Xbox wanted to share women, blacks, and lqbtq+ groups in video games, and people on youtube weren't having any of it.
Why are youtubers so toxic and intolerant Sup Forums?
Xbox wanted to share women, blacks, and lqbtq+ groups in video games, and people on youtube weren't having any of it.
Why are youtubers so toxic and intolerant Sup Forums?
Because nobody gives a fuck about people playing games based on how "diverse" they are, you cunty bait boy
Because gamers aren't defined by race or creed - they're defined by their love of games
good, fuck the self righteous pricks. when youre just trying to sell more shit by pandering yourself as nigger and faggot friendly, it's a perversion of capitalism.
I will support LGBTQ+ games if it means I will have the option of playing as a cute scantily clad shemale protagonist in the future.
I gave them all a thumbs down. Do your part, make it epic, fuck these guys.
Sure thing Trudeau
>Blacks in gaming
Hahaha, these guys.
do they want another #GamerGate
>Celebrating Latinos in Gaming at GDC 2017
We never asked for this. I didn't see a fucking memo asking me if I wanted to be singled out like this.
Fuck you assholes, thanks for otherizering me and making me feel like a "valued outsider" rather than a part of the community.
Gamers are often somewhat redpilled for some reason. I guess bc in vidya nothing matters except you either win or you lose. It's all on you and your race and sex have fuck all to do with anything
>main demographic is white
what could go wrong?
In part, vidya may be the last refuge of the alpha - where you can build and fight without a bunch of women and faggots around
Comments disabled lol
Its like they know
welp time to sell my childbox and become a man with a real pc
Gamers are full of bluepilled cucks too. It's a mixed bag really. Sup Forums is really pozzed
Fake women beat women 2:1, god bless the patriarchy
Everyone is the same online. When you add all of these bullshit subgroups to what should be user (unless they make friends with people), then you are taking away everyone's equal footing.
These dumb attention whores honestly believe their shitty internet argument affected the presidential election whatsoever. Pathetic, lol.
why no "whites in gaming"?
Hmm, I wonder how many times the words "nigger" and "faggot" have been hurled over Xbox Live.
Xbox is guilty of providing a platform for white supremacist hate speech.
I hear at the "Whites in Gaming" even you get to play the latest Far Cry from the perspective of the good guys.
The internet WAS the great equaliser, sure people abused it but it's not like they were harming people RL, as soon as that happened they promptly got BTFO and shipped off to get raped in jail. Nowadays people are obsessed with broadcasting their RL selves online, it's just so pointless.
Because Sup Forums and gaming culture dominate youtube comments. Just count the pepe.
Sup Forums only got pozed after gamergate and the mod crackdown/extermination
I blame luggage lad
It did in a sense because the left started mollycoddling these awful SJWs, and that turned a lot of young people in the US against feminism, despite many likely identifying as being on the left. People like Milo had a huge hand in GG and started redpilling a lot of people.
>Gaming for Everyone
>Specifically promote gaming to every group except whites
>comments disabled for each video
what a bunch of faggots
Everyone knows there's a lot of bigoted racism against elves.
This is fucking stupid I have no idea what race or gender anyone else in my video games are; and I don't care, neither should anyone else.
You're an elf now, deal with it.
This is similar to poker
poker is easily one of the least racist sports (>) on the planet
mentioning how phil ivey is a 'black' poker player is just exclusionary and racist
Watch these two indian poker players
two white guys play poker
my point is this racism, it's actually creating racial division by pointing out things that shouldn't matter in gaming (race)
all that matters is how good you are
No man it's cool that even the Latinos are starting to enjoy white privileges like video games.
I mean, I know it's hard that all the games out there are made for white people and not for you Latinos but at least you're trying.. ;)
Cause there only 2 races of gamers
>1. Noobs
>2. Pros
And judging gamers the way Xbox did is racist and sexist and leads to division.
>ayo tyrone, look at dis here ledda I got from xbox
>nigga what is you talkin about
>nigga they want to celebrate me for being a nigga who plays 2k and shiet
>shieeet nigga u for real?
>ye boy we bout to gits money
>so wait a second tyrone you wuz saying
>we wuz e-gamers and sheeit?
> pander to 1% of the population while discriminating against the 99%, then wonder why 99% of the population hates you
The reason why liberals are retarded
They are actually just pandering to white people here ironically.
Specifically white guilt.
leftists trying to get a beachhead in gamer minds
this. fucking american latinos must the ones crying for this bullshit.
>zinnia jones
it's the same "girl" that is harassing laci green right now
pretty sure she is in the sarah nyberg cult of harassing people
Yeah, but how many down votes came from women, "lgbtq (whatever the fuck that is now)", blacks, and Latinos?
>harassing laci green
While I don't condone harassment, why the fuck should we give a hot shit about the left cannibalizing itself? Laci Green made her bed, and now she can go get fucked in it.
>yes i'm a girl
oh fuck off
they're harassing laci green because she's dating a white guy :^)
It did though.
>celebrating Latinos in gaming
Laci Green is getting purged from the sjw/lefty click because she's dating a centrist/guy who leans slightly right
The anti-PC/SJW movement turned into an anti-globalist/pro-nalationist movement very fast. And I will never stop laughing at how it started with fucking video games, more specifically one stupid whore who the left wing media decided to risk everything one
Russian hackers spamming thumbs-down. Clearly.
She also made a video about accepting the red pill. Couple of them actually. She's swinging from one ideology from the next before she's even broke up with the one she's with. :^)
The love to pretend >we are autistically screeching when there are non white characters in games.
Personally I don't give a fuck who I get to play as.
I didn't used to care until they started forcing me. Now it's my personal mission to force as much shit flinging as I can.
>Blacks in Gaming
Tell me that one at least is a fake. That sounds so abrasive. Blacks. The Blacks. Yyeeessshh.
Back in 1987 or something there was a study to see if men or women prefers characters that are their own gender. They thought men would like to play as males while femals wouldn't care.
The results were the opposite.
to be fair these women get hundreds of random perveted comments from desperate betas, all day every day
That's because women don't know how to operate without a Pussy-Pass™ getting them free stuff and social standing.
They didn't used to before GG.
I always hated having to be female to be sorcerer in diablo 2. Am I gay?
I agree. They should've said niggers
fuck you for treating people as a god damb check box.
thats racist as you can get.
>oooh your black, you get a medal for being black
shut the fuck up, get this racist shit out of my games
i logged more hours shitposting in that year than i did with diablo 3, and i loved d3.
>Muh diversity in games
Who the fuck cares? They're an entertainment medium. 10 years ago no one gave a shit about who or which group enjoyed games or which ones didn't, they just enjoyed games and that was that. But no, games can't be fun anymore, they got to pander to the "I love diversity" crowd that probably doesn't buy games and alienate people who just wanted good old fashioned fun, it's why a lot of games that journalists and award shows circlejerk over (Besides triple A titles that are pretty much just movies with button prompts) are just dumb walking simulators or idle programs that happen to have something dumb but progressive, yet no redeeming qualities.
Why can't more female protagonists be like this instead of being whiny crybabies?
they's female gamers that need to be more like that
maybe they sign a contract with EA (webm related) upon purchase of a gaming system
>implying any character in bulletstorm was even worth mentioning
you know a game is shit when the MC is voiced by stephen blum.