Tweet police


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reminder the George Orwell predicted all of this and we didn't listen.

Fuck am i gonna get v& for posting anti muslim tweets on all of metropolitan police posts

>Oh no I can't call someone a nigger/towelhead/gook without actual consequences.

Really activates my almonds. :^)

Bye Europe.

British Police defending the peaceful muslims against the hateful white englishmen, nothing new.

What's next Sup Forums Police?

If a brit is offended by this tweet, should the police be sued?

The final death throws of the once mighty English Empire. Unlike the Spanish Empire, that just ceased to exist overnight, the English Empire's death will be long, drawn out, painful, and leave England without culture or a self identity.

Would be fucking hilarious to see middle-aged policemen getting further education on Sup Forums memes and slang.

>alright gentlemen, today we will be looking at the alleged connection between an egyptian frog god and the US election

Imagine hearing that and keeping a straight face.

Hang on your right? What could be more offensive than fining/imprisoning people for free speech?

And nobody has replied to the tweets with a "go fuck yourself"?

Fucking tell those niggers. Don't put up with that shit.

>You have to constantly use approved words in order to please others expectations and view of what is offensive
Really bothers my dictionary.

Yeah, it's called not being a dick. You should try it sometime. :^)

I'll just leave this here.

I don't want to, someone better call the cops. I'm a dangerous human being with words to spare.

How many terrorist attacks have they prevented in the last week?

How many terrorist suspects have they charged?

Doesn't the US provide asylum for people who are under direct threat, because of who they are. Does this apply to Kekistanies?

That's our greatest defense against the normies user. We're so absurd that anybody calling us out or identifying us looks like an even bigger idiot.

>use words
>they are bad no no words
>go to jail
nice freedom

youre being genocided

Your culture, people, way of life, and nation are being annihilated. On purpose. By (((them))).

Seems to be working. If it makes you feel any better they are working on us as hard as they can. They've just made far less gains.

I can call you a faggot all I want sunshine.

seems like monitoring some of the hundreds of known jihadis in their cities would, be a better use of time and resources


and speaking out against it is illegal
still think words are going to make them stop?

i live in america i can say house nigger all i want

Their guns were taken away so words will have to do.

Where do traps fit into that?

They already believe in magic genders, magic frogs isn't so far off.

woah....... so this is what the first world look like

Can americans get in and just flood their page with anti muslim shit?

Not like they are gonna extradite you.

They do monitor them, but do nothing until its basically too late. Although in all fairness I suppose they cant arrest B4 a crime.

British police literally care more about white guys tweeting than they do shitskins traveling to Syria and going on jihad tv shows.

I don't care about demographic replacement anymore. Only 30 more years left and I can die in peace.

Brits are fucking retarded. They set up resources to monitor what people say on Facebook, who pose zero threat, and ignore jihadists running around openly praising ISIS.




Your shit spelling offended me

>The current state of Bongland
meanwhile I shitpost and talk shit about niggers and arabs everywhere like I give a fuck.

>User was arrested for this post

That post is from 2014 how long you been sitting on that shit? Today's the day!

I'll say what I want, towelhead gook nigger.

Welcome to mordaza las
Just google it

Makes me wish I still had an account so I could talk shit to them.... That's some 1984 level shit


As a pre-op penisabled male-to-female transgendered persyn, I am issuing you a legal warning and admonition: if you continue to use "dick" as a pejorative, then there will be consequences.

dont be doin no drinky drivey now
Forgot post link


Get fucked sandnigger

>time com/3944245/spain-security-law-ley-mordaza-dictatorship-censorship-gag

Sounds like they need another wave of Americans recording themselves saying deport all mudslimes in an English accent while shooting an AK-47.

Is that a yes? Pepe looks approving.




How long until pubs have recording devices and on-duty police officers to make sure no one says anything offensive?


fuck terrorism. that's all fake CIA stage shows and false flags

where are the pedophiles who keep abducting children?

If any britbong wants to post something offensive in the police's facebook I will do it for (You)

>know about terrorists, have reports from close friends and relatives about suspicious and aberrant behavior, put them on known watch lists

Well, chap, 'ow we pose to know they wudda go an terroize folks en masse like dat?

>angry citizen calls terrorists cunts and the police incompetent on the internet


Bonus arrow:
>unknowing tourist attempts to defend himself in bongistan


The thought police, preaching jihad then cutting throats is fine though, to crack down on that lot would be racist obviously.

shit like this should be illegal but its going to become the norm to punish for "toughtcrime and hatespeach c@"


>can't be his fault if you declared it an accident
Does he actually believe this?




They're going to put you away for using such a stale meme you dickshitting niggerfaggot*

(Please note that if you retweet an image of this post in the UK you will be fined and imprisoned)

They're going to backtrace you. The consequences will never be the same

fast vote someone to stop it. das ist funny

What if that poster is a woman? Have you considered how awfully sexist that would be? Of course you haven't, you fucking bigot

holy fuck the comment section is worth a read, people aren't happy about it

It's the fucking Canadians it's a new law they passed and it's from cuckistan


Bug remember, they can be as offensive as they want to when they call us names -.-

I can't see why yanks don't do this while pretending to be british.

They'll try and backtrace you and it will waste their resources and if enough of you do it they'll stop pursuing 'hate speech' '''crimes'''. Would be a laff n a half.

At least when our government monitors us it's just for shitposting strategy and h4X0ring tips

Being a jihad inbred kike tool is ok, rape and murder children no problem.

Complain about it or the politicians? Jail time.

Europe is an unarmed cuck African shithole now. Sucks to suck. Lesson learned.

>fuck terrorism. that's all fake CIA stage shows and false flags
Yep. They cannot operate in America anymore.
>where are the pedophiles who keep abducting children?
(((Follow the money)))

please leave the USA

Orwell was right about some things but I doubt that even he could have predicted the total surrender of his country to a fringe group of desert dwellers he would have seen as not much more than cavemen

do people still use facebook & twitter?

You must either be a nigger, a towel head. or a soulest gook.

They are in Rotherham.

A bunch of us with burner accounts from America (land of true free speach) should @them with a bunch of racial shot and over load them so they can't trace anyone and give them a shit ton of work...

You live in an Islamic nanny state. I honestly feel bad for you bongs. All the white ones need to abandon ship and come get a taste of freedom in the states. Just remember we don't like soccer but it's a fair trade for being able to say what you want and carry weapons.

>British ''''''''''policing''''''''''

This is because opposing ideas, and opinions are far more dangerous to them.


op are you saying freedom of speech ever existed in the UK in the first place??

How's your nanny state treating you?

Now remind me, which of your two main parties want to get rid of the twitter police?

They're 4 and 10 on this list, so yeah.

*Does not apply to non-whites

This sounds like solid lulz

That's a banned word. Reported to the UK Metro police.

We need to consider Twitter as a new public space like a park

pol and reddit are like vienna coffee houses/ wild west saloons, cops can come here, but they cant just act without a warrant

The Brits are living in Orwells 1984. CCTV cameras everywhere, citizens are completely disarmed and not allowed to carry any item used to protect themselves, citizens speech is monitored and anything found "offensive" will be punished. Just have your people rise up and demand that America annex you.

I'm already on it
