can we have a thread about monarchy?
Why is it better than (((democracy)))
can we have a thread about monarchy?
Why is it better than (((democracy)))
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It's not
Look at the UK gave all their guns to the old hag. Its 2017 and we still have kings and queens? ABOLISH THEM ALL! CANADA MUST GET UNKEKED.
Check out what Moldbug has to say about it
There's a lot more he's written about the topic or stuff related to it.
gimme the jav code
it can work well mostly because the monarchs children are often raised to rule. however if you get a bad monarch its terrible kinda like fascism except hereditary. Another problem is that due to the nature of legitimacy a the aristocracy tends to inbreed thus potentially worsening both the next monarch and the whole line. infinitely better than (((communism))) or (((democracy))).
its from milenas site
If you're a filthy monarchist why don't you fuck off to England or some other monarchist shithole?
Monarchy is the worst system ever and I don't know how anyone could be retarded enough to support it.
Yeah, I'm not even gonna click this link.
>real monarchy
fuck off mountain jew
The kikes aren't the ones really in Power maybe?
sheshhh idunno
You should read the book "On Democracy" by Robert A. Dahl. It's a tough read but it basicly lays out the idea that a society based on guardianship (i.e. a person or a small group of people ruling on behalf of the people) is always at the mercy of chaos and collapse. Not necesarily always, but in the long run it is unstable.
The best of guardian societies might be able to be better than the worst democratic ones, but they the best democratic ones will aways be better than everything else.
>monarchy is better than democracy
In the strict sense of 50.0000001% of people can choose what can happens to everyone
But in the end a republic is the best form of long lasting government, especially if it has term limits and policies against family dynasties holding power for too long.
It's not.
It can be good for one person's life if you have a decent leader, but then you'll have their kid, and their kid will likely be shit. If not, their grandkids will be shit.
What does a rich man do when he gets rich?
He finds a hot golddigger and marries her.
So innovation and creativity and drive get coupled with a greedy bimbo.
Have a kid who is half greedy bimbo.
That kid inherits money, marries another greedy bimbo.
Kid is 3/4ths greedy bimbo.
And so on.
In such ways, people degenerate with inherited wealth and/or power, so you can never have a monarchy.
You haven't done much reading have ya leaf? Only thing democracy offers is vote to the dumbass masses
We do not need to have either or. Monarchy versus democracy is a false dichotomy. Britain and America did perfectly well in the 19th century and before, when only men, and men who did not claim welfare from the state, could vote. That is all we have to return to in order to restore our former greatness.
Monarchy would be great especially with genetic engineering. You could genetic engineer / eugenically select the best possible leader pool and go from there.
It failed historically because of bad apples and genetic shitters. If you eliminate such flaws nepotism and monarchy type societies flourish.
Won't happen. Democracy was the best tool invented to keep the goys in their place and stay comfortable as to not overthrow shit. West is dead, America is dead.
Conversely, you may have heard of a king called Louis XVI and a thing called the French Revolution.
Democracy does not necessarily have to equate to the universal suffrage we have in the West today. Strictly speaking universal suffrage is destroying us, not democracy.
The key to making monarchy work is that people need to understand the sacrifice of the monarch, instead of becoming envious of them, which eventually always happens.
Imagine bees, for example, yes, the queens gets all the royal jelly, but she also never gets to explore the world.
Find a more redpill ruler in the history
>pro tip: you can't
Even Hitler is bluepìll next to her
This is the type of Monarchy that lead Europe to be the world power.
can i get source? idk who Milena is
nvm found it, here for anyone else looking:
Who lead the French Revolution again?
Democracy destroyed the West, get over it. Even Peterson says the Pendulum won't swing back in like 100 years and that's even if it does.
He's laying out the case federalism with a limited central government?
It's not.
It's retarded, and only promoted by larpers.
And shills still failing to try to muddy the water.
Tell me, how does your democracy work for you today OP?
Ordinary French people who were sick to death of the oppression of an absolute monarchy. I recommend you look into such Roman emperors as Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, and Commodus, if you are so enamoured with unqualified dictatorship.
a fucking leaf
no they weren't dumbo.
And the peasents were required of the state to pay a minuscule tax compared to today.
>understand the sacrifice of the monarch
Hahaha, what sacrifice? The sacrifice of living in luxury while bleeding the peasantry?
''the oppression''
plebbitors like you always mention MUH UHPRESSHUN but never describe it. Weird huh?
Ideally, a hybrid system is best. Monarch Dei Gratia, holding semi-absolute control. Parliament controlling day to day nonsense. Only white males 25 or older can vote.
