Brit/pol/ - Tpoйкa Edition

>Apologists for terror: Daily Mail Comment

>UKIP activist and dad Sam Gould loses battle with cancer

>Third London attacker named as """Italian""" man Youssef Zaghba

>More than 200 based Muslim leaders refuse to bury the terrorists Islamically:

>London terrorist Khuram Butt appeared on Channel 4 documentary on Jihadis in London:

>British men Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists:

>Actor Peter Sallis passes away peacefully at 96 surrounded by his family:

>Police arrest 12 muslim fucking cunts in morning raids:

>London attack: Theresa May says "enough is enough" after seven die

>Graphic footage from London terrorist attack

>One of the London attackers was reported to the authorities several times - nothing done

>"Man told not to be Islamophobic by man literally being forced to cower for his life during an Islamist terror attack."

Other urls found in this thread:

Post rare Mays.

I love Millwall.




She's a... wheat girl? I'm not sure what to say...

Word God is Bad Math


Earth has 4 days simultaneously each rotation. You erroneously measure time from 1 corner. Earth body 4 corner time equals 4 leg mobility. Your ignorance of Harmonic Cube is demonic.
Dr Gene Ray is the
Greatest Philosopher,
and is the Greatest
Here is a cube manufactured from metal, in similar likeness to Time Cube
Cubic Harmonics
Only Cubic Harmonics can save
humanity. Cubic Harmonics
will pacify all religions.

96-hour Cubic Day
debunks 1-day unnatural god.

Vote Labour lads

Daily Mail absolutely fucking SHOOK at the shy Corbynista effect.

Mass executions of ISIS fighters on video when?

>she will be Home Secretary in 3 days

>Dawn of the Final Day
>24 Hours remain

Oh my god what the FUCK

>So-Called Islamic State
Let me guess. BBC?

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We've trued Corbynism. Other countries have tried Corbynism. It always ended in failure.

So we're voting UKIP right?

This is real. She really looks like this.

Golly gee, this sure doesn't seem like it has any ulterior motives! Not like it'll go hand-in-hand with her proposed intense internet regulation or anything huh.

Fucking totalitarian bitch.

What would you do if you were a farmer and discovered Theresa running through your wheat field?

>tfw 5 more years of strong leadership from Mummy May

may was a right cutie when she was younger. i wish she had a daughter or granddaughter

the way she talks is like when kids that couldn't read well had to read out loud in primary school

Where's the guy who smoked a pack of Chesterfields? You don't see many of them around these days. Also, Woodbines.

As of tonight I've taken the opinion we should hang coal burners.

Is there any hope for white women?


just popped out for a wee rollie
looked up to the near full moon and saw TipTopTims face. pure truth.
gotta be a high sign
he's the only man who can stand up to the Bigly Don
powdered milk power
get Tim in
if he ain't in 10 Downing St come weekend imma neck meself

>who /Schubert/ here?

Are you ready?!


Also, she's not worth it brah.


He's popped down his allotment after knocking his missus about for a while.

>Penny Pepper
>That face

The one time the situation is like harry potter and they don't point it out

1970s Britain. Current Venezuela, so lauded by Corbyn. Cuba.

Master taste

there's MILLIONS of disabled people in britain

this is untenable regardless of what you think of ovens

Venezuela is a case study for why Socialism is a terrible terrible idea.

Don't do it lads.

Corbyn has easy sounding solutions to problems but the actual problems are much more complex. Left wing populism won't work.

>mfw could have Marxists in government in several days

old man cannot change.
they've been through the system and thrown their lives away and have been worn down by their kids, wife and job. Look at their faces.

they look back at their lives with disgust that they didn't have enough balls to do anything different and now they hate.

they hate everything. They don't enjoy tory politics, they just hate anybody with an alternative.

they're pretty sad blokes to be honest.

and we're all going to turn into that.

labour will win but Abbott is out

>May will scrap human right's laws that interfere with fight against terror

Reddit are really working themselves up over this, all the leftist papers running with it are only going to give her more support from the people that see it.


here, lad. I was smoking B&H gold but they're about 11 quid so I don't mind dropping down to a budget ciggy for time being. I just ran out though and the ship's closed. When I drink I REALLY like smoking so I want to punch a wall atm, I would blow for a ciggy atm.

have some Schubert

What's the point then. You just can't trust women who claim they will never coal burn.

