What does Sup Forums think of Ben Shapiro?

What does Sup Forums think of Ben Shapiro?

A jew that's cashing his shekels in from conservative entertainment. Doubt he cares about anything other than Israel's interests.


I think he's actually a pretty smart guy who knows what he's talking about.

jew that threw his career under a bus for fake news relating to the trump campaign manager "assaulting" that female journalist.

Consequences were instant, and now he's irrelevant. fucking retard.

Autistic sperg jew loser.

He's incredibly intelligent and well-spoken, and is one of the best debaters I've ever watched. I agree with most of what claims to believe, though it's hard to know what his true motives are. Because remember, he's still one of (((them))).

He's a kik

Can't speak for Sup Forums, but this is an example of "seeing it everywhere and not knowing what it is". Enlighten me plz af..

literally went full retard and ruined his career to white knight some woman trying to fake news trump campaign manager into problems.

plan backfired as trump had high-def cameras all over his own locales showing that the incident never occured.

Why do you faggots constantly ask what Sup Forums thinks about this little kike faggot and his shit tier attempt to present kikes to be anything other than the trash leftist commies they all deep down inside their kike heart know they really are.

Smart guy who lives his life by the principles of Snek. Regrettably Jewish.

There are some good redpills about him in this superior thread: Ben is not /ourguy/. He is a neocohen shill. Do NOT trust him, ever.

Good speaker, great debater, has views consistent with Libertarianism/Conservatism except when it comes to Isreal where he becomes a massive kike all in with the zionists. Also his show, while entertaining is unbearable due to his constant shilling for advertisers and his (((premium service))) every fucking 5 minutes. No Agenda Show is objectively 100x better.

Thanks buddy, have a local sluts..

A true conservative

SPLC added him to their hate list, so he can't be all bad.

He's not all bad, and that's the point. He wants to be the conservative ideologue. It is critical to the future of western nationalism that he never achieves that status. Read this thread bros, there are some solid redpills about him:

He's our Jew

You'd have to be a brainlet to believe this desu.

I think he's Jewish

CIA haven't killed him yet?

his show is fun to listen to if you want to hear everybody's narrative shot down.

He's basically a non-anarchist libertarian.