Defend this, Correct the Record Climate Shills. You can't so suck a fatty cause we're out.
Climate Strange
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Dumbing things down with pictures for the niggers.
Climate change is a hoax done by us to hurt the US economy. Trump was smart to pull out.
nice fake shit
>implying climate change isn't a cult
What does each smoke stack represent?
What's the carbon footprint of a Punjab shitting in the street?
Shills will avoid this thread because they literally have no comeback. Good job on dumbing it down for the "basement dwelling nerd virgins" OP
The employment rate.
You have read and know nothing of the Paris treaty if you believe that's fake. Jagoff. The treaty deindustrialized the United States and subsidizes industry elsewhere to the burden of the US tax payer. It did nothing for Climate Change other than allow faggots that hate America to virtue signal.
Railing against everything Trump does makes you as retarded as those that suck his cock raw.
China and India are also supposed to reduce their emissions.
+1 for filename
Paris Agreement is bullshit. It does nothing to help the environment. It's a money making scheme.
Are you seriously asking for proof of the common knowledge that China and India are the world's biggest polluter?
Are you gonna ask for proof the sky is blue?
India has like half the emissions of the US. With 4 times the population.
"Supposed" to. What happens if they don't? Is Croatia going to enforce the accord and invade Beijing and Moscow?
Schills are schills. Europe can't distinguish it's own hand from its ass yet if climate change were real, they are supposed to help fix it?
>per capita
oh sweet child
>per capita
China is spending billions on green technology. So far the only unreliable signatory has been the USA.
kek I wonder how many people are going to Hell for accidentally viewing a nekkid lady
>this kills the ameritard
Lol not before 2030. And they get gibs from the first world to build shitting streets. Oups I mean 1 billion dollar ~5 megawatts solar plants.
>Per capita
fuck off
>Are you seriously asking for proof of the common knowledge that China and India are the world's biggest polluter?
no, I'm asking for proof that the Paris Climate Accord affects them in the way that OP's image is suggesting.
>per capita
How convenient. When will the POOS learn?
per capita makes yours seem the least because you are popping out pajeets at a rate of 1000 per second
hi shang are you getting enough yuans from the party for your hard work?
India might get some aid but China isn't getting jack shit. It's meant mostly for even bigger shitholes than India.
So, youre using per capita just cause China has 1 billion... nice.. the planet always makes that division
>china claims to be spending BILLIONS on solar and wind energy
>begs for gibs at paris accord
USA is the bigest polluter per capita. And your picture claim china
have doubled their pollution. Where is the evidence?
not an argument
So what, the chinks are spending their yuan. Any schlomo can do that. Where is the measurements that says it has actually made a damn difference?
They aren't spending shit. They are funded to purchase green technology from American companies by the American taxpayer. Hence faggot Corporations pissed off that Trump pulled out. It was a cash grab for everyone else but the United States.
>I only like per capita when it suits me
Kys dumb burger
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Sorry guys...
I mean, you're not fooling anyone.
the agreement cucks your economy and hands over billions to raise the human developmental index of another nation
also china and india dont have any restrictions
its basically communism...take wealth from one and give it to another
everything is a scam to take out whites, the true global minority and the only real people. avoid jewish tricks at every turn.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter. Might makes right. This world mostly belongs to us, you are just along for the ride because it would be too costly to remove you, not that we don't have the capability to do so. This means we can fuck up the entire climate as much as we want to and blast off to Mars while leaving europoors like you to inherit a toxic planet.
Termites contribute 40x CO2 to the atmosphere than all human activity combined.
Not that is matters anyways because CO2 is what plants use to grow.
CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere
Human contribution is 0.004% to that 0.04%
global communism
holy shit they're really working hard for it
how jewish is macron?
probably because they're dirt poor.
only reason US pollutes more is because libshit city faggots consume so much crap.
This is a irrelevant picture. We have no idea how those countries handel their finances. I know china is bulding alot of windpower that is state founded, usa maybe put it in their climate fund, insted of direct financing.
This thread is being slid by chink shills.
>Ameritards ignoring my post because reality is too harsh for them.
Yeah but they are a developing country. They are only just now building a ton of coal power stations and shit. Over the next couple of decades their pollution is going to go through the roof.
>>"We have no idea how those countries handel their finances."
You aren't defending your argument well.
>this is humor to communists
Anyone who supports Paris is a shill.
Good goy you better keep polluting your living space while we breathe fresh air. How is that one thousand fold increase in autism feeling goyim.
They only started going green a few years ago. Before that they just pretended emissions didn't exist. It'll be a few years before they have enough renewable energy plants to make a difference.
What do you mean "They are funded"? I suppose solar companies are subsidised by the taxpayer or something? Then stop subsidising them. Anyway how is bringing more costumers to US companies a bad thing for US again?
We as in me and you.
I'm pretty sure chinas one belt one road initiative is just gonna export pollution to other countries to make themselves look better on global warming.
Bjorn Lomborg is a fucking beast.. the most underestimated climate sceptic.
>>I only like per capita when it suits me
>>Kys dumb burger
who are the per capita street shitting champions?
