>be me
>join the army at young age (19)
>go normal white redneck route of 11B
>get picked up for Ranger school
>fuck around with 75th for a few years
>get accepted to Q school and somehow pass
>hitch onto the SOD A bandwagon cause "everyone is doing it" is a strong meme
>do plenty of go arounds overseas putting warheads on foreheads
>22 years seems to have flown by
>look at prospective careers, they're all shit, mainly LEO type crap making $50K if im lucky or just be a glorified pipe hitter for some rich fucks who treat you like shit
>get propositioned to be apart of a new unit
>find out it's actually be a mudslime merc in disguise causing fear and turmoil in designated areas
>question your moral compass but the money is great
>see your "unit's" name all over the news lately
>wonder if it's all worth it in the end
What would you do in my situation? A guy's gotta eat
Other urls found in this thread:
Hmm, maybe I'd collect my pension and get a low interest VA loan to get some cheap property in the country.
Ranger (especially 75th) SF qualified should have no problem getting all kinds of jobs
You would be useful in all forms of the bureaucracy from Intel to other leadership positions
What's your "units" name?
I never bought into the wife, kids, house meme. I am a rolling stone, always have been. My childhood was unstable as fuck, I think that played a big part in my decision making.
Agreed, a lot of bubbas I know work in SCIFs and sit in nice offices all day, but I am not fit for office style work. Even working as PSD has tons of paperwork involved on a daily basis. Maybe i'm just a fucked up asshole at this point.
Look for "agent" jobs. Excellent pay and something different every day, plus your background is easy af to get job. Customs, treasury, etc almost all big branches have agent jobs .
Also, FBI.
The contractor firms.
Army Intel organizations which focus on things like tanks and infantry weapons.
There are literally 10,000 jobs you could get today with instant interview if your green text is real.
If that's your only option, put a 12g slug through your head immediately.
The world is shit because people accept work like this - being a part of the chaos or protecting some less-than-worthless sociopath.
You could also go out with a bang - get a job as a bodyguard, wait for some public moment like a concert or convention, then spill his twisted brains all over the stage.
You could potentially do a much greater service for the world by eliminating some concentrated element of pure sadistic evil than playing along for bread crumbs.
Also, CIA paramilitary and another job (check website) wants people with combat arms maneuver background.
t. Intel employee
To clarify: Become a bodyguard for some slimeball like a rothschild or some Monsanto executive. Deluded shitheads like those need to be eliminated.
I'd do what you're doing.
Shitpost about it on a Cambodian Fly Fishing Marketplace.
Sorry for what you had to see, user.
BAD ADVICE, stay away
Why? He seems like he is accustomed to deploying, good fit desu
He's obviously trying to get away from shitbirds that hate the American people.
>LEO making 50k
Where? That has to be down South where Cops get paid shit. I'm a Cop in Chicagoland and pulled 100k last year with 3 years on.
Yeah, true. I already work alongside some OGAs in current employment. Would be roughly same stuff yet more legally bound if ever prosecuted.
I've contemplated canoeing my cerebrum a few times, but for some reason my inner survival instincts won't let me. I grew up fighting for every scrap of food, seems like it would be a waste for me to just surrender to the lead god because I've made some bad choices.
Do you have any hobbies, user?
Or is it all game face, all the time?
Write a book about it. You'll make money AND get to clear your conscious.
This guy's got a great idea. Even better if you have the skills to make it look like an accidentally.
Fifth LARP Group
Should have stayed in the 75th and tried out for the "other" SF.
If green text is real you obviously have substantial knowledge (survival, tactical etc) that many many men would pay for. If you're in it for money and want out of the game why not go the trainer route. There's plenty of ex special forces guys who make a killing running fitness/tactical training programs for civs. Even reach out to some of the guys doing it already if you don't want to start from the ground up, they're pretty damn easy to find on social media and using the internet as a whole.
Don't listen to the shit who said kill yourself. Again if the green text is real then your moral compass is obviously going haywire to even risk making this post as since it's vague it still would be easy to find who you are since the elite unit world you inhabit is very very small. Hell I might even be someone you know and this is a warning. ;-)
There's nonviolent ways out where the $$ can be substantial, use what's between your easr.
>>find out it's actually be a mudslime merc in disguise causing fear and turmoil in designated areas
>>question your moral compass but the money is great
>>see your "unit's" name all over the news lately
>>wonder if it's all worth it in the end
Document the fuck out of it.
Come home user. Use your training to show others how to fight and then begin agitating for secession.
Yeah you're fucking retarded. fuck off and die you dumb larper.
Try gay porn. You can start an ex-operator focused studio.
yeah don't use what's between your ears. use what's between your cheeks. that sweet sweet operator arsehole
Don't go into the government, do something new. You've already mastered warfare. Business is very much like warfare - competition is cutthroat and viscous, so your discipline and training in strategy will put you over the edge.
