Other urls found in this thread:
seriously what the fuck also this needs bumps and awareness
this sums it up for people who are not aware of this FUCKED UP SHIT
Ok. this is fucking creepy. Anyone knows more?
haha norway is cuck
Did they give her a shot in the anus
Post the image pls
Get this shit banned it's sick and wrong
Someone give me a rundown of what happens in the vid
holy shit theres a lot more. its scat fetish tier too. wtf
They unclothe a kid on camera and jab a needle in them seemingly for amusement
so fucking creepy
they are in imgur links so they can be easily shared in social medias not because i browse reddit you faggot
Who cares?
lil kid gets a real tetanus shot or something in her butt by a fake doctor. she is crying and her mother or a lady is holding her. its disgusting.
i aint klik dat
ded to pedophiles
t. eternal kike
The girl is running high fever. Didnt watch it all desu but some kind of whatever way to treat the fever.
>repeated shot in the ass and spider imagery
The pedos have evolved
so dressing up as a doctor sticking needles in a lil girls butt is normal if she has a fever?
ffs greece.
This is fucked up. Only had to listen to the first 3 seconds to feel sick.
Is it an occult symbol?
>novinha dacing funk
>Webcam video from
This was discussed on /x/ a few days ago, under the name "elsagate"
any archives?
Probably a signal. Shot in the ass means you're getting x type content, spider means y type content, so on. Like colored bandanas can be used to signal with faggots.
girl games . com is responsibily also for stuff like this AND IT WAS CONSIDERD A JOKE
girl games made these games and this video was made to joke on the obscurity of it
Nigger, someone asked for a run down of wtf is going on and I barely translated the fucking title.
Did all the muslim cum cloud your vision do you couldn't see I was replying to someone? Fucking swedes man
archive.4plebs.org/x/, just search elsagate (and ytultra, but that's some more spoopy /x/-tier shit)
itt: burgers jealous that doctors in civilized countries make house calls
also itt: Democrat shills
Guys please try not to bickering autisticly among ourselves we are on somethign serious here
Not a bad idea I'm looking into its occult meaning.
There's a message in Bohemian grove that addresses "weaving spiders"
Keep in mind pedos have always been on youtube. If you look up any of the default names cameras give videos you can find a lot of random videos uploaded by kids that pedos sift through and collect.
It's just kids clicking the video.
I don't see how this is CP or even close to it, it's just some Russians who figured out that bright colors, kids and syringes on a thumbnail generate a lot of kid's clicks and they're capitalizing on it.
They even blur the kid's butt, can anyone explain what exactly is so wrong in the vid?
so, cops are pedos or what?
normalizing pedo shit is on the agenda.
you obviously arent reading the thread their are THOUSANDS OF THESE VIDEOS and the related lead to more sexually explicit videos
>Brazilian pedo apologist
not surprised
still think so?
bumping this with all of my hamon because this needs to be ended now.
This is fucking disgusting
Report the videos and the channels
in the comments there are people talking about how they have reported it
they can't keep getting away with it!
Well the thumbnails in that image prove my point they're all kids+syringes+bright colors. I don't think a video of a child taking a bath is necessarily "pornography" but obviously there's going to be sick fucks who touch themselves to it.
Wow you pointed at my flag bro that's epic, simply epic.
What the honest, actual fuck?
you guys wtf is goingon thi8s is really disturbing.
OKAY think I got the occult symbolism down:
Bohemian Grove bears a seal that says: "Weaving spiders come not here" and bears the mark of the Owl of Athena, who in theory can see into the future as well as the dark etc. Is wise,
They see themselves as gods and us as spiders, we're people until we question or challenge them, then we are to be made small or cursed.
I believe the recurring spider imagery has something to do with these people wanting to enter the power structure.
They're saying they are like spiders and want to join the ranks of the "men who are gods"
Youtube has to be in on this, reporting probably wont do shit
Need to spread infographs and other sources around social media, only way to do anything about stuff like this in this day and age is to get the public riled up about it
However all the big media outlets need to do, if theyre in on it as well, is just cover it all up like they did with pizzagate
Got to at least try
Youtube is actually dealing with it now...
but you know if it was Islamophobic material they would have dealt with it months ago.
First one is normal. Pause at 1:33 and look on the shelf. Some kind of monkey mask
Second one is creepy channel "Kids MIO".
Pause at 0:50 and look on the shelf. Tell me what you see.
Children have a way of seeing stuff and internalizing it as normal.
