Brit/pol/ - "NO-ONE LIKES US, WE DON'T CARE" Edition

>Millwall fan does something good for once

>Apologists for terror: Daily Mail Comment

>UKIP activist and dad Sam Gould loses battle with cancer

>Third London attacker named as """Italian""" man Youssef Zaghba

>More than 200 based Muslim leaders refuse to bury the terrorists Islamically:

>London terrorist Khuram Butt appeared on Channel 4 documentary on Jihadis in London:

>British men Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists:

>Actor Peter Sallis passes away peacefully at 96 surrounded by his family:

>London attack: Theresa May says "enough is enough" after seven die

>Graphic footage from London terrorist attack

>One of the London attackers was reported to the authorities several times - nothing done

>"Man told not to be Islamophobic by man literally being forced to cower for his life during an Islamist terror attack."

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw ywn throw this round the highland roads of Scotland

Not even a weeb but I've fucking want this so bad.

Gonna watch tokyo drift


anyone watching this newsbeat thing?

>muh fag marriage

>we weren't fighting a war at the same time as we were "carrying on"

post vag


The Guardian isn't even trying.

>ever doing anything good
i can guarantee you he was pissing on a hooker in a park beforehand

See England, you don't need butterknives, the press told you to just use your fists against the jihadis bombs and vans

>t. self proclaimed aspie


Reminder that muslims don't like queers and trannys so you should
You wouldn't want to have something in common with muslims now would you?

>the guardian have accepted defeat
Thank fuck.

>there are people here, right now, that want to aid in helping Muslims integrate
>he doesn't want them to segregate themselves as much as possible from us

nth for the autistic weird filename weird post spammer

I also hate overcrowded GP waiting rooms, doesn't mean I like Harold Shipman.

>Britbongs unironically talking about enjoying porn
The absolute state of the UK right now

>Third London attacker named as """Italian""" man Youssef Zaghba

literally everyone here likes traps
prove me wrong. tip: you can't

The guardian is too metropolitan for corbyn

tfw no husband

Will your choice of viewing before 10pm on Election Night be "Dish and Dishonesty" or "Election Night Special"?

I like you daddy.


lads on tour: Croatia?

>(s)he's not into femdom
Literally unmarriageable
Also tits or gtfo


His Mum was Italian.

>The absolute state of the UK right now
Indeed. My emigration when?

t. the country that is responsible for blacked and the vast majority of all porn

>Implying smoking isn't a conscious choice
>Implying I haven't stopped then started again after 10 months because I enjoy it
>Implying smoking isn't a traditional British vice
>Implying you don't fall for Jews
>Implying you don't drink
>Implying you don't buy branded items or shop in (((shops)))
>Implying you work locally, for a local business, walk to and from work in clothes and shoes you made yourself out of the wool off a sheep you reared yourself with food you grew yourself in the garden of a house you built on land your ancestors have held since the first time man stepped foot onto this great island

Fuck off lad, you're not better than me.

Plus smoking has helped me pull more times than I can remember, I need a prop.

Some saint of the NHS will top herself outside a food bank and everyone in the country will vote Labour

Even BLACKEDposters are more tolerable than anything in /ptg/ tbqh friendo.



I'm awaiting the bollocks stories on twitter about the disabled killing themselves on Thursday night

You're really going on the defensive. Disrespecting and defacing your body is a Jewish influence.

may wants to fund saudi arabia
jeremy doesn't and he hates jews and israel


cheerleader effect. I know hotter girls irl.

inb4 Diane Abbot gets Coxxed

He'll just fund Hamas instead!

>even brit/pol/ doesnt like /ptg/
what went wrong with them?

Truly that fucking hobbit gets uglier in every image I see of her

Do you drink?

Do you realise the British Empire was built by blokes who were constantly on the piss?

whats something interesting i can do for 10 hours until morning


Reddit and underage



The Tories are going to fuck over the Internet. May has already said she will destroy hate websites like Sup Forums.

Vote UKIP.

If UKIP isn't in your area then vote Labor.

drink, wank, smoke. In that order.

>I don't believe in absolutism. All truth is relative.

That's the true Corbyn response.


Worshiping the walking wotsit
Also they're responsible along with the media for the massive influx of reddit

it probably meant both tbqh

difference is that most people accept the need for both defence and chill cups of tea with qt3.142 gfs, while liberals think its just about the fun bit

>women's football


roughly at what time in the soon to come do you reckon trannys will start converting to Islam en mass?

I don't. And that is not true. Gin was a major problem.

All pretty average looking, and that one that gets posted here a lot has a face too small for her head and a nigger nose.

cant sleep
got no booze left and the nearest store is like 7 miles away i live very rural, already did, i dont smoke

>vote labour
Poor shilling

>May has already said she will destroy hate websites like Sup Forums.


>funding Hamas (aka Mossad controlled opposition)
>not funding Hezbollah
Ya Nassarllah

Binge telly like a proper degenerate. Got to catch up on GoT myself but my PC's shitting the bed because I force shutdown it earlier. Can barely post on here right now.


half nineish


Fuck off Corbyn shill

I do like the internet but I also like electricity and if Labour get in power the grid will be on North Korea style.

christ, we have a GE and brexit to deal with and their biggest concern is overpaid unionised tossers

Just like she banned porn right?


The metro is such a lefty shitrag


I'd beat your bp into soumission, lad. You need to man up. Saying that I have no ciggies left..

They backed UKIP last time

They had a pretty good front page for after the Manchester bombing, "and now they kill our children" or something like that.

May is the one in charge of security. And cuts 20 000 police and lets all these attacks happen. Everything going wrong us the Tories fault.

We are saying... the Conservatives are the largest party.
Yes, dimbleby, soon, very soon...

i want a bag fulla guns for the MuzzWar


>tfw no one knows you just did a cheeky wheat run

Why use Jihadi or Comrades? Normies don't know what this means.

Use Corbyn's terrorist mates

>Vote May
>Not actually possible except for the 0.3% that live in her constituency

Im fine man up and stop smoking (((cigarettes)))

haaha fuuuuucckk this is amazing

Theresa May used to be Milly Dowler?

They're going all out why the fuck would you run to help somebody...if the thing that put that person in need of help is between you and that person, murdering other people?

DM always has the best bants


>ywn run though the wheat fields with the PM


Toyota Corolla?

Going to spoil my ballot lads, fuck the lot of them. Might write "Libertarian Party UK" on it.

>Wee Ginger Dug

Is this the most memeingist paper?

I know a wheat field I wish she could stroll though.

>tfw almost nobody will get the reference

>firing 20,000 fat morons who pull over speeders and give heroin addicts needles will have an adverse effect on terror policy

alliteration innit