That wasn't what I was referring to. Assuming Climate Change was real; the fact that we don't know what countries contribute to their own climate disaster mitigation fund--while simultaneous holding the US accountable for not contributing enough--is in and of itself an unfair practice. Offering valid reason to pull out of the accord.
>the world mostly belong to us
Human carbon footprint is about 4% of the global carbon output. So obviousely most natural sources of carbon are going to produce more CO2 than humans.
Well fuck dude! China is leading the way to clean air and green energy then, Fantastic. I feel horrible that we're so backwards here.
Lead the way, we'll watch and learn.
Need the unedited version.
Yeah that what was i thouget you meant, that was i wrote we as in me and you and not the global community. I think there is some kind of ngo or what it's called that monitors nations
I mean sure you can use the whole "negotiate a new deal" argument but I seriousely doubt it's going to happen. Trump himself said climate change isn't real and the current EPA head has said that there hasn't been any warming since the late 90s (which isn't true).
>40 megawatts
t. 0.00006% of their electrical consumption
If climate change is such a real danger, why not just destroy the polluters.
Pollution is an act of war against your children.
Gas the polluters.
There's nothing to defend, it's a shitty picture based on 0 facts.
It would be easier to kill 50% of the termites to get a massive reduction in CO2
Doesn't matter
CO2 is good.
More CO2, more plants, more biodiversity.
We are at amongst the lowest CO2 levels in the climates history, there is no place for CO2 to go but up. 2500ppm is average.
>>"There's nothing to defend, it's a shitty accord based on 0 facts."
I don't understand why people are so agenst clean energy i mean nuclear is clean energy. I atleast want to go out during the day and breathe fresh air not air being poisoned evry second by cars and other shit. I hate to go into the city it's like breathing poison you can realy feel the diffrence when you get out to the suburbs again
China and India will not increase their CO2 output for more than a decade?
kike pet
Yes, let's just be the only real country to drop out from a non-binding agreement that we were already half way to our nations goal for no other reason but to say fuck you to the world.
China and India are both way ahead of their goals. They are not increasing their pollution per capita, they are greatly decreasing it.
fucking trump shills.
Leafs. See
>Over the next couple of decades their pollution is going to go through the roof.
wrong. the chinese population will begin to stagnate. the population problem will be in africa bc of all the foreign aid they get
>implying this is the only green energy plant they are building
just wait for their new nuclear energy project to get going.
>per capita per capita per capita
The planet was about to overheat, but it was so proud of china's low per-capita output that it like just stopped warming. Wow.
If only CO2 would increase than yea that would be good. But if the temperature also increases it becomes a bit more complicated.
>We are at amongst the lowest CO2 levels in the climates history
I suppose. But not human history. In the last 100 000+ years CO2 has stayed below 300ppm.
Oh we'd like to build more of those in the west but the same morons in favor of the Paris agreement will oppose the construction of nuclear plants here.
That's what you don't understand. I cant speak for "People" but I can speak for me. I'm not against clean energy when it doesn't conflict with other aspects of my life--jobs, finances, and various other freedoms.
Climate issues are toward the bottom of my personal political importance list right after medicinal marijuana legislation and what my country board plans on doing with one of its members calling rep John Lewis (D-GA) "A Racist Pig".
If it's so important than why don't climate schlomos go and crowd fund clean energy?
The temperature is still increasing the pase has just slowed down a bit
Trying to explain to my facebook niggers why giving a trillion away to shitholes is a bad idea....
You can't read sarcasm, can you?
Wrong, they are supposed to reduce their rate they are increasing their emissions, and as someone stated earlier they don't have to meet any set goals until 2030. China doesn't even have to begin decreasing their growth rate until 2021, and even then the can delay it as much as they want. To put this in perspective if China's carbon emissions were a car, they didn't agree to drive under a certain speed limit, nor did they agree to stop pressing the pedal to the floor, they only agreed to stop increasing the horsepower of that vehicle while they continue to drive it at break neck fucking speed. Sounds fair right.
The paris agreement is the biggest joke of environmental policy ever concieved so bureaucrats can justify their over inflated salaries while climate scientists suck each other of, and I state this as someone who remediates industrial waste for a living. Carbon emission regulation is the biggest fucking joke and fails to address any actual hazardous substances being released by developing nations across the world. Fuck hippie environmentalists.
We'll spend 10 years trying to make some positive change on Climate Change only for another World War or Volcanic eruption away from undoing all that "progress". So why the fuck worry about it.
>I know china is bulding alot of windpower that is state founded, usa maybe put it in their climate fund, insted of direct financing.
You mean you THINK China is building a lot of windpower funded by the state. It's all smoke and mirrors. They've been caught before faking "green" projects and pollution reduction. Why should we trust them at their word?
>I atleast want to go out during the day and breathe fresh air not air being poisoned evry second
Much like the people living in Chernobyl? ;)
>per capita
having piles of poor people who worship toilets doesn't change the country's over the top pollution.
>thousands of billions of dollars througe crowd funding
>major overhauls of the whole economic system
>cooperation between nations
yeah right.
>climate change isen't real
>russia has built the worldes bigest fleet to operate in the north pool for something that won't happen. WoW