Brit/pol/ - Cigarettes Edition

>UKIP activist and dad Sam Gould loses battle with cancer

Last debate of the election: 10:40pm BBC1

>Third London attacker named as Italian man Youssef Zaghba

>More than 200 based Muslim leaders refuse to bury the terrorists Islamically:

>London terrorist Khuram Butt appeared on Channel 4 documentary on Jihadis in London:

>British men Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists:

>Actor Peter Sallis passes away peacefully at 89 surrounded by his family:

>Police arrest 12 muslim fucking cunts in morning raids:

>London attack: Theresa May says "enough is enough" after seven die

>Graphic footage from London terrorist attack

>One of the London attackers was reported to the authorities several times - nothing done

>"Man told not to be Islamophobic by man literally being forced to cower for his life during an Islamist terror attack."

Other urls found in this thread:

If you record your impression of me on vocaroo I'll do you


Is Pennan any good lads?

sheeeit, they're going all out

>Dicking around on Youtube
>Find this

What happened?

>le eat hat man


Are angel


Very weak attacks from the tories on the last day of campaigning. DM, Sun, Telegraph all reusing lines of attack from last week and all based on 'anonymous sources' which is the journalistic equivalent of your canadian girlfriend whom goes to another school.

I posted this this link morning artard

Looks /comfy/

Is everyone ready for the Labour arseblasting on Friday.

kill all lefties

>twitter retards

Anyone else spoiling their ballot?

Any of you lads from East Yorkshire voting for Sir Greg Knight?

Been on Kraut/pol/ was quite comfy, learnt alot about Germany

Reminder that Diane Abbott LIED about being ill. And we knew this, but now we KNOW this, because she was hoaxed into admitting it via email.

The absolute state of the Tory election campaign

hope it does not back fire.

1st for chocolate hazelnut Krave

I have a job, mate.
I haven't been shitposting on Sup Forums for the last 14 hours straight.

Labour BTFO!
Abolishing tuition fees BTFO!

Your thoughts, brit/pol/?

>*rains and floods your basement*

Writing in Donald

What did you learn?

lmaoing at tories that think this isn't pure separation from Crosby. His cat sack is all empty and it's making the tories look absurd. Labour's attack tomorrow will be delivered by the ES of all places.

/r/ukpolitics weighs in on May's ideas of restricting rights for terrorists

god i love this country. if we remove kebab it would be perfect

Wait, wasn't this debate shown on BBC news earlier?


they're just trying to sucker you into buying a car, mate.

Be honest lads, what are her chances?

More racist sexism.


never trust the polls lads
true dark horse gunning up the rear?
get Tim in

Wtf I love the Tories now

Nigger please, there's more culture and tradition in that little Scottish fishing village than in your entire 56% white country.

Would shag both of these desu

I was working but I realised, did one of you guys ring up Nigel Farage pretending to hate Trump?

I heard him mention a pepe shirt.

Probably because Osborne the editor is desperate for May to fail so he can return.

I thought paddy ashdown died. Some mandella effect shig, dafuq.

Is this the establishment getting rattled?

Its still split into east and west psychologically, west is pure and good green land, east is multi kulti, cuck central.

Or something like that, Kek

Go for it labour faggot, you should... u have more chance of labour winning that way to be fair

why the fuck do you keep posting this?

nobody cares

> pharmacy graduate

ten a penny

fuck off

Seriously, what is her tactic? Going to the extreme only makes Corbyn look more sane than he really is. Touching the holy human rights. You can't say that shit in a campaign. I don't understand

Has based ukip bunting guy got anything planned?

anyone know who the trannys are voting for?

Need to remove kebab and get the population down to around 20m desu

lying about being ill IS being ill if your illness happens to be a mental one. but by all means tories, rabidly pursue diane abbott with abuse all the way up to when you have to make a bumbling apology and back-track because mental health is SACROSANCT with voters and media.
>who do you think is responsible for all this "bullying"
>why did dianne disappear from the campaign, only to reappear to fuck it all up and lose her job
>who is the email leaker really
look more closely at this stuff

I think to anybody with half a brain this will come across as utterly desperate propaganda
Could backfire desu

do newspaper have a politcs embargo for election day (thursday) like tv? so is tomorrow the last day they can post politcal stuff

The DM were in favour of REMAIN in 1975.

This is OC, and plus ca change . .

labour probably

Got that curry fever 2bh

Don't think that's really an important Demographic tbqh m8

kek at all these tabloid headlines, Jezza is getting JEWED right now
Kind of makes me want to vote for him

UKIP took about 15% of the vote share in 2015. Most of those people are natural Tory voters, but some could go to LAB or just vote UKIP again.