>sub 1% tax rate
>"bleeding the peasantry"
this, the people who pushed for the war were the nobility who faced heavier taxes, btw king louis paid taxes even though he was exempt from doing so.
by war i mean the french revolution
>you will never be Anri's servant
what part of democracy do you want?
the system in the uk is bringing in just as many foreigners as are european republics. Canada the same.
parliament controlling day to day nonsense? you seem to refer to things of lower importance. There were actually very few laws under monarchies, no need to have a court to address lower things. Look up the salic law. It was the basis of Frankish law throughout the early medieval period. It's quite short.
Please share the source of this
>pax romana
The Green Gallant.
The ladies couldn't resist.
>places all the responsibility directly on the ruling monarch, making it impossible for shadow operators to create infinite scapegoats and thus having real accountability
>takes the power out of the hands of the ignorant masses, if you would not trust these plebs in your home why would you trust them effectively ruling the nation
>less bureaucracy
With a benevolent monarch you get your freedoms and everything else. With a twisted monarch you at least know who to decapitate.
I think a a monarchy can work if the Monarch has very limited powers.
A lower house that elected by democratic means. As a pressure valve to let people express discontent.
A senate of senators for life. Members include important members of the society and some popularly elected senators (perhaps X number appointed per year, who appointed based on number of seats in lower house)
then the Monarch who sits on the throne. The Monarch role is to be the head of state, the person of unity of the nation, and appoints the judges. The Monarch powers are to sign bills, reject bills, or assent to bills without signing, to appoint or dismiss the prime minister, grant pardons, refer bills to judges for constitutional questions, issue and withdraw passports and to call for early elections.
Perhaps also have the Foreign minister directly work monarch.
TL:DR - I could see a constitutional monarchy with a lot of reserve powers as a very workable system.
>A lower house that elected by democratic means. As a pressure valve to let people express discontent.
In France the people were represented by the Estates General (nobility, clergy, and the third estate). Nobility is those who make war; the clergy those who officiate religious services and the third estate is the rest meaning everybody. The third estate representatives were deputised by their parish everywhere in France to present to the Estates General the complaints of the population.
Much harder to subvert IF you have a based monarch, and that's a big if.
its only better when you have a righteous person as king.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
Northern France didn't even have bread, you fucking buffoon
>that's a big if
Not really. Throughout history most monarchs were pretty based because their rule effectively relied on them being... well, effective rulers.
Their fates were directly tied to the fates of their nations. This is not the case for modern politicians, who are in the rather nasty habit of picking up lobbying jobs for other nations the moment their term is up.
m-moar pls master
all the plebs in this thread
> not seeing that human culture has been evolving
> not realizing that the giest is manifesting itself in stages trying to realize itself
>mfw french fries don't realize democracy fails and a constitutional monarchy is the best way to go
>fuck that guillotine
> everyone attains a state of individual but yet collective enlightenment of freedom in a constitutional monarchy that acknowledges everyone as manifesting the giest
>everyone knows G-d. Degeneracy is eliminated
delete that pic from your pc right now.
She was based as fuck.
also that actress is CUTE
The estate system didn't work well. I am refeering to a much more british system, but with the ruler and senate/lords with a fair bit of power to counterweight the democratic excesses.
End your own life, retard. Even the US founding fathers thought monarchy was superior to pure democratic shit.
It is.
OP read the republic.
It's inevitable that democracy becomes the tyranny of the many, before an outright tyranny.
Das it mane
what the fuck kind of comment is that. Like: dude ASTEROIDS ARE REAL. What the fuck does that have to do with the topic?
They had bread in northern france otherwise provide sources to the contrary. In any case different foods came at different times. There were no potatoes in england until the 1800s, so what? They hadn't brought them from America yet. Does it mean they were without food you unbelievable fag?
moncarchy = royalty getting enticed by jewish gifts and gold
same poster here. I actually remember seeing something about there not being bread in paris until a certain age like in the 1200s or something. I'm looking it up right now, my bad but it doesn't change the point: they just didn't make bread but they had other foods. I'll try to find the documentary i remember seeing that in on youtube.
Good user, but dont forget Porn fucks you up. Dont fall for the jewish tricks.
Monarchy only works in fiction.
Found the docu. According to this during the 1200s the bakeries could nbw cook their breads at home in Paris: so they had bread even before then.
Docu is in french
you haven't done much reading
Usually superior to shitty direct democracy, but inferior to a Republic of truly informed and intelligent men, the type Aristotle describes in Politics, and which we used to have in this country, when only white property owning men could vote.
>inferior to a Republic
you like welcoming strangers user? EVERY republic falls.
What you just said was xenophobic.
It's only better when you either have an enlightened despot or a king surrounded by a very good supporting staff
Both are very rare
No. I don't. This country used to do immigration right, keeping shitskins out, when it was a true Republic with only white men voting.
