What do?
The 46th President of the USA blocks your path
Other urls found in this thread:
kill his kid
suck his dick
Ask him "What is your name?"
Like he'll fall for his own shtick
>What do?
Support him because he's a great guy
why would he block my path if i voted for him?
Rocky sucks
Introduce him to my buddy here...
Listen here son, I don't give a rats ass about your plans or anything else boy and thats the bottom line!!
Fucking please
This guy is a joke and thinks because he injects Test and Clen like a motherfucker he's a big guy (4u). He's a B-grade actor with a shitty off screen personality and a fake hollow skull like a little shitbag libtarded snake he is. He constantly throws twitter tantrums and belittle's his fans thinking he is such a big shot: I've seen his training regime; I know his food intake: if it wasn't for the insulin he carefully injects before every workout, this little bag is shit wouldn't even way >160lbs. If and when he gets elected; America will be excellerated into the end times and we can commence Phase II, pic related
"it doesn't matter what his name is you jabroni"
Trump has degraded our country so badly that this post doesn't seem like a joke any more than it does an actual possibility.
Well seeing how he's one of my favorite wrestlers I will like it alot, I liked all his matches but Chris Bennit was my favorite before he got old and died...
>Debate 2020
>Donald Trump vs The Rock
>Both take the stage
>"Good Evening everyone, I am Lester Holt and today I'm joined with my co-commentator Jim Ross"
>Cage is lowered
>Donald and The Rock strip off to reveal wrestling underwear
>Match Begins
>Rock throws Trump to the floor
>Attempts peoples elbow
>Donald rolls out the way
>Rock is on the floor
>Donald scales to the top of the cage
>Donald bellyflops the rock through the ring
>he Rock Bottoms Trump at his inauguration
Funny because if you asked anyone 8 years ago if they thought Trump would ever be president. they would have laughed in your face. Rock being prez isn't a stretch in this day and age.
Tell him that I enjoyed the HILARIOUS and RAUNCHY comedy Baywatch and that the critics are out of touch.
Bait him on twitter by insulting Baywatch.
>Trumps signature move in The Bottom Line which is just a Big Splash.
Bring John Cena as a president of the USA.
What do you mean injecting insulin?
DAMN in 2020 we go #GETLITTY
Potential Trump signature moves:
>The hostile takeover
Trump picks up and slams his opponent
>The bottom line
Bellyflop from ring corner
>The money shot
Stands dazed opponent up and punches him
>The Wall
Trump stacks 2 or more opponents and elbows them from a ladder to chants of "BUILD THAT WALL"
>The Climate changer
Essentially the cross face
>The High energy
Trump crossbodies his opponent
>The Travel ban
Trump stops a running opponent and choke slams them
>2 scoops
Trump outstretches both his arms and knocks over 2 opponents on either side of him
"out of my way, nigger"
Round 1 motherfucks
They've been asking him to run for 30 years
Almost makes me want to get a wrestling game and make this.
get the 50th to telepathically explode his head
>Babby's first PED question
L U R K / f i t / M O A R F A G
I'm finished with the US if this happens. If America has been an experiment, the experiment is over. And the results show that democracy does not work.
Also hope Kasich primaries out The Donald so we can return to normalcy.
I'm not one of those unsympathetic people that laugh at manlets so I just ignore him.
It would be pretty cool to have a swole AF president for once. I don't think I could handle another nigger in office though
Not even one that has been fight sjw rhetoric before it was cool.
He's Hawaiian dumbass.
Tell him that Baywatch is garbage.
The anti-Trump liberals are the ones floating this, can't blame Trump for the opposition.
He has degraded our country to the point where career politicians who all know each other lost one election. How will we recover?
Hes Samoan
Spend 30 minutes trying to handcuff his fat cock.
ask for his birth certificate
why has his career sucked so much?
*blocks your path*
I'd ask him to sign my copy of The Tooth Fairy.
On or off cycle?
Pfft. All that flippy shit only works on jobbers.
There's some groupie dirt on him
Sup Forums can let this out
loudly proclaim "IF YA SMELL"
Smell what he's cooking? Maybe do an Elvis duet?
I usually don't care about (((Hollywood))) or any such kikery, but it's literally impossible to dislike The Rock. Idolised this swole nigga since the 90's.
Call the libnigger a son of a whore.
Revel in keks ensuing.
Did somebody post President Camacho yet?
It's actually a great thing to have people who aren't crooked piece of shit politicians running for office. We need as many outsiders as we can get.
Actors...and I use the term loosely here for pic related, are nothing but prepared and scripted .
Someone as devious as Shillary Clinton was ready for the Trump train....you think this trained seal is going to mentally out-manuever Trump on the debate stage.
Johnson will look like a fool.