Ask a Muslim convert anything
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how is your goat?
Funny Hans
How's your wife and her boyfriend?
I was a practicing Catholic before I converted, and believe me I was angry at Muslims too. I got curious, and read the Quran, and from that moment everything seemed clear to me.
What's the best/worst thing about being a convert?
how is your goat?
How have you come to this horrible fate? What propaganda, what influences have you encountered that made you addicted to lying on the internet?
>needing to follow a religion at all
>following an inbred sandnigger religion that crushes cultures and scientific progress alike
shiggy diggy kill yourself
Are you a girl?
Nothing's really bad, and as for the best things I feel a lot more free.
Is your wifes son impressed with your decision?
Remember you can't quit Islam..
Is there anything more pathetic than a white convert to Islam? At least most Muslims have the excuse of being born into it, but can you imagine the mindset of someone who looked at all the religions of the world and decided to pick Islam to follow?
you of all people should know why
Would you prefer a firing squad or rope?
God hates you and will not welcome you into his kingdom at the Judgement Day. You have believed the words of the Antichrist
>Token edgey athiest comment
Have you given anyone the taste of your shoe yet?
>I feel a lot more free
In what ways?
How long have you been in the faith?
How long did it take you studying it before taking the plunge?
What determines a true religion from a false one?
Is this reddit? Am I in the right place?
nigger i don't want "people" who literally believe the fucking earth is flat and pray to a fucking meteorite in a box to run the western world
why don't you just praise kek and keep winning? i mean a shit post is the worst that could happen.
How many wives do you have?
have fun with your new dark ages you fucking mongoloid
How did you receive your brain injury?
Have you ever heard about Quranism?
Which sect do you belong to?
Which side of the Syrian Civil War do you support?
>Yell shit in arabic
Thats nice
>Being a lamb who wont listen to other opinions yet live around druz/Christian arabs
>Steal patrol from the army
>Be a dindu from non country
>Throw rocks at helicopters then wonder why your house is being leveled
>Get shot on sight
>Shot your stolen m16 in a wedding because you are a fucking muzzie
>Being a useless piece of shit who smells bad and just drink eagle can beer all day
>Build a house cause no taxes to the poor counquered arab while driving a ford mustang
>Brag about having a cousin in Saudi Arabia that doesn't know you
>Never visit other countries
>Dream about having your own faling restaurant/garage
Rejoice dear Sup Forumsacks, even if mudlimes do not lose their cultural war for the West, they'll lose big time.
Hear me out, even if the disgusting culture of islam does not fail in taking the West, they'll just get fucked by their own dick in the result of their own inbreeding and stone age view on shit.
So for you mudslimes (if you identify with islam, not necessarily if you were born into it), good luck keeping yourself from killing each other en mass like the apes you are (like you always did all thru out your history), and all you eurotrash sons of muslim migrants who think islam is so good cuz is part of your cultural background but at the same time you got used to drink and fuck slutty girls and enjoy music and a relative degree of freedom, if the ideology of your pedophile warlord piece of shit prophet that you love so much takes hold you can kiss all that shit goodbye cuz sharia police will be on your case like a fly on a turd.
And if you think islam will mean peace if all the ppl are mudslimes, just look at the history of every piece of shit muslim country after they become muslim (and specially look at Saudi Arabia), and look at how racist among yourselves you are.
Either way, you're fucked like goats in a mudslime country, enjoy your jihad while the only true god Kek decides if you win or if Western values win, cuz either way you are irremediably fucked. Shadilay.
And if Western values do not win, when you see yourself living in the the piece of shit living conditions of a islamic country and you think that perhaps that is a bad idea, remember this:
Apostasy motherfucker, you're there forever...
also, saged
you never were a Christian
1 John 2:19-20
Christianity in general has a lot of rules hindering a males progression in life. I personally felt as if I was held back not only as a man but as a person (no sex, no porn, no talking to girls, etc...)
Muslims beleive all people are born muslim. They call it "reverting to islam". If you was real you would know this.
mate you aren't even able to touch a woman before marriage and you can't watch porn or drink alcohol.
fuck off larping.
>How long have you been in the faith?
3 months
>How long did it take you studying it before taking the plunge?
2 months
>What determines a true religion from a false one?
This is going to sound edgy, but it's whatever you make out of it.
sounds nice kike
why do you ignore me though
Are you implying that Quaran is more allowing on those subjects or you just grabbed that feeling out of thin air and therefore Islam has to be less strict.
why are you lying?
you're not a convert at all
you're just a lying sack of shit.
you've never said shahada
you're googling each and every answer you post.
one does not CONVERT to Islaam, one REVERTS to Islaam.
any true Muslim would know this.
You gotta have a couple side hoes if you know what I mean.
oops sorry I'll reply to you
>Have you ever heard about Quranism?
I'll admit I have not, but looking it up it truly seems fascinating. But do you think a reformation is possible at this state?
>Which sect do you belong to?
>Which side of the Syrian Civil War do you support?
Syrian Arab Republic
Why don't you ever see Muslims smiling?
It's kind of weird
Mashallah brother. May God protect you. Oh and Ramadan kareem btw
Checks out
There are no rules on porn and sex
Why would you convert to a religion that is incapable of advancing passed the Middle Ages?
not my flag, it's a fuckin butchers apron. SAOR ALBA
pic related, the flag i will die for
Ramadan Mubarek