Get a degree in what you want to do and create something that you can pass onto your family. Don't be a drone in the civil service - you won't find the ethos you lived by in the Army. In fact, they'll try to block your hire because you'll be competition for them later down the line. And will probably be jealous of your service so look out
If you serve the interests of assholes that have the kind of money to pay for those services, for the reasons they pay - all the years of suffering in your past, in the service, and the terminal numbness that follows, will be reduced to pure dogshit.
This isn't a matter of principle or moral "correctness". The maniacs we complain about here all the time rely upon subservience of bodyguards and mercenaries. They are bound and determined to burn the entire world. You might as well just leave, or help to put it out.
The money they pay will quickly become worthless in the society they intend to create.
Better yet, be in that roasting porn stars series.
>making $50K if im lucky
You realize that's an EXCELLENT salary for almost every country outside of USA, right? And that's for a shitty office job.
I work as a developer for one of the biggest fintechs here, work 12+hours/week, and make 20k. And honestly, I couldnt ask for more. It's common here to live with parents until marriage. If you wanna fuck, just go to a love hotel.
Not to mention that cost of life in USA, except for new york and california, is almost always lower than here.
You have it good man.
Well said.
>causing fear and turmoil in designated areas
>all over the news lately
Damn, I want to know too
>mfw Tahrir al-sham or someshit similar is a US special forces unit
Fucking go work for Blackwater and do what you've been grooming yourself to do, man.
That, or get your hands on some issues of Soldier of Fortune and make contacts to become a mercenary and live the life of a hired gun for good pay and high risk.
Really, those are some fine options there.
start your own army find your inner Colonel Kurtz
>You realize that's an EXCELLENT salary for almost every country outside of USA, right?
things cost more in non shithole countries
This, train your fellow citizens rather than hajjis who hate your country.
I wish I could print fake money to hire mercenaries.
Your making that because you're working for someone else. Start your own company or go into management. $50k is slave wages. Remember, your salary is what you accept to be paid. Know your value
What was your primary objective at Robin Sage? Where were you quartered after the debrief?
Otherwise, fuck off and die.
You realize Blackwater ceased to exist almost 10 years ago, right?
Maybe in Melbourne or Sidney not, but America is actually cheap to live. The problem is consumerism.
It depends of the perspective. 20k is a lot of money to have fun. To buy a house and have a family, not so much...
Also, in my company 90%+ of the people are white/asian. It's kinda ridiculous seeing multiple blond-blue-eyed people in the same place for a shit-hole nation like this.
I actually have a chance to move to an international bank, but the thing I love here is that there is no diversity bullshit. yet...
they change their name every 6 months
they're still around
>I've contemplated canoeing my cerebrum a few times, but for some reason my inner survival instincts won't let me. I grew up fighting for every scrap of food, seems like it would be a waste for me to just surrender to the lead god because I've made some bad choices.
kys for replying to such an obvious larper
Speak any foreign languages?
Entire DC area is also a good place for people like yourself to park for a bit
though if you go LEO either find a city you want to try to make a difference in, or find a place with a low cost of living (the south) so you get more for your 50,000, and try investing some of your money now
Because it's 100% impossible for for a retired or current operator to end up on a neanderthal cave painting trading card exchange.
what is missing here is "a pic or it didn't happen faggot"
Nupol is composed of such eager, credulous young NEETS, its extremely easy to seduce them with LARP. This is one of the worst LARPs I've ever seen. OP sounds like a 15 year old quoting Richard Marchinko SEAL adventures.
timestamp with proof is worth asking for
but we have had our share of interesting/gov people come on, usually around 2-3 AM EST
lets not fool ourselves, /pol is the modern equivilent of the Vienna Coffee House/ French and British Salons / Wild Western Saloons , its public cyber space akin to a park, most are welcome if they dont start shit
>but we have had our share of interesting/gov people come on
You've had your share of a very effective social media propaganda trope. "FBI user" LARPers are the imageboard equivalent of leddit AMAs: anyone who wants to meme directly and promote views just has to write a certain kind of post and use lingo that matches who they claim to be. You guys don't EVER demand proof, because its too much fun to convince yourselves you're special for posting here. Like its some super sekrit club. You clowns will fucking believe anything, absolutely pitiful critical thinking skills compared to years past.
If you're going to do things like that, do that stateside and help your people. Obviously the US gov is evil and we're stuck under it, only civil war will right these wrong, just like in 1776.
lulz.... you don't get "picked up" for ranger school lol... fuck off faggot.
>says the stromfag
>sees Hitler
>cries "stromfag"
Nupol a shit