In before Austria.
Find a flaw
Multi-national empire with only one nation in charge.
Other than that, perfect.
forced germanisation with no real plan, underdeveloped provinces with no representation in government, no real industry beyond farming and hunting with all the capital located in Austria, oppressed dindu-serbs who get all reeeee'd at anyone being slightly rude to them
>Struggle to contain Italians, South Slavs, North Slavs, Germans, Magyars, and Vlachs in same empire
>Oh let's get some Muslims from Bosnia, this should end well
would it have worked if they had federalized it?
Imagine how western khokhols must regret this empire.
Now they are the worst of the worst in Europe.
We should make a containment board for roma
There's quite a few flaws in their jaws.
multi-ethnical countries without proper representation of the peoples living there are cancer
Slavs can't be trusted to rule themselves
Need you ask?
It's Bosnia, obviously. Oh and enthnic polish lands inhabited by invasive nigger-like population of hohols.
>land that was once part of austria is most educated
Yes please, oh God yes, take us back senpai
Everything that's half-way working is a leftover from Austro-Hungary
I beg to differ on the industry part. Alongside Austria, we were the industrial heart.
You are mostly correct tho.
It's hard to tell. There was a strong push for national identities towards the end, mostly due to severe germanisation.
Maybe It would have worked as a political and military aliance, but with separate economic sectors and national parliaments.
Would've been a much more efficient country if they had decentralized.
Czecks, slovaks, slovenes, croats, and hungarians new bloc?
forgot austria, though they may be too cucked
Cancerous non-country that caused the German empire to collapse through its bullshit. Austria is not a country it is but another state of Germany.
>catholic s*rbs
Fuck off, they're part of our new meme multi cultural empire now!
t. bosniak untermensch
This concept started world war 1
>multi-ethnical countries are cancer
Would be funny tier to be in the same country with slovakbros.
Yeah, you guys forgot Poland. I'm not forming anything without Lech.
Also, Austria if they wish to join.
Probably, but that won't solve the national tensions. I think Czechs would've been okay with it eventually, but slovaks, poles, yugos? I don't know.
I think its more accurate to say that the lands dominated by Ottomans were poorer and kept dull