Americans, explain what is happening in states with more than 15 deaths per 100,000, especially West Virginia and New Hampshire.
Americans, explain what is happening in states with more than 15 deaths per 100,000...
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Have you ever tried it? Best experience a human can have
depressing states. Flat corn fields and nothing to do, makes you wanna do drugs. dont know about new york though
In St. Louis a ton of kids are on heroin for some reason
Left wingers and trailer trash in boring states do drugs and die. End of story.
I blame Kelso, Longview, and pretty much all of Kings County for Washington's opiate problems.
Oh and Battleground, can't forget the hicks
West Virginia is a fucking shithole, nothing but drugs to do there. No idea whats going on in NH though, thats supposed to be a high income state.
Lack of diversity.
rednecks offing them self with heroin, meth and pain killers
Heroin is destroying random suburbs throughout the country, there's no pattern to it. I lived in some dinky central jersey suburb, vast majority white, and I personally know about 10 people who have died from it. Opiates are like a plague, they suck the life out of any place they reach.
>tfw I go to maryland with gf who is from there
>shes talking to her one of her best friends
>oh so and so still do heroin (10 years later)
How can someone be addicted to heroin for 10 years and not die or crash or seek help? And they all afflict whites, then again there are more whits there, still though, we have way more people here and not nearly as many smack heads.
So yea, it really is as bad as they say
Aren't drug overdose deaths a good thing? They are cleaning out the trash for us.
>there's no pattern to it
>vast majority white
pick one
Texas is low because of Michael Jackson's death. The Dr who od'ed him owned a bunch of the pill mills in Houston. When he died they figured out the doctors hustle and Shut down the pill mills.
I've noticed heroin use is rampant in de-industrialized zones all over the world. Probably a consequence of losing your job
There's no pattern, geographic or otherwise, to what towns it hits. there's plenty of majority white places that have no problem with opiates
Its suicide by overdose. The other states are more prone to gun suicide or hanging.
As pointed out, white people don't blow their brains out on the couch. They are more prone to overdose by prescription meds.
A lot of that was rust belt/coal mining country. Shit hit the fan, people were struggling, then turned to drugs to cope.
Doctors were prescribing pain killers like candy... people got addicted, then turned to heroin for a cheaper alternative. Then they started mixing fenatol or someshit like that, which gives a better high but... is extremely easy to OD on.
I can't speak for the other areas.
new hampshire has a huge fentanyl/heroin issue right now apparently.
also meth.
The same thing you did to China is happening here
West Virginia is a mountain state
Look again genius. The states with higher numbers are red states.
> red states
5 lowest numbers are NE, SD, ND, TX, IA
Fentanyl is 50 times more potent than natural heroin. Carfentanyl is 100 times more prent than natural heroin. Both are spreading like wildfire from mexico and china.
is full drug legalization a red pill?
weaklings die off, population decreases, resources increase
coal mines, drug overdoses
Fentanyl and related superpotent opioids being used to cut heroin.
The wind makes you want to kill yourself and there is nothing everywhere.
Okay it goes like this.
Live in shitty area working a couple shitty jobs for shit pay. Need to stay up for jobs so you do meth. Get injured on the job. Doctor gives you painkillers so you can get back to work. Get addicted to painkillers because your doctor will give you unlimited refills. OD, or OD when your shit jobs close down.
As cor suburbs, it's mainly bored teens looking to vet fucked up on their parents meds. Can't drink alcohol, but 100 pills of norco are in the pantry.
checked and yes
the two flattest and corn-growingest states are NE and KS you stupid faggot
Think about it, out of a criwd of 6,500 people, you don't think at least 1 person here deserves to die?
If not then enjoy your sheltered privilege while it lasts.
>New Hampshire
>Rhode Island
>West Virginia
How bored are these people?
It's payback from the yellow menace
Shooting heroin is better than sex and anything else in life. Why do anything other than dope then?
think he means red on OP's map, friendo
Fentanyl and heroin
Extremely. Shit jobs, shit weather, nothing to do.
