honest answer?
I don't give a fuck at this point. I don't know if it was deliberate, but even if it was, any spy sent here by ANYONE should know to expect this exact fate. only a retard would let a spying enterprize continue unimpeded during wars, because any information any americans leaked out to Egypt would result in israeli casualties.

we asked the americans to keep out of those waters, they didn't listen and told us there weren't any american ships in the area, so we opened fire. simple
I honestly doubt you wouldn't open fire on a british spy boat during a war, but it wouldn't happen because you huefags don't have to worry about any. and still you judge us. that's fucking retarded



Now OP's had a heart attack.

mmmm, nah.

>start serious thread
start serious kike lies*********

that will never happen, because the base right-wing jews smuggled lots and lots of nukes, and they will take down any potential crazy aggressors with ultimate punishment

the based fat burguers gave them that

I guess the center of the world politics is now in Israel, the fact that we don't hear much about Tel Aviv news daily astonishes me


>kike talking to hisself

we love you too bro.

So the jyoooooozz aren't bloodthirsty expansionists?

I'm very confused... They had the perfect opportunity to annex more land, yet they choose not to do it so they could reach a peace settlement

its all about victimhood.

when i ask people why the jews didn't run to the hills they kept giving me bullshit excuses.
the jews could have fight,flee or fly over to another country but they chose to stay. if you are taken as a slave at gunpoint its best to try and fight, you have nothing to lose either way.
so saying that the jews were helpless is just anecdotal evidence and the victim mentality rages on