It's that simple.
When will you conservatives accept the fact that women are better than you in a lot of ways?
It's that simple.
When will you conservatives accept the fact that women are better than you in a lot of ways?
Other urls found in this thread:
>forbes com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/06/21/why-women-are-smarter-than-men/#1a45fbf817e6
I see cancer all over this post.
When will liberals accept that men are smarter than women and as such build civilisations and inventions that women rely upon
norbro for sec of state
Women in general are smarter than men, but this doesn't mean a individual who is a female is smarter than a male individual. Men have a more varied IQ while women have closer cluster of IQ (as shown in the Graph), hence you get more male who are physicist, mathematicians etc.... and all the great scholars are men with a very few notable exceptions.
So in general, the pioneers of scholar fields are men, these range from ideas to technology.
the average is about the same
so the smarter comment is invalid
the difference is never greater than 2 IQ points
mostly in favor of men but 2 points can be within the margin of error.
The average is not very important though.
All that matter is how many people are in the extreme ends.
The below 80 IQ end is where most the criminals are.
The above 130 IQ is where most the accomplished people are.
And in the extreme ends it's mostly men.
>Most Women are Smarter than Most Men
That must explain why women invented so many things like um....
"In July 2012, several media outlets reported Flynn as claiming that women had, for the first time in a century, surpassed men on IQ tests based on a study he conducted in 2010.[22][23] However, Flynn announced that the media had seriously distorted his results and went beyond his claims, revealing that he had instead discovered that the differences between men and women on one particular test, the Raven's Progressive Matrices, had become minimal in five modernised nations (whereas before 1982 women had scored significantly lower)." -- ((Wikipedia))
Leafposting at its most despicable
>When will you conservatives accept the fact that women are better than you in a lot of ways?
In the kitchen, at cleaning and at giving birth. Already accepted. Next.
Yet 90 percent of Nobel prizes still go to men despite gender preferences in university
>all the great scholars are men with a very few notable exceptions.
>women invented so many things like um....
Women have been held back, prevented from receiving proper education and shut out of intellectual and scientific fields throughout all of history.
Women have a lower mean IQ than men. Girls are more intelligent than boys from maybe 5th-9th grade because they hit puberty earlier.
The weak should fear the strong.
Not for the last 40 years. Stop blaming the system for the fact that women are still underrepresented in the top echelons of academia and business. In fact, the "system" now privileges women at the expense of men at higher education. If you really want to prove us wrong , stop being a good wage goy like most of your empowered sisters and start a business employing your fellow men and women. Wealth is power. Feminists don't understand that, because (((feminism))) was only about taking positions away from men and not creating positions and jobs for women.
>better than you in a lot of ways
yeah i dont suck cock personally
Most women can't cook and are shit at housekeeping. Giving birth is still their thing though apparently womb transplants for trannies are in development so even that might no longer be a female only thing.
>Decades of research show unequivocally that men and women are equal in general intelligence (IQ), but that isn't the case when it comes to emotional intelligence (EQ).
they're not equal in IQ: IQ tests are designed so that women can appear equal
typical arguments i hear all the time, this is not the 19th century anymore. Women haven't been held back for the past 50-100 years. Women out number men in universities in the past decade. Yet most are not doing STEM.... In personal matter, I'm doing a STEM course and scientific community don't care about genders. IF you have talent you will be recognised.
Y am i trying to prove my point?... it is you who have to prove that women are smarter than men and you are yet to give me credible evidence.
oh wqait, faggots are much better at it than women obviously
eesh what are women good at
Weighs the different categories (which men and women do not score the same on) to give men and women the same overall mean score. It's specifically designed to give men and women the same mean. Not an argument.
Is just agreeableness.
Men still have more muscle mass than women.
So please, go and intelligently clean the kitchen and make my sandwich.
bait threadsage
>starting out with E=mc^2
You should really derive it instead.
its not about intelligence. its the female psychology - the Anima possession - that makes them inferior and unable to take reason and logic and apply it.
No No No No And No.
This shitty myth. Those tests were done on 11-13 year olds. And female brain reach its peak development at 11 and male at 15-16. So they were testing undeveloped retardz vs MAX Developed gurls. Truth is men are just way more inteligent. real bell curves are identical shape while males are just smarter on avrage .
Yeah, especially niggresses. Fuck outta here.
See:Men and women get the same mean, and that fact tells you absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Men also have a higher variance, the X-chromosome is G-loaded.
>Women in general are smarter than men
Nope dum dum
>When standardized IQ tests were first developed in the early 20th century, girls typically scored higher than boys until age 14, at which time the curve for girls dropped below that for boys.[17][20] As testing methodology was revised, efforts were made to equalize gender performance.
>In the nineteenth century, whether men and women had equal intelligence was seen by many as a prerequisite for the granting of suffrage.
>During the early twentieth century, the scientific consensus shifted to the view that gender plays no role in intelligence.