But at least you have guns.
It all has to do with fent and carfent.
Either it is sold as it is or it is sold as "heroin," but people take too much and die. Pic fucking related, it's the lethal dose of heroin and fentanyl. You can see how someone can easily take too much.
Carfentanyl is a 1000 times more potent than heroin, not a mere 100. That's why they use tiny hits to down elephants.
>Deep South rates lower than Northeast rates
>National ranking with Missisipi NOT in dead last
The Wild Wonderful Whites of West Virginia
>New England is full of Rednecks
>states highlighted as suicide by firearm are 4 of the whitest in the union
Can you stupid europoors stop talking about America? You clearly know fuck all about it.
It's the shitty jobs and lack of a women's touch which they once had(Divorce Rape).
Midwestern women love to flock to the pacific, texas or North Carolina.
source- midwestern man
They are the most indoctrinated because of how good, safe, and stable they had it.
And the jobs are not there in abundance for the graduate degree women in the midwest except chicago, metro detroit, metro minn, and metro ohio cities.
It does allow the midwest to turn red though so It's not all bad.
(((They))) pushe addictive opioids on people and made them easy to acquire.
Just wait until W-18 become available.
Hurray for are top of the line pharmaceutical industry, but better not smoke pot.
Yes it would do those things.
But I cant imagine a society in which flagrant and widespread disrespect for the law is rewarded with legalization.
I concede that there's little argument to be made against legalization per se but when I see Snoop Dogg talking about how great it is to smoke weed and disrespect police I just want him to eat shit
nevermind it's Carfentanil that I was thinking of not W-18
The ODs are people who quit, but can't stay away and do it, then die because they couldn't handle their old dose.
maryland is really that bad. its not even like that across the border in other states
Ever been the bad parts of WV?
then you would understand.
I went to college in WV. I can tell you that the state is WICKED POOR. I have friends in Ohio. That state is WICKED POOR. There are no jobs. Poor = drugs = death
It's probably the seacoast and Manchester. Buncha Massachusetts transplants that bring their shit culture, manners, and habits with them. That and rural areas that get a lotta tourist traffic, which drains the spirit of any people. (White Mts)
I actually have driven through the bad parts once on a road trip.
I'm not even entirely sure it was the bad part, but it horrified me well enough.
Poor sods. Bless their fucking souls.
>my NM not scoring higher in degenerate behavior
do you not understand how democracy works?
if 60% wanted to fuck a goat it'd be legal.
Once a threshold is reached it's no longer hidden, and then bandwagon effects take place and then commonplace effects take place.
There is a reason prohibition did not work. and was eventually repealed.
for example duis
Map would not fly in the US. due to lack of public trans and most of the public having a beer or two and driving.
>I'm poor so I'm going to spend money I don't have on drugs to ruin my life
makes sense to me
West Virginia here.
This use to be a place where we sept with our doors open at night and left the car windows down when we went in a store, but not anymore.
Now I have heroin addicts trying to steal shit right out from under me. There are people walking between every house in the neighborhood in broad daylight looking for shit to steal. I had someone steal a $300-400 air conditioner from my property, I found out they traded it for a single $30 shot of heroin.
The cops wont, or should I say cant, do anything about it, theres simply too many addicts to even begin trying to clean it up. I had a cop sit there and tell me that the only way anything could get done to stop this would be to close the boarders to prevent the shit from flowing in.
>West Virginia
moonshine / meth + appalachians
>New Hampshire
edgy trendy white kids
t. appalachian child
>How bored are these people?
Unless you are a software engineer, there ain't much in W WA.
Maryland wouldn't be nearly as high without the niggers chimping out after Freddie grey and looting every single drug store in Baltimore. City is full of addicts and people pushing whatever supply they have left into neighboring counties
The literal only solution to this is to setup legal pharmaceutical opiate dispensery's like they have in cali but with all the best pharm opis. i hope to see this in my lifetime