Oldschool Runescape Hosting Gay Pride Event

Shall we convince plebbit to cancel their memberships in protest?

Create incredibly gay accounts and act racy and oppress the OSRS regular users using Antifa tactics in game?

Or stage a OSRS counter protest in Al Kharid where we dress as muslims and burn logs while spamming "Death to faggots!"

Pic related.

Take this opportunity to red pill them on the gays

I missed this did we rig the poll??

Nope. Not at all. That's why it's perfect for us.

Jagex is hardcore pushing gay pride after getting an openly gay SJW mod. Runescape is run out of Britain so the company can't NOT host the event due to hate speech. But over 65% of the player base (including American and Australian players) oppose the event and think it's a company forcing politics on them for the sake of politics.

We could get some serious keks from this one lads.

Alright how do we exploit this?

Aw, triggered?

Most runescape players are poles and other people from developing countries. Obviously they're going to be against gay people. The only question is how the developers could possibly be unaware of this.

>Or stage a OSRS counter protest in Al Kharid where we dress as muslims and burn logs while spamming "Death to faggots!"
Kek this

>that vote total
>that comment total

Runescape community is raging.

So should we even interfere?

These are people still playing runescape
No one here needs to do shit, pure concentrated autism will handle it from here

>wwf big cats campaign

Would you have interfered with a Club Penguin gay pride event?

I vote we dress as arabs with level 3 accounts and burn logs in Al Kharid. Or Varrock.

Wouldn't hurt to have some fun with it though

I hope fagex goes bankrupt for this

>OSRS counter protest in Al Kharid where we dress as muslims and burn logs while spamming "Death to faggots

This but in front of them all

Time for faggot memes.

Requesting a wizard add D-meds to gay porn.

let me get this straight, you want us waste time and resources to protest in a virtual game where there's absolutely no impact in real life?
there's so much real change we can do in the real world, things that matter, but here you are caring about stupid manchild hobbies.

I wonder if they're gonna have a dildo sword as a reward for completing the event.

>real-change in the real world

How about if you DON'T do this the negative Karma will result in cutting off your foreign aid and you starve to death. Faggot.

Who's the Gaymod?

look at pics its ModMatk


This its going to be the funniest thing I have ever seen

Oh my god

for once, no we didn't.

Hmmmm, sweetie?

mod mat k is a cuck. No surprise

Im impressed honestly.

I think many of the devs saw this coming, the problem was one lone mod bringing up the idea and everyone else has to not speak up against it or risk loosing their career from being labeled a homophobe/transphobic/bigot

>Shall we convince plebbit to cancel their memberships in protest?
All you fags give away that you post on there, so thanks for being direct.
>Create incredibly gay accounts and act racy and oppress the OSRS regular users using Antifa tactics in game?
Too much effort; you're all lazy fucks.
>Or stage a OSRS counter protest in Al Kharid where we dress as muslims and burn logs while spamming "Death to faggots!"
Heh. This is actually good.

For the record, protesting this is retarded, but it's even dumber that there's an event in the first place. I don't think we need to have special days to acknowledge that people take it in the ass.
From my own flaming perspective I just want to not be treated like shit in public and do whatever nasty sex shit I want in my house. And I suspect that events like these only bring us further from that, ironically.

>treated like shit in public
there's no reason anyone should know if you're a faggot or not. if someone found out, you're doing something wrong.

This. Let's all dress as Muslims and type quotes from the Quran against gays.

Mod wolf

They all saw this coming and use the same dumb excuse every time

>omg wow all these homophobic comments are the exact reason we need this in osrs!

This. Quit dressing and acting like an attention whore and you'll be treated fine.

I want to protest but I'll be at work. All the eurofags will be asleep by the time I get out. RIP in peace.

>Jeez, people really seems to think that us, gays, are degenerate and actively trying to shove our perspective into the world to finally consider ourselves normal
>What can we do
>Yeah, lets dress like a flamboyish faggot and wear skirts in public, that'll show those homophobes!
Keep it to yourself, act like a fag, be treated like a fag

I'm pretty sure this is what has actually happened

Retard sjw mod brings up lgbt gay pride event and everyone else just virtue signal and nod heads at each other in hopes of not getting fired for hate speech

I'm more worried if they'll shut the game down once they find out all their fan base are right wing white boys

Make sure your account is a typical Muslim name Like Mullah Omar or Imam Al-Kurdi.

If Jagex bans the accounts they are racist and hate Muslims. If they don't they hate gays. Win-Win.

>don't want Runescape to be gay af
>"Hurr you should delete your accounts!"

No faggot, vote against it and keep your account, and if they still go through with it fucking log off and ignore the whole thing.

>or raid it.

Yeah, this, guess kek approves.

Your right we should focus on getting more people like trump elected.

This hard


why not spam white pride. They have no justifiable reason to ban you considering they would allow a black pride event.

For once, Sup Forums needs to take a page from niggers and learn how to dindu nuffin. Any interference from us will definitely be used as an excuse by the runescape devs to host more of this garbage in the future.

Who cares it'll be funny

Can't argue against that logic.

Great game in middle school.
The king of all grindfest for virgins.
Why do fags play this game when sex is always easy?

It's a catch 22 it seems. Mod Wolf flipped the deadman's switch and there doesn't seem to any way out. If they cancel the event they'll bring a ton of negative press to Jagex calling them homophobes and bigots from virtue signalling journalists, but if they go through with it they'll have to deal with the backlash of the very vocal very autistic community that could also lead to some very bad press. Even from the players' perspective if they choose to let this slide and not chimp out they'll be giving the green light for more events like this in the future. Or worse,could possibly turn runescape into a platform for pushing PC agenda and shifting the focus of the game from the existing player base onto appeasing a group of people who don't even play the game. I don't think doing nothing is the right choice in this scenario, if they put their foot down here it could save a lot of headache down the road

let them chase away their playerbase, I'll grab the pop corn

>Sex is always easy
G-go away chad.

if you ignore the slow spreading of cultural memes, you will soon find yourself surrounded. think frog in a boiler. this anti-sexism/anti-racism/anti-negative anything crusade is spreading throughout games. it's peppered in colleges, government and our media.
>just ignore this, it's fine
games are generational tools.

The shit you see, god damn. Wish I didn't go see what this was all about.