So the rumor on the street is that Nathaniel Rothschild and Alan Greenspan are the masterminds (codename Satoshi) behind Bitcoin.
Their plan is to extract