I made a couple of stickers to paste around. Should I remove the blood?
I am making some political propaganda
No keep them and post all you got
give me your adress, so we could discuss it and I could give you some useful advices
You're a shame to your Catholic ancestors. Edgy sociopath kid, wannabe Anglo.
Make a "nationalists welcome" one
You are not coming anyways. This is just to prove I don't give a rat ass about telling who I am. There are many antifa pussies here who want to kill me and when I meet them and the streets they just bow their heads lol
No thats perfect man. If you want change the text to "Refugees Not Welcomed".
you're a stupid edgy retard. at least edit the family and change them to ISIS fighters, give them suicide vests or something.
>lulz killing kidz lmao
Good job OP. If anything, add more blood. Fuck middle eastern parasite migrants.
Make a stciker out of this.
>t. welfare queen redneck/NEET living with his fathers who does nothing more than jerking off to anime and shitposting on Sup Forums
>calling anyone a parasite
Why are you so salty? Those people are invaders, we should make it clear that they are not welcome. Fuck off with your retarded exacerbated humanitarianism.
I care one thousand times more about a single german girl being raped than about one thousand african kids starving. I bet you don't care that much about your own brother. So why would you call me a sociopath? In fact you are the sociopaths.
>A german girl is your "sister", but you're Spanish, you don't even talk the same language than her
>One raped girl is more important than 1000 children starving Why? Because MUH WHITE RACE
You're everything wrong with this fucking site. Muh white people are gods, killing children if they're brown is good. Neck yourself. Also you probably have moor blood in your genes.
>Defending Middle Eastern people
lawd no
I actually like this. You should make one about them drowning at sea australian propaganda style.
Jesus was Middle Eastern.
He wasn't Muslim though.
Dirty spic.
American arguments
Also nice wall faggot jajajajaja 50% white jajajajja
In fact I am representative of White Division of Belgium
they are invaders and you're not doing anything to protect your white lands, just making some gay ass pics about killing kids. the Cid must be rolling in his grave.
Do you even have an argument?
Yes, a german girl is way more related to me than any middle eastern both culturally and genetically, and that's why I care about her more.
It is credible that you care so much about the whole world when you don't even care about your own people?
>you don't even talk the same language than her
What is your point? We are talking in english now. So, are we english?
>Muh white people are gods, killing children if they're brown is good
Nice strawman.
I'm going to come and get you filthy kuffar
I made this spread it around if you like
fucking based lol
Yes, a german girl is way more related to me than any middle eastern both culturally and genetically
>Ignoring this much all the Arab heritage (both culturally and racially) Spain has
>"Arabic words and phrases in the Spanish language, such as almirante (al-amir), almohade (al-mohtasub), arroz (al-ruz), guitarra (al-quitara), aceituna (al-zaytuna), and many others. Further, famous words such as "Ole'! Ole'!" during the Flamenco dances and Spanish bullfights, are the unwitting reference to "Allah! Allah!", while the Spanish/ Portuguese word "Oj'ala'" (God willing) is uttering the distorted version of Arabic "Insha-Allah.".
The last time someone tried I spent two years in prison. Go ahead.
Un paleto que vive en una mierda de barrio, menudo fracaso
Shortsighted, will not help any normie join the cause. We want to show normies its the refugees who are violent, not that we're violent.
>Ignoring this much all the Arab heritage (both culturally and racially) Spain has
What heritage you moron. The peak is 10% african admixture, which means even the darkest of the spaniards is 90% european.
Nah, if you remove the blood it could looks like they are running to safety while the guy is protecting them shooting whatever. With the blood it's clear : REMOVE KEBAB
If you're going for normies, remove blood and the child
I'm giving you the chance to redeem yourself from your sins and convert to Islam. If you don't i'm going make sure that you and your entire family will get beheaded. We have mujahideen stealthily located all over Europe including your country so don't think we can't get to you.
I posted one map of african admixture, but I could post dozens of maps proving our overwhelmingly european heritage.
You talk about a couple of phrases, but spanish is an indo-european language and other languages spoke in Spain even have germanic influence, like galician. Basque is the oldest european language.
You are a salty cunt making up bullshit.
you(Galicians) have lowest, literally lowest birth rates in Europe
You have tens of abandoned villages, you really must consider refugees as an option
You're just larping. Also your mother sucks cock in hell for beer money.
we are all larping here
now give your adress
Don't feel the need to defend against mongrel mexitrash
We'll see about that. OP's filthy kuffar head will be posted on this board within a couple of weeks if he doesn't take the smart decision to convert.
la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulullah
Sure, bring european immigration and we are fine. I would share my house with an ucranian family.
Stop larping if you don't want to have the shitty special forces of your country storming into your house.
They are untrained enough to kill you before realizing you were just a kid larping.
Give yours first pigfucker.
So you would kill some Syrian family, but invite Ukrainian?
Just because of religion?
Considering the fact that most of Syrians, unlike Ukrainians are fleeing the war
hahaha, my country can barely put the mujahideen in prison that have clear evidence on them. We are with thousands in this tiny country only and i'm not even speaking about the entire European continent. Now convert before it's too late for you. Repeat after me "la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulullah".
U joking r8 m8? Post moar. Where/how do you turn them stickers?
You were a fucking mistake
>>Ignoring this much all the Arab heritage (both culturally and racially) Spain has
Spanish people don't have Arab heritage. North African admixture is almost entirely meso/neolithic.
In Muslim Hispania, any child from a Muslim man and a Christian woman was by law required to be raised as a Muslim. Christian men were not allowed to go near Muslim women. Any mixing was in the Muslim communities. As the reconquest moved south, most of the Muslims fled ahead of it. Then in 1492 the remaining Muslims in Hispania were told to convert, emigrate or die. Almost all of them left Hispania. The ones who converted were called Mouriscos and most of them were ostracized and oppressed until they too left the country.
Fuck off fickificki, your time will come.
die amerifag
I've been to pontevedra on my way to santiago.
Fucking beautiful!
Seems like you're not willing to convert. Your time will come kuffar!
remove the women and children since they're most men anyway
It is great for being a city. But infested by commies, africans and moors nowadays. Still not at the level of any big city, but I am 30 years old and 10 years it was totally different. There were no arabs or africans here, at all.
>Where/how do you turn them stickers?
In a copy shop. They are very cheap.
he left his adress, how about you leave your adress now in return to make it fair?
shut up slavshit
I'm not belgian, you can't shut me up
so come on, the guy gave his adress, now it's your turn.
I mean why wouldn't you? You don't seem to be afraid to die and seem ready to start beheading and go to Allah. So what seems to be the problem?