Why are they such cowardly Lions? Picture related.
why are the french the only ones who like the french?
France > all
I like the french
Terrorist city bruh
>He's American
>doesn't like the French
Shame on you
goat History
goat food
goat art
goat music
>pic related
When I went there they were really nice and I had a great time. Plus without them we wouldn't be a country
>be burger
>literally no culture of your own
>at war 223 out of 239 years of country's existence, still no amazing military feat compared to France
>nuked 2 civilian cities, never apologized for it
>proxy army for the kikes
>forced to import scientists cause too stupid on their own
Saying all french people are cowards is like saying all americans are fat, it's just a cliche
They've been feminized by their wacko wiminz
Why should we? Yeah they helped back in the good days for independence, but that favor has been repaid twice now. Let's not forget that we're talking about the most arrogant bunch in the world, the type that walks into Paris after its been liberated and gives 0 credits to the Allies
>Why should we?
Because its one of the greatest white civilizations in the world, and the greatest cultural epicenters to walk this Earth
As an American who loves his country, if there ever was a moment That France was in critical condition
I would fight and die without hesitation for Traditional French Catholic values
It's kind of a stupid stereotype. Second most prominent violent revolution, one of the largest colonial empires, at one time controlled more of Europe than Nazi Germany.
The more accurate negative stereotypes of French people in my experience are their generally 'carefree' attitude toward appointments and business etiquette. It's pretty common for French people to consider being 30 minutes late as "on time."
Also that's Paris, you go for the Culture not the people
you forgot goat fucker, I guess...
France surrender monkeys is a meme.
French troops in action in Africa is like Sup Forums with firearms. They are fucking brutal and HATE Africans and don't do the fucking "hearts and minds" have a candy bar shit.
>Let's not forget that we're talking about the most arrogant bunch in the world
Dude you serious? "Muh 'merica the greatest country on earth, so great it provides everything the world uses nowadays"
If quads ww3 in a week
Not bad.
Not bad at all.
Well, the US like to film themselves landing their GIs on a beach, with the yelling, the shouting, and everything.
France is more about bringing you innawoods, slitting your throat there, and never talk about it.
Never occured out to you why we are the little satan to the great US satan in the eyes of mudshits, my amerishart friendo?
Or are you a mexifat who is /still/ butthurt after all this time?
They write one thing and pronounce the other. Some of them are pretty tough like French foreign legion.
you can't cheat a shit with a sheet...
I hope that your asshole develops taste buds
Learn some history, you dumb nigger. France has a proud military tradition, going back centuries. They're far from cowards. They used to beat us regularly in the Middle Ages.
And now the Muslims beat both of us. Let's be friends ?
>bringing you innawoods, slitting your throat there
Thats what your muslims do to you now.
Why not, mon ami? Might as well go down together :-(
Most of their remaining Alphas after Napoleon's reign died in WWI
truth hurts faggot?
That you're a Baguette eating coward.