Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

People conflate sex and gender.

then proof each one with teams made up from different ideologies, ethnic back grounds and religions.

You really bring down the quality of this board with shitty bait threads like this

Sure, there's 3. Boy, girl, and faggot.

most penises and vaginas come with assholes, so maybe the asshole's right. check mate, isis.

>you really bring down the quality of this board
I could post cp and scat porn nonstop on six different computers and still would be maling better posts than you do, faggot

I want to be a sexologist and study cock all day.

Someone: some races are superior to others
Doctors: yeah
Psychologists: basically
Scientists: yup. Here's several studies
Anthropoligists: i could rank like fifteen societies on their success and superiority right now
Triggered leftists: we are all one race, the human race! We all bleed red!

I thought gender was a social construct. Show me some sources for this hard science you claim.

It's official, leftists are subhuman.

Because they are both the same thing. Gender is a polite word for sex. You are just buying into garbage.

Dragging professions like this without actually giving names and numbers
That's plain stupid. Which doctors? Which scientists? Which anthropologists?
It's just like the climate change related to the human behavior again and again, My God! MUH PLANET IS GETTING HOTTER, 93% of scientists thinks like that. Name one? UHH I DUNNO :-( WAIT! BILL NYE!!
The tv host of childish shows who's actually a mechanical engineer?
UH :-(

Can find a thousand of scientists saying the exactly opposite.
Go fck someone

Pretty much this.

Ideologies, religions and freaking chromosomes


This is not natural science, it's fag science owned by communists and jews, it's a social movement to further enlarge the identity matrix against white people on white nations

It's to push faggotry into natural state

Give sources on these.

Even google has a short circuit explaining this


Gender is a vague word describing how people act. It's a dumb distinction.