Complete this sentence for a scientific study Sup Forums : After browsing Sup Forums for a couple of hours I feel like...

complete this sentence for a scientific study Sup Forums : After browsing Sup Forums for a couple of hours I feel like...

browsing Sup Forums for a couple more hours.

doing literally anything else

PD I was subjected to this pic related trash today against my will

Going to sleep. I'm just so sleepy. Let's all take a nap.

Starting an oven business.

>After browsing Sup Forums for a couple of hours I feel like killing myself.

gassing Jews and lynching niggers.

killing jews

Made me kek audibly

fapping to interracial porn.

removing taco

Securing the existence of our people and a future for white children
>wait no, I meant to say "shitpost really hard until I'm bored"

I have a copy of this flowchart too. I think it's pretty good. But here's a piece of the puzzle for which I have no info on: I've seen redpill Master Bezmenov's talks and those were huge eye openers... so is the present-day, non-KGB subversion that's massively going on modeled after this KGB cold war operation? e,g. are they copying their methods?

I'm more pissed off than I was a couple hours ago.

Durnald Rompf will be impeached

and I would be a collaborator

Leading the 4th Reich

Exactly. I have started too much good and ended too much bad because of Sup Forums to ever stop.

calling in sick and browsing Sup Forums all day

burning my house down

there is hope for the world.

Like someone cheese grated my fucking soul and rubbed pig shit into it.

you've got to be thankful to whoever redpills you and redpills can be 'addictive'

gassing the kikes and starting a race war now

I still missed some redpills

throwing the entire Sup Forums userbase into the gulag. All of you are idiots.

Forcefully penetrating Katy Perry's asshole with Donald Trump's penis.


Nailing my dick to a moving automobile

>After browsing Sup Forums for a couple of hours I feel like...
I have friends.

This. It doesn't stop until you get to full on Georgian Monarchy Loyalist state, though. It's pretty fucking bleak here, man. When you start contemplating the mistake that was 1776, you realize you've hit a point of no return. Ever.