W-what did she mean by this??
W-what did she mean by this??
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It's called lying, Abdul.
>implying they have a human right to be there
what a dumbfuck
She meant intent to do something about terrorism, unlike Khan who literally responds to terror attacks with "well we just gotta get used to it"
>Orwell was right
UK really is playing 4D chess
Deport Sadiq Kahn for his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood then we will talk. Can you imagine the butt hurt.
>some of them actually believe me
Fuck human rights
of course she is. she knows muslims aren't human thus have no rights.
Okay, Im on board with the communists now, clearly were making headway by threatening the country with the worst candidate. Corbyn ftw.
She is going to send all of brit/pol/ to australia
"Human rights" = Jewish made up drivel that protects muslims and prevents their deportation. There was never any such thing as human rights, governments will always find a way to fuck us if they wanted to.
She doesn't know what she fucking means.
She's just as clueless about how to deal with this as everyone else is.
What do you mean by this?
>terrorist suspects
She meant:
>My poll numbers are going through the floor; I've cut police numbers by 20000 and people have realised this is not a good idea; I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing in this job - I know I'll say it's the fault of the ECHR, that'll get the kippers back on side.
Basically judges here in the UK have made rulings that disallow for the deportation of terrorists and foreign criminals for bs reasons such as the 'right to family life'
She's sending Tommy Robinson back to Ireland.
>when you take 1984 as an instruction manual instead of a warning
Good going, bongistan
>tfw internment camps will be a reality in your lifetime
England shall prevail!
>implying we won't just put them in the camps and then send them to America so Trump can deny them entry and send them back to the U.K. like we do with the brown ones.
Honestly, we're pretty fucked. It's not like we have any real freedoms anyway, but she's openly saying this stuff now.
You just know that rhetoric like is going to be used against people like us.
You can come off like a shill m8
interdasting... very interdasting. torys arent above pandering but may has been all over the place. who gives a fuck about the internet if your going to deport them?
seems like this was last second change in direction. if in fact she said it
Wish she were telling the truth but you can't trust politicians before elections because the truth is "humans rights" is a meme from the left, only the victims from the left receive any attention the rest just can go and cry far away! Look all the bs they talk about Pinochet's "victims" how about the victims of Fidel Castro, Mao or Pol Pot? Well no one cares!
lose vb. tr.
To fail to retain (something)
>implying may ever had the plot to begin with
for white males maybe. they arrest you for insulting islam in the uk. they won't be putting mudslimes in those camps for sure
It is the fault of the ECHR.
And the fault of May.
And Mi5. And Mi6.
And Labour. The Tories.
Basically everyone in charge over there has no idea what the fuck they are doing and refuse to deal with the situation because it's ugly and uncomfortable.
I mean...rather than allocating enough police to handle terrorism cases...she suggested telcoms log what porn sites you're visiting.
She's clueless and confused.
Followers of islam are no longer human so it will be easier to deport them.
They already were in mine. For Potato Niggers.
If terrorism is an everyday part of life. Why isn't stopping terrorism and everyday part of life?
>people being banned from using the internet or mobile phones
>clamp down on internet firms that allow extremist material
What an idiot.
I'm not saying that this isn't necessary, because without re-migration western countries will have to act like muslim countries to keep basic order.
But saying that bluntly, seeming to reject the human rights values the brits were brainwashed into, that will cause a rejection toward her.
Who gives a fuck what stupid RURTARDS think
Your last three lines actually made sense. With some hard work, you might be able to make a fully coherent and sensible post.
Good job, fella.
They do thanks to the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights).
Not really though. Most tory policies could be seen as breach of human rights. If they tear up human rights laws they are free to fuck over everyone in this country all in the name of beating terrorism..... while still selling weapons to Saudi and allowing Saudi funded mosques be built in Britain.
Basically, anyone voting Tory is a fucking mong.
Human rights laws are shit anyway. Terrorists have a "human right" to stay in Britain. Fuck human rights.
Rip and tear
Underrated post
Ofc you are fucked, but it's honestly the only way to even start dealing with the muslim problem and you know it. Allowing muslim immigration itself already destroyed Europe, cleaning it up will probably be impossible, but it doesn't mean you just let in and bend over.
They have avoided to poke to fire, once they actually start rounding up radical muslims, which is a great number of the actual muslim population, you are gonna see the start of a civial war, moderate muslims support these radicals just like they did in Syria.
Then what is the UKIP doing?
The post has one approving reply; so it's already overrated.
>get banned from the internet and using mobile phones for shitposting on Sup Forums
being a bong is suffering
is she actually pushing this or is the media trying a smear campaign like they did with the american elections?
>implying you guys now suddenly care years after prism, snowden leaks etc
fuuuck you. I told you a thousand times.
She doesn't fucking care about any actual problem! What don't people get? Immigration rose to its highest ever level under her, she's praised Shariah Law in the past.
Do you know how I'm not gonna bend over? By not letting my fucking basic rights being taken away because some cunt is using Islamic terrorism as an excuse to do so. She proposed all of this before the 2 recent attacks, even.
She gave a speech on it today. Also human rights is not the same thing as rights generally, it refers to a specific group of laws passed post-1997 by Tony Blair, mainly to protect minority groups.
Just nuke this country already.
Can't Nigel come back?
I would unironically have passionate sex with her.
