How do you feel about him?

How do you feel about him?

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based mr sowell

Is that Morgan Freeman?



quite possibly the most based black man of the 21st century

A born king among men.

>he any good?
>he's the best.

Oh, he's a le based black man you say? Well, that settles it, better alert my white, blond, germanic looking wife to his existence so she can offer her supple tight body to his massive black cock so his African seed can engulf her European coded eggs to produce a child who's very state of being comes at the cost of the genes that my ancestors bestowed on to me and my race.

the hero America needs

the atomic redpill

He's clearly got white blood in him. He's also got into Harvard after dropping out of HS, and before Affirmative Action was a thing, 1956. He got his masters from Columbia and then his Ph.d from UChicago.

His book A Conflict of Visions, Basic Economics, The Vision of the Anointed, Intellectuals and Society, Dismantling America, White Liberals and Black Rednecks, The Quest for Cosmic Justice and his newspaper columns are well researched, very well written, insightful and pretty funny at some points.

Like Clarence Thomas and Larry Elder, Dr. Sowell is an exception to the low IQ violent niggerdom we see in too many places in the world. I really like his work.

This....BUT....I do like Sowell, he's objectively a remarkably intelligent man. Still, its too easy to get caught up exalting the 'good' blacks. Sowell is of no value to white interests but he is invaluable to black interests. Ideally, if the earth became a variegated marble of separate ethnically homogenous ethnic communities, people like Sowell could be great black leader in their respective communities.

You bait is invalid. Only true red pill fags would gladly raise his offspring as their own.

What are the chances of your dystopia becoming reality?

>people like Sowell could be great black leader in their respective communities.

LOL no, he wouldn't be a good leader of the black tribe because he doesn't want to redistribute wealth and tell the darkies how hard their lives are because their skin color is dark. They'd lynch him bc he has internalized white supremacy or some shit. He's hated in the nigger tribe community.

I'm as white nationalist as they come, and I love this man.

Not if he was a tyrant

An ethnostate is impossible, I'm not naive

fucking kek. I don't think he has it in him. He's a really benevolent man.

He is pushing "intelligence comes from culture and upbringing only" meme

based black man

fuck off stormfags, I can smell you lurking.

he has actual evidence for this.

I hate him.

It's flawed and he ignore piles of evidence against it.


The US should re-annex Liberia, deport all blacks there, and place Mr. Sowell as the first governor

care to explain?

Subhuman nigger, I am Iberian.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Which one are we talking about?
the german half nigger soldier argument?

Arguably the leading conservative mind of the late 20th century.

The assertion that differences in intelligence and economic success come from cultural differences and differences in upbringing is false and the supposed piles of evidence to support that claim

Sowell used to be a Marxist too. Even as an economics student at the University of Chicago, he explicitly said that he was a Marxist before he took Milton Friedman's, he was a Marxist afterwards, and he was a Marxist when he graduated. He became redpilled when he began working for the federal government and saw the effects of the minimum wage.

>le monkey in a suit

Your insecurity screams weakness of character. Stop watching porn.

I liked him right up until his character assassination of Trump in NRO. Whatever he once was, he's now just an angry old man.

Black Rednecks & White Liberals was an excellent culture analysis. Diagnosing the black problem step by step

Basic Economics was hard to follow at times, despite the title, but helped me understand how markets and value work

Genuine genius, great libertarian thinker

Uncle Thomas

He gave an example of some small study with negro soldier located in germany blacking German women and their descendant having close average IQ to other white US soldiers who had kids with Germans women, this is based on assumption that whites and blacks in the army represent the average of their race, when in fact less intelligent whites are in the army, more intelligent ones are in special forces and more intelligent blacks are the ones that are in army.

upbringing is not a major factor in intelligence differences in most cases, unless a child is abused or an orphan, then studies haven't shown much different, nutrition can also have some effect, by IQ is mostly genetic. if culture and upbringing were big factors, then there would not be so much variation between people living in the same culture and having same upbringing.

>be a marxist until you actually see how the federal government works

Sounds about right. Sowell, like Milo in a sense, is useful in the way that he forces liberals to abandon identity politics when they argue with him. They can't pull the race or privilege card because he's black. And because he's black the racist liberals might actually listen.

Based as fuck. I'm disappointed he's stopped writing his columns.

How could you possibly know that the Whites he's referencing in Germany were less intelligent? You realize WWII mobilized millions and millions of men right? It's nothing at all like the modern day military when that can be the case. The same goes for blacks. What makes you argue black soldiers in WWII were neccessarily of higher than average intelligence?


Because that how it always worked, army has divisions too, it's not one equal entity. people have different positions. smart white were going to be in better positions. US back then had eugenic programs, they had tests and they cared about intelligence too, they were not going to send smart people into regular army.

commies already tied everyone is equal meme, they tried giving everyone good education and upbringing, everyone in commie countries didn't suddenly were equal in intelligence.

Perhaps so, but think of it in this blunt way: if a high IQ white kid is raised by stupid parents, beaten and starved he'll be worse off than a moderate IQ black kid given good nutrition and no abuse

>He's clearly got white blood in him
winner winner chicken niger

ALL the "blacks" you see in the media have white blood in them

at least the part that allows them to become actual intellectuals and not just literal subhumans

Fuckin' boss

"Genuine genius"
I need to debate this nigger, as well as every single representative of the negroid race, to show the white race and what they are not.

My demands are the recognization of the white race as a whole being.

everything that comes out of his mouth is supported by tons of hard data.


Genius on a few levels. Not a lot of people can reduce a complicated argument to a single sentence.