How the fuck are the millions of disabled people in Britain or is being a Guardian reading lefty classed as being disabled now?

Thanks, Doc.

Yes. Anyone that suggests otherwise here is a shill and they need a good seeing to.

Who cares about (((human rights)))?

>>UKIP activist and dad Sam Gould loses battle with cancer
fucking hell, he was 33


english not british

There are apparently 13.4 million disabled people in Britain.

Yes 13 not 1.3

>Douglas Murray literally saying that the solution to our problems is "less Islam".


The overton window is shifting so fast I can barely hold on.

> he gotta big head

Mental illness is also classed as a disability, and something like 1 in 4 people supposedly have mental health issues, so that's like 15 million disabled people.

>Piano trio 2 in Eb

HAHA welcome to our acid fueled collapse.

Indeed! more Schubert here Human (universal) rights don't exist!!!

Kek, lad, when we talk about curry-fever were not talking about the food

You Americans are big sillys

Reminder the "working class" are cancerous cunts who live for their pub communities and want society to pay for their obsolete jobs to prop up those communities. They're completely inflexible and won't switch jobs but just sit on the dole and moan about Thatcher if they're laid off.

Contrast that with young entrepeneurs who'll sleep in parks while they try and make their startups profitable and will switch to any industry they need to to be productive.

Stop swallowing the horseshite that they're noble and hardworking.

Age + wisdom = a veritable tour de force.


I just bet there's some mug Green/Labour voters who love that a 'racist' has died.

Not all mental illness are disabilities, you are not disabled if you are depressed or have anxiety.


HNNNNNNNG i want to get in


Do the times or daily telegraph do it too?

Bumping this because it's pretty fucking important.

Don't read those ones they charge.

working class =/= dolies

So we're getting Tory scum back in obviously, but will the number of seats change much?


Lad that's very unfair and untrue.

If people make a living independently then they have my utmost respect.

daily reminder Owen Jones is a 9 year old cunthatingflidfag

EU human rights laws have caused untold deaths in Britain due to us not being able to deport islamist preachers. They protect no one.

I love this

Enjoy anons x


>ywn be sandwiched between angela raynor and jess phillips

Why even live?

This is me favourite Schubert.

If you can claim bennies from it, it's probably counted in disability statistics


>tory scum
Theresa May is the only strong leader left in British politics.

I agree with you, but that's not the way these people see it unfortunately. My uni's disabled network is rendered pointless as it's 90% people who just have anxiety, which is a massive proportion of university students. So actual disableds are driven out by normies.

Why does the media hate Corbs so much?



No for someone to be classed as disabled it has to affect them in a certain way and last a certain amount of time at least, depression won't cut it.


Kek. Good one, lad.

Autist liberation when?

I like it too, this is the best song of the cycle though imo


If depression or anxiety is long term, then it is classed as a disability:


Yeah there is no way in hell she's being kept on, you can tell by her blasé attitude during interviews

Pretty sad that the media and LAB shills tried to make out this is a bad thing

What would they prefer? That she said

>Well when I was 13 I did get knocked up by my teacher's dad. We used to play a game where we went out, found the first homeless person we could, kicked the fuck out of them then went home to have crazy angry anal
>I also rape dolphins and stab goats


>A mental health condition is considered a disability if it has a long-term effect on your normal day-to-day activity. This is defined under the Equality Act 2010.
>Your condition is ‘long term’ if it lasts, or is likely to last, 12 months.

>‘Normal day-to-day activity’ is defined as something you do regularly in a normal day. This includes things like using a computer, working set times or interacting with people.


Depression will cut it. I recently had to go on an employment law course.

You're disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.