This is Sofie Hagen, a Danish woman living in London, and apparently she is a semi-famous stand-up comedian...

This is Sofie Hagen, a Danish woman living in London, and apparently she is a semi-famous stand-up comedian. And a hard-core SJW feminist, apparently.

This is what she has written on her Twitter account following the London attacks: "All terrorists are men. This is a problem with toxic masculinity. Way more of the terrorists are men than (claim to be) muslim."

And if you visit her FB profile, it is even worse. Total feminist anti-male SJW propaganda.

What are your thoughts, /b? Could this in your opinion be the next Shia Labeouf for the glory of kek?

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sorry.. meant /pol....


I think the followers of Kek need to teach her a lesson

Meme it


It does seem a bit redundant.

Same thing desu

another fat cunt
>uses mouth to try to get famous

Like all women