Michael Moore has launched a section called "TrumpiLeaks" on his michaelmoore .com website. Now, he is pushing for people of our country to commit sedition! Why don't we go screw around with his websites and just show him how big of a joke he is? We anons can start today.
Some info of where to start is given in the first post below (I wasn't able to fit it in this thread cause Sup Forums thinks it spam)
Leaking unflattering information is not sedition.
submit bullshit to the fatman send him pepe's
Here's some info...
liberals have tried to leak stuff on Trump over and over again but constantly fail... the closest they ever got was the Hollywood tapes. Meanwhile, people can literally search up Killary's crimes online within seconds
Even more info here...
just go send him random shit and screw with him
And here's the website ip, if any anons are up to do some further digging
His whole site is not secure at all. Will probably be able to take down this whole site within 8 hours or so. I'm bored and I hate that fat faggot
what are the security issues there? But honestly, we should just abuse his trumpileaks service by sending him random shit nonstop
More info... probably inaccurate tho bc of older database... here's the general idea of his server location
city: Ashburn
region_code: VA
area_code: 703
time_zone: America/New_York
dma_code: 511
metro_code: Washington, DC
country_code3: USA
latitude: 39.0481
postal_code: 20149
longitude: -77.4728
country_code: US
country_name: United States
continent: NA
also, when you send him a nice little message, it'd be cool if you anons post the shit you send him
Now now, don't do that. Just tap the leak tube. This could get breddy gud.
Let's do it
Send him zips with the max file sizes possible encrypted with his PGP, but have it contain shit like fatpeoplehate, scat porn, pepes, chimp outs, podesta leaks, Bitcoin miners, keyloggers etc. The fat oaf is probably sitting on his ass at home munching on burgers sorting through this shit expecting someone to send him real info.
Bump to keep thread alive. I'm gonna get started now
>we anons
Every fucking time. None of you ever learn.
I agree, anons, don't go to crazy, just mess with him and drive him nuts a little
keep us updated on what you're doing!
Is MM working with the deep state to catch more leakers?
I think what I am going to do is implant files that will get him in very big trouble. I have some contacts in the Dark Web that can maybe help out with this. I would like to see this guy out of the picture. Any other Hacker Anons here?
Bump. Fuck that fat ass
I have to some degree a some knowledge of hacking, but what do you mean by implant files?
Also, someone should copy the stuff in this thread and make a backup, just in case it dies or other some other shit happens to it
If I can get access to the domain, I can be able to have a sidebar where it can contain pics, vids, or anything that could incriminate him, or at least give him a huge headache. Wouldnt surprise me if Michael Moore is into pizza as well.
Why, so he can use his (((connections))) to get out of hot water and rebuild more securely? C'mon, man, think more than one move ahead?
See Illustration related
haha, that'd be nice
Trumpi leaks
I love you. No homo, especially if you're a trap
Either I can do that, or I can take a step back and turn it into HillaryILeaks and maybe somehow try and make all the submissions public. That would take a lot of time though
Obligatory post. This video made so many of my on the fence friends vote trump. Gotta love moore just a little.
but i'd just screw around with him like what some of pol did to shia... i don't think it is the best idea to go so big
Bump for the destroyer. Praise kek
We have literally the elite trying to take down the worlds most powerful man that we elected and they are getting away from it. All you normies want to "inconvenience them" while I am trying to make this country thrive again.
Yep-let's fight back because we're not too far away from this getting violent. This ways preferred
guys, just go do something
Kek speaks through the destroyer, the day of the race war moved one step closer. Gods work.
Looks like he is using GoDaddy for his hosting and domain as well as wordpress or a related type of program for editing. This should be easy.
I like the cut of your jib. May the kek be with you.
Like check for an illegal combination of innocuous POST vars like someone would use in a normal search and like if(){sendfile($_POST['x']);exit}
I need more help. I have a lot of shit to do today and not much time, I need more AnonHackers to help out with this.
If you're time-limited, uploading illegal fun is prob good enough. I haven't into php in ages.
I just made a thread on Sup Forums
Hopefully someone will find interest and leak his nudes.