It's why almost every fucked up sexual deviant was sexual abused as a child.
It's not about messages, it's about imagry. Lots of these videos features really awful events matched with the bright colors. In any other kids show with a villain, his lair is clearly dark and stormy indicating shift from this theme. There usually arent real villains until the target age is at least 6. At a minimum thsee videos will normalize injectable drug use and people won't know why.
Laughing and crying happening at the same time sometimes which leads to mixed signals in the child's brain.
The real spooky part is that disney shold be all over this shit. They should have shut it down a long time ago but don't. I am not much for conspiracy theory, but what gives?
What in the fuck.. Seen these videos and this same Russian group before.. They're legit stabbing this girl with needles now, wtf is this shit....
Anons last week thought we had found some code language in the retarded comments sections..
Comments sections might be code.. They might be selling kids in these videos or using AdSense / paying view botters as some form of currency
ignorant third world faggot here, what the hell is actually going on? someone care to explain that image to me in more detail?
that was disproven if u check the /x/ catalog for the cypher codes not a shill seriously it was debunked
lets make #pedotube a thing
Weaving spiders come not here.. It has to do with freemasonry too actually.. Freemasons all refer to eachother as "widows sons" .. I think could be a double meaning with widow(woman) and spiders
Widows sons -> en.wikipedia.org
> Hiram Abiff (also Hiram Abif or the Widow's son) is the central character of an allegory presented to all candidates during the third degree in Freemasonry
I thought it had something to do with Athena and Arachnea
>post video of cow slaughter
>vid gets deleted
>videos with kids getting molested and abused
>its ok //youtube staff
this is the point here this is exactly what i mean im not saying this is actualy CP but this is actual abuse and way beyond questionable content
i guess im going to have to make a twitter for #pedotube
Well if we keep shouting "wolf" at anything that is slightly suspicious and can be explained and justified in a 5-minute youtube video, eventually people will stop caring about the word "pedo" just like the left made everyone stop caring about "racist".
Just like Pizzagate anyone saying something even slightly rational will get called out on being a "pedo apologist" and the actual pedos will get away with it because everyone is focusing on the parents who just don't know any better than to post a video of their child taking a bath.
what do you suppose you do to stop the actual abuse
just polled this from the twitter page
Just some weird Ukrainian channel for kids. The ass is blurred, can't imagine someone fapping to this. All the time Sup Forums is bitching that the feminists made it hard for a man to stand next to a little girl as other will suspect that you're a pedophile. Well here in Eastern Europe we still have decency and nobody even thinks that a man with a little girl is suspicious. Calm your tits, perverts.
Athena is a rehash/is the same being known as Isis/Ishtar/Inanna .. The only thing more evil then that bitch/demon is Ha Satan himself.
said no actual Russian ever
your obvious fuckign shill have you not ready anything in the thread or just read one comment and biased your opionion on that like wtf
Think that's weird?
Go on youtube search
>Webcam video from
That's why so many of them end up in Tenancingo before they are shipped to New York.
Fuck off back to plebbit, cunts, I researched the channel and their social networks page. Since I know my culture and my language better than you, I figured exactly what it is about. This video might be dumb, but believing in reptilians is more legit than this shit being organized by pedophiles.
t. real russian from russia
gtfo kike
Who cares?! fuck, I hate /nu/pol
Also referred to as the Queen of Heaven... She's the Mother of Harlots.. She's the Whore of Babylon..
Very responsible for religions negative influence in our world. The whore part refers to people whoring after false Gods(like her, or Satan((Ba'al, the LORD))
>not caring about the safety of innocent children
Wow, nice edge you've got there.
I don't know, I just think Sup Forums should be very careful with what kind of evidence it compiles and shows to the world. Freaking out about something is much easier than doing the actual work to see if it's true.
There's a lot of fucked up shit on YT but when you see theories like secret cypher code and devil worshipping and sacrifice you just know Sup Forums is about to shit the bed and ruin any credibility the investigation ever had.
Go check on your wife, svencuck
>i have analyzed and deciphered exactly why this is innocuous, but i'm not gonna tell you.
What the fuck dude. Engage the weaponized autism
post the image on here you fucking choad
It's a channel made by a Ukrainian immigrant in Russia and his daughter, with videos for kids. Nothing more.
What part of
do you not understand click-farming nigger
Alright which of you kids did that second video?
I searched but too afraid to watch anything, shit looks like webcam porn wtf