>I'm going to tear up human rights so we can deport terrorists
>looks like I won, wrongthink is now a crime
>islam is a great faith, nothing to do with terrorism
>more islam for the UK
I think most people are willing to take the risk of cracking down on human rights for the sake of cleansing mussies, even if the chances are rather small that it actually happens. So pushing this as a 'smear campaign' will probably just earn her more votes.
She should call up Duterte to get some pointers.
so much fun watching you cunts go down. its a pity i cant share my blogs and contributions, you cunts would love them.
vote may goy
for england
She is desperate, to think people criticized Corbyns comments earlier this month about terrorism when this cunt is leaning into it full force now because she knows its her only way to win, she likely will too, genuinely disappointed in my country.
UKIP can't compete.Tories have stolen UKIP voters by copying their policies. UKIP are too pussy to call out the Tories because all right wing media outlets will turn on UKIP the moment they do.
This is creepy as shit. I would ask if these people have ever even heard of 1984 but then I remember I wasn't required to read it in school, either.
No-one gives a shit about you going on Sup Forums. You're not special. memes don't win elections. Kek didn't will Trump into power.
This is specifically saying don't let little Ahmed download a bomb instruction guide from www.jihadsRus.com all in the name of free speech.
>can't voice opinion online
Time for soapboxing and pamphleteering again.
This would be a sign of actually doing something.
Question the government? That's right you're a terrorist now.
How retarded do u have to be to vote for nasty old cunt
She's completely empty, her only qualification to be PM is that she is a professional woman.
He's already suggested it. Once a limelight-monkey, always a limelight-monkey.
No european actually cares about the european people, we have all been sold out user. But both you and me knows that there's no other way to deal with this shit than rounding up mussies, but every single law forbids it. You have no choice, labour is literally infested by muslims, Rotherham was fucking silenced by Labour members.
>3rd generation quintessentially British gentlemen
Deported to where? Scotland?
>being deported by Shariah May
Just like she deported millions during her 7+ years of being in charge of the Home Office...
Terrorists Talk
european politician*
They still own your country so they will just open another penal colony. Plus why would you refuse entry of your kin and Sup Forumsacks?
So this is real?!
I thought it was from a dystopian future movie.
>introduce danger
>don't fix danger
>create a surveillance state
>removal of human rights protections
>specific to some people only
pick one.
>all 7 years under EU Law
We created Australia last time we decided to clear out the country of criminals. Qatar will be a smoking hole by the end of 2017, why not there.
>So this is real?!
>don't plan on committing mass murder
>don't go to jail
pick both.
>EU law forced the UK to import millions of Commonwealth jihadis
Damn, if the EU's so powerful it may be better to collaborate.
>the very moment the uk leaves the protection of the european treaties its government turns into a totalitarian dictatorship
It's like pottery. GG no re, bongs.
you people need to tear up human rights only when it comes to muslims and discriminate them specificaly.
When a specific group is the problem, you target and focus on that group.
like I said
It's literal 4D chess
Fundamental rights are not the same as penal codes. Except in this one respect:
They apply to everyone or no-one.
that would be overt hostility to the native population right (as if the last few years have not been)
This generation is looking for the greenlight from a propaganda medium of its enemy before reacting
this is part of why you don't let dumbies import every kind of immigrant they can get their hands on, because eventually you are going to have an equally extreme reaction.
Brits deserve this tbqh though. They have become genuine failures. Fucking dumb cunts.
>Youssef Zaghba
Moroccan Italian
>Rachid Redouane
Irish based with an EU Permit
What is EU freedom of movement?
She means she is gonna take away everyone's rights to keep you "safe". Remember remember the fifth of November .
No shit, but the only thing that will come out of the Conservatives doing this is whitey getting into more of a cucked state.
I'd rather have Labour, at least they'll speed up the inevitable.
This is how it starts. They suspend rights so that they can get rid of the problem. Then after the problem is gone they never give the rights back for "your safety". Enjoy your totalitarian state, this is the future your people chose.
>"Human rights" = Jewish made up drivel that protects muslims and prevents their deportation
>yes goy, give up your human rights and let us take care of you hehe
>What is EU freedom of movement?
The UK doesn't have free movement you retard. You're not in Schengen, you've got border controls, you've got a totalitarian surveillance state that has the dirt on everyone and literal lists of people not allowed to enter the UK. Pic fucking related!
And your sovereign government let in these fine gentlemen and the others before them. Why aren't you mentioning the 3rd attacker, the quintessential Brit?
She'll be cracking down on those evil right wing extremists of course. All extreme material on the internet, including anti-semetic websites like Sup Forums will be banned. Meanwhile shitskins born in britbongistan will count as "natives" and thus won't be deported, allowing them to continue the terrorist attacks while what little freedom you've had will be eroded.
Anyone here played Orwell? I think it's a good example of what the UK is going to look like in the next years.
You can't tear up human right laws for a certain group of people. It applies to everyone.
It won't be long before they're monitoring the entire fucking country just to "keep us safe"
>We're going to remove specific blocks on our ability to detain and/or deport dangerous criminals who are intent on killing people.
>Sup Forums
8/10 would smash
Shut up Corbyn you Subversive Alinskyite cunt that uses lawfare to push your bullshit.
Maybe you idiots should not have abused these things to the benefit of terrorists.