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Aw, I thought it was Tuesday. Anyway it's gonna be literally nothing.


Comey testifying on May 3rd.
Last time him and Trump talked was Jan 27th during their dinner.

I'm sorry guys but I saw the entire testimony and I don't think anything is inside it. I am truely sorry but I must sleep now. It's nothing guys. I am truely sorry good night I am tired and am going to sleep now good night. I am truely sorry, it is nothing, I am sleep.

Hello I would like an extra large nothing burger with a side of nothing please. Extra nothing please.

Thank you my friend.

>Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice in Flynn probe, source says
archive.is/N29pJ (Archive of ABC News report)

>i(t) will be all over
damn dude if ur gonna shitpost at least put some effort into the title and get it right

So, I've seen similar threads pop up in the past 24 hours. My question is this: Do people really believe Trump will be impeached?

This has to be bait. No educated, sane person could come to that conclusion. If Comey had anything of value, he would have already brought forth such evidence. He was asked TWICE (off the top of my head) and both times said there was nothing to suggest treason or collusion of any kind.

I pray you aren't actually that dumb.

You will be very shocked and then very outraged and then pissed at comey again..
But hey dems, flipping three times on one guy is a record i think,i wonder how mr current year will do that lol
I will piss myself laughing when you realize you all bought into propaganda,smear and delusions from the radical side of the dems("progressives") that is overtaking the democrats, you can screencap this.