Why are women so obsessed with dominating any field that has to do with computer technology and development? Why is it such a meme? Also, this is probably the dumbest reason to boycott apple. Especially as a former first lady.
Michelle Obama boycotting Apple over too many male employees
gorillas use iphones now? fucking millenials
the ultimate goal is to have nigger monkeys in every position of influence so society stays in a time stasis where the rich keep making more and more money off electricity from turbines.
she needs to boycott her trashmen too, and the electrical service, and the plumbing, and her house, because that was built by men too, and the police dept and the fire dept and the gas station because oil and gas are almost 100% male, etc. etc. etc.
feminists are fucking retarded
that is the dumbest shit, what if apple hires based on merit instead of gender or race ? Hiring someone just because she is a woman seems demeaning as hell
no ground breaking work is done in plumbing and trash service
the idea is to get women in positions of influence so we never grow. If women are in charge of technology and innovation, the jews can sell flat screen tvs forever.
As long as the tech works literally nobody gives a shit about the diversity hires of any given company.(except maybe the accountant getting tax benefits from diversity and disability hiring)
>Boycotting apple over too many male employees
>not sweatshops in china
>not patent trolling
>not selling users information
>not planned obsolescence
>not price gouging
>oy vey, ooga booga! you're not taking enough NSA dick up the ass, so I'm not gonna buy your shit!
Notice how she isn't saying jack shit about Microsoft. Also wtf i love Applel now.
I particularly like how everytime a I see a woman saying something like this. her degree is in a completely unrelated field.
Lady, if you want to "close the gap" get a degree and work in the field. By pressuring companies to hire more women, given that qualified degree holding women are a significantly smaller number in the field, you are forcing them to take less qualified employees. Statistically speaking of course.
They know tech is the future and tech is powerful. And they are afraid that one day the people in tech might wake up.
What does this have to do with the NSA?
>another self hating male
>sweatshops in China
Yeah she couldnt boycott that. It would go against the idea of globalism.
What's the gender ratio in the suicide nets?
>Obama has called on men to make room for more voices at work
I hate these euphemisms.
>qualified for the job
>muh vagina, muh race
I just can't figure out why college enrollment is down. It's almost like people are realizing that the degrees are mostly overpriced and yet worthless pieces of paper. And the ones that are worth getting serve no purpose if you are a white male because the underqualified minority will get the job because of diversity quotas.
Apple products are made for stupid people. So yea.
i think it's hilarious how women are the majority in uni to the point where many fields and occupations are now de facto pink collar sectors, yet many still feel the need to complain about the under-representation of women in stem as if it's the single biggest gender gap in the world. lol do they want a matriarchy or something?
Here's the biggest problem with this shit: Even if there was a massive conspiracy to employ more men over women (which there's not being we are meritocracy based), the people who are getting fucked are the employees, not the hiring managers that are supposedly conducting this conspiracy. So essentially you have random dudes who fairly got their positions stuck between a shitty economy and a hostile society. And to top it off, there's the Sheboon Apemother actively trying to undermine their whole livelihood.
So, Apple misses out on maybe a few hundred dollars a year?
>People unironically want this thing to run our country
Why does she always have a buldge?
Came here to post this.
>lol do they want a matriarchy or something
Not saying that girls are great programmers, but I've had deal with garbage coding from males too.
And these males work for Fortune 50 companies, not some obscure startup.
They have been brainwashed to believe that in order to be of equal value, people must be exactly the same. They doublespeak about everything. "Diversity" means sameness to them. It's sad, but that's the new communism. When faced with counter-evidence, they double down. They don't think, they feel. It's really horriffic when you look closely at it.