The Tories NEED these voters. UKIP are to the right of CON, so CON need to go to the right to attract these people back

>hope it does not back fire.
How, by people going "wtf I love terrorism now!"?

Do these fuckers like their coutrymen getting killed with no reply? I really despise the left. At least the right has a simple brutal honesty about itself, to a certain extent.

We are living it vicariously through you lad.

Thinking about it lad.
My dad wants me to vote labour but I can't support Corbyn and keep a good conscience.

you can tell its full of goodness just by looking at it.

the kind of goodness that would stare at you as sonn as you left your front door, and make sure you know that you are a worthless unshaven creep, who has been up all night eating wotsits and masturbating.

sent the postal vote off for big tim today

>Touching the holy human rights
Any time someone mentions getting rid of HR people cheer. Criminals are too protected in this country.

>pinch me

if only... we need some form of targeted bio weapon that kills all non anglos

I want to live in the mysterious house on the hill

>let the suomi commence

Corbynistas are really fucking toxic. Even verified ones were openly saying that May probably had a hand in the Manchester attack.

>Touching the holy human rights. You can't say that shit in a campaign
The vast majority of the public fully support detention without trial for terror suspects and loads of other measures that would be in violation of the HRA

Plus it provokes a reaction from the left whining about human rights so they look weak on terror

What's Labour's take on guidos all muhajiroun Jeremy Corbyn story. You've got to admit entertaining a terrorist support group, is not helpful.

>there are people on here too young to remember this

reminder lads that NOTHING tastes as good as being skinny feels, no not even munchie boxes

It was extremely different from what the EU is today.

Lad lots can change in 40 years. Most people alive today who voted Yes in 1975 almost certainly voted out in 2016.
I think it'll be effective enough. Tory victory seems likely.

Trannies will vote for LAB or GRN but faggots are shifting to Tory/UKIP because they're scared of being BTFO by muzzies

Also, they don't want things to get totally degenerate. Half of the enjoyment they get from their disgusting lifestyle is the fact it's taboo. If it becomes normalised, what do they have left? Literally just fucking shitholes.

>a jew

>Go for it labour faggot, you should... u have more chance of labour winning that way to be fair
I'm a small government, economically and socially conservative person though. So your cries of "shill! shill!" just make you look like a paranoid wanker.

>Jeremy addressed a broad-based rally in support of Palestinian rights. It was a public event and he was in no way responsible for the views of all of the thousands of attendees. Jeremy condemns al Muhajiroun in the strongest possible terms.

Their official statement.

Has the Mandela effect been demonstrably proven, or is it just a meme?

I unironically like the germans, the poles and the french.

The actual ethnic ones i should add, not the turk krauts, the algerian french etc. It upsets me immigration is fucking them as hard as us.

I've been chatting to """"""""""""""moderate """""""""""""" Muslims at my work place. They open up to me because I am woke on the JQ.

Basically they are angry at people paying so much attention to the terrorist attacks in the UK but not paying any attention to Muslims dying overseas because of Western action.

Also they believe these attacks are staged by the government to turn people against Muslims.

No they literally have stacks of this on Corbyn, he was a meme politician who campaign for all sorts of batshit insane stuff.

He was never destined to be leader of the Labour Party, in 34 years of being an MP he was never a Minister or on a senior committee. Jezza was only elected by some hard left Marxist nutters and a lot of Tory/UKIP saboteurs who paid £3 to join the party for a laugh.

Vote Tory for the banter.

Ban human rights and such obvs

People voted Yes in '75 because they thought they were just voting on the common market.

Are you ready faggots?

Do you reckon the UK was still alive to young Hitcho in this photo?

I'm actually part Indian (feathers)

my people were in North America before the white man got to Britannia

Labour will lose. We will win.

>Jeremy condemns al Muhajiroun in the strongest possible terms.

never actually had these, are they basically nutella cereal pocket thingys.

I kind of like plain stuff like weetabix, shredded wheat, corn flakes.

you do not that this is tactically done?
2 days until the vote?
the utter bollocks headline?

people can see through that you know?

Would. She's a qt.

Tried it with AIDS but (((bisexuals))) and miscegenists ruined it.

Anyone know who the Baha'ists are voting for Lads?

Corbyn will get the Bart Simpson for Class President treatment. Loads of people will say they support him but wont bother to vote.

they promised the moon on a stick

chat shit get banged