>people think that women aren't discriminated against anymore
Face it guys, old white conservative men control all the major institutions in society. You all love to pretend to be the victims, but it's just not the case. YOU ARE THE MAINSTREAM MAJORITY.
Woah. So she can read a physics textbook. So smart wow!
>he had instead discovered that the differences between men and women on one particular test, the Raven's Progressive Matrices, had become minimal in five modernised nations (whereas before 1982 women had scored significantly lower)
Didn't IQ tests get reworked so that women evened out with men?
we aint smarter stop lyin
Education favors girls over boys.
We should be thanking women then for the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Just think of the advancements they made and all of the modern conveniences that we utilize every day!
>If they are so smart, why don't they create something other than turmoil?
checked and keked
fixed it for you
You'd be surprised to know that men are superior to women at everything (except giving birth ofc). Men are even better at raising children.
lol he's only talking about eq. also he flat out lies with this quote:
>Decades of research show unequivocally that men and women are equal in general intelligence (IQ)
for the most part, men have higher iqs and a greater number of geniuses, as well as idiots.
no such thing as emotional intelligence. intelligence includes reading people. women can't read people or emotions. they're just emotional children. this is more bogus science like 278 genders
Women were given all the possible rights in the Soviet Union from the very beginning. They were forced into universities, they were given quotas in academia and various industries, they didn't even have to go to wars or serve mandatory two-year conscription like men. Working was mandatory for all men and women. Refusing to work was a crime, and it was really hard to prove that you just have to be a housewife, and not a professor of some sorts. And all that resulted in... no notably outstanding women at all. Sure there were some great ones who achieved a lot, but no big names like Korolyov, Mikoyan, Kurchatov, Sakharov. All men.
brain mass difference sides with men
science standardized test scores sides with men
women are so easily manipulated all you need is a old lady saying its what needs to be done and they all agree despite being against it seconds previous
among men only nigs do that shit
Jesus christ, how can anyone be so naive? Girls outnumber men in every university (except STEM) and yet they don't accomplish shit. The most intelectual of them end up making extensive papers about "Indian women on german literature" or "Frida Kahlo and history".
They get good grades, sure. But their inventive/deepness (whatever it is) is empty: they are as profound as a rock. They end up buying shoes and talking shit from other girls, but with a degree on fenician literature in the pocket. Wake up.
>women don't invent anythi-
Perhaps the biggest flop of the decade.
Women are given billions of dollars annually in private and federal subsidies with the goal of bolstering their ranks in STEM related fields of study. Research grants are held specifically for the purposes of being proportioned out exclusively to women. International medical locums as well as MD and DO residencies are held exclusively for female med school graduates. PhD candidacy slots are notorious for favoring female applicants over male ones, ESPECIALLY if they are related to hard science, mathematics and engineering.
Yet still, the male to female ratio of general practitioners (a specialization known for having an inflated number of women) is still about 2:1 in most states, and nearly 4:1 in several states, men’s favor.
More 'rigorous' fields of medical specialization currently hold ratios of men to women as high as 7:1, men's favor. This is, of course, even WITH federal subsidies and modern endemic professional bias encouraging the mass scale hiring and training of females over their male peers.
read this you faggotsi should have gotten 20 (You)'s by now
Yes, women develop faster (and less). No, the mean scores aren't different because it's designed specifically to give men and women the same overall mean score. No, this doesn't mean shit since it's by design, and women perform horrendously on everything non-verbal(read:thinking).
women are only good at bleeding money out of people.
Interesting data, thanks.
Were women/men conservative in the ussr? Conservative about women roles and lgbt rights I mean
The only thing a women can do better than me is give birth.
If they are so intelligent, why are they getting held back?
>Women can't successfully run a corpor...
>using the Soviet Union as an example
Because conservative men like you can't accept that women are better than you
Most of the population, both male and female have been shut out of education for the majority of history you stupid fucking leaf.
Only approximately 11% of professional engineers are female (even though roughly a fifth of engineering graduates are female), yet the field of engineering is currently experiencing a ‘diaspora’ of women leaving the profession exceptionally young—usually in their early thirties. It is also worth noting that women are disproportionally represented in PhD/Masters programs for engineering:
“Continuing a trend of the past several years, women represented a larger percentage of Master’s and Doctoral students in 2015 than the year before. They also earned a larger share of graduate than of Bachelor’s degrees. Females were awarded 19.9 percent of all Bachelor’s degrees awarded by an engineering program in 2015 and made up 21.4 percent of undergraduates enrolled in engineering. They received 25.2 percent of Master’s degrees and 23.1 percent of doctoral degrees in 2015. Women represented 24.1 percent of students studying for a Master’s degree in 2015 and 26.2 percent of those pursuing a doctorate.”
Fun fact: On WIAS-R IV tests, males reliably score approx. 2 FSIQ points higher than females, and score about 6 points higher than females on the subcomponent PIQ (Performance) and slightly higher on WM (Working Memory) as well. Men do, however, score slightly lower on the Verbal component of the test in comparison to women.