Lol in epic thread.
Hi mom!
Someone on T_D already trolling. Pic related.
bumped for lulz
If you take it down, at least post some witty mesesage
Trumpileaks! Oh fuck! shit! Drumphf is done for now!
"Weight of host has exceeded the domains capacity"?
Idk, might need help with that one as well
>You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").
Sup Forums.org/rules#global4
nice try /qa/
Come on Sup Forums
Start dumping hillarys and podestas crimes on his site
dammit. fucking hilarious
8gag did that. We haven't done shit yet.
Yes leak podesta and Clinton crimes to his site
Not a call to raid. This is 100% germane to an Andean tapioca farming forum.
>how can I have easy fun with someone else's wordpress
Explore the themes directory and look for a function in one of the templates beginning with "the_"
Don't forget to break the auto-updater in wp-admin so they can't fix it too quickly or easily then also revoke write access from all the db tables
kek mb redirect to wikileaks/dnc-emails with search term "michael moore"
oh my god i want to send a postal real-life international mail package to this clown.
What should be in it pol? POOO? Holocaust?
Does MM accept McDonald's coupons?
Careful not to do too much too quickly - lead the fat bastard on:
- Ask to set up meetings/interviews and then call up to cancel at the last minute. See how many times you can repeat before he tells you to fuck off.
- Ask if you can send him encrypted files and then send him him hundreds of 1 GB files that are just like, blown up pictures of dicks that have been renamed from png to zip or pdfs that are just 400 pages of randomly generated gibberish or whatever.
- Try to goad him into asking you to do things that would be considered acts of espionage and then submit the texts to the FBI.
So did anyone do anything with that email that retarded Washington Post writer tweeted out?
A rat skull smeared in shit.
Is this our summer operation? Since the winter/spring was HWNDU?
If we can get enough momentum behind it sure.
>pdfs that are just 400 pages of randomly generated gibberish or whatever.
I like this idea alot.
CHECKED, PRAISED. Kek aproves this thread :D
Someone make a zip file that contains a virus which locks your computer, blasts Shadilay and makes tons of pictures of Pepe appear on the screen
I love his documentary language, too bad he such a liberal fag
Is funny how he just VANISHED during the Obongo presidency
Hey, can someone type up a big list of pro-trump, right-wing, scammer sites, or even just messed up websites? I think I might make a really simple piece of code that opens unlimited amounts of tabs with the browser and display those sites and say that he needs to run that code to decrypt the files
it'll replace all photos on the computer with pepe
is lemon party still a thing?
And this video: youtube.com
yea, it's still up
this is what I don't understand. shes obviously a criminal mastermind, yet regular everyday trump supporters like you and me have been able to constantly point out all the blatant evidence. is this just the power of Trump? why hasn't trump locked her up yet?
do you have any ideas what other sites should be inside?
Post uncensored Bataclan photos
Blessed check confirm.
this iz spice
>"Oh, must have been corrupted in transition by the encryption algorithm. Here's another version (10gb)"
What said. Add in sourmath, tubgirl, goatse and all of the classics
Also, some of the obvious shit when it comes to videos
Leak him fake info guys. Make sure it's tight but we have a key to sink his fat ass into obscurity.
Maybe make the info relate to Trump doing paying for the London Bridge jihadis to sell a sealed border. Something so outrageous that when it turns out it's a lie Moore will sink wailing into the abyss for all eternity.
good idea... can u come up with something tho... we need to make it seem legit
I tried to put the links in the poast in text, but the board thinks it's spam, so I made a pic of the post.
Do you want moar like this? It's all news that denounce fucked up shit that the MSM won't talk about and the leftards don't admit to themselves. I have moar if you want.
Ups, i forgot the pic with the links, here it is
yep, eat up his time
Great fake info topics that the left won't be able to resist include: inappropriate behavior with women, subtle references to him speaking russian or using rubles, melania being abused wife in some way, Ivanka secretly hating her dad, fat-shaming, racism, etc (anything SJW's accuse others of but mostly indulge in themselves).
Checked, praised.
Thread title and OP pic gave me a hearty guffaw