Every government eventually falls, so saying every republic falls is retarded.
Came here for sus, thanks user.
nope, nationalist
No, im a nationalist but fully support letting refugees in
not every government falls. Monarchies didn't fall they were overthrown by revolutionary coups replacing them with republics which fall.
Ancient rome welcomed strangers. There is no such thing as a "true republic" in which only white men vote. This occurs during the start of republic where the people just switched from monarchies.
if you support letting them in in order to give them citizenship you're not a nationalist.
Why asians?
I support open borders. And according to the SPLC I am an Ultra-nationalist since I believe the government should benefit the people of a country top priority.
Britain has done very well for itself, compared to most other Nations, for a very long time. As has the US. The system you use is less important than the advantages of geography.
A self serving oligarchy exploiting a sham democracy might not be the best system but it's better than anything else we've seen so far. It just needs a good cleansing every now and then when the fat cats are pushing it too far for it to work well.
You support citizenships for foreigners you're no nationalist. Just be honest with yourself, and your position. Nationalism is ethnic to start off, as opposed to civic.
No, what you are for is not nationalism is NAZISM
>With a benevolent monarch you get your freedoms and everything else. With a twisted monarch you at least know who to decapitate.
For fuck's sake, this. All the Euros in this thread, please ignore the my lolbertarian countrymen on this matter. They've been brainwashed by corporate masters on plenty, but their hearts are in the right place, at least.
(((Democracy))) is invariably subverted and turned into a moving corpse like the West now, but the illusion of a choice is maintained to keep the nation complacent. It's the ultimate way to legitimize a constant state of shit--just tell the masses "at least you can vote for which turd you want!".
>le current year + 2
>still believing democracy isn't a massive scam/failure
Where the fuck do you think you are? Yes, I'm a National Socialist.
your quite silly you know that? Naziism is an ideology that comes from the SS. Nationalism has been around since the dawn of man. Who do you think the tribes used to fight against? Other tribes of different ethnicities. FFS user you can't possibly be this ignorant.
Hail Republican Brother! Constitution and the Free Man forever.
They meant literal 'everyone votes and decides the laws by popularity' democracy. Were a Republic. Republicanism is the best form of government.
don't worry user, I thought it was funny
This is a civic nationalist board
You're ignorant. I support nationalism like all races and cultures and religions should work together to be better Canadians. Not this racist shit.
>pic related
you're a bad troll.
The old Parliament was garbage-tier, though.
The estates could work if it were just common people and the nobility involved, to avoid the old practice of sending younger noble sons to become monks. It would create a more balanced power structure (what you want, I assume, from parliamentarianism) while still maintaining the hierarchy and order necessary for state order.
I would also support a nonbinding constitution--that is, broad guidelines/principles of the state, but not able to be abused like the leftists are doing now to cockblock everything they don't like. I would mostly want to include the right to petition, as well as a limited right to speech (not allowing threats to the nation).
>Were a Republic. Republicanism is the best form of government.
Disgusting. I hope you'll come around soon; the white race can't afford much of this.
And lol at the fact that you think we're more "free" now than the average man in an old monarchy.
in the interest of keeping on topic of this thread im stopping this discussion. But just know you can't appropriate terms with a whim, what you describe is anti-nationalism as nationalism is the interest of the multitude of people who share a same ethnicity.
You're disgusting
What you're describing is racism
>Why is it better than (((democracy)))
- Its more cost efficient. It costs less to run a monarchy than pay all the officials in a democracy.
- Some populations are just too dumb to handle a democracy. Many Latin American countries just devolved into socialist shit-holes because of democracy. Rome burned because of socialist Democracy. When the people vote themselves free money, their society collapses.
- Democracies can lead to corruption quickly. Monarchies cannot be corrupted as easily since the officials are assigned from birth, they don't have to win elections.
- A monarchy is a symbol of nationalist pride. The Japanese still have a monarchy, they don't want to invite in hordes of Muslims and foreigners, people who don't like the monarchy.
>Disgusting. I hope you'll come around soon; the white race can't afford much of this.
>And lol at the fact that you think we're more "free" now than the average man in an old monarchy.
Youre literally not a Patriot. You can call yourself whatever you want, but a Patriotic American is not something that you are. Our Founders ordained a system of government to prevent the implementation of far away tyrannies, and while its not perfect and could use some tweaking, Monarchy is literally 100% contrary to this country, its origins, and highest aspirations. If youre willing to sacrifice your liberty just because you dont like darkeys 100% leave my country you fucking traitorous piece of shit.
What you said was racist and monarchies are dumb, anyone who supports them are dumb since they are normally capitalist.
Not sure if youre trolling or just genuinely new, but please stop.
>American is not something that you
hes not srs dont waste your time. Watch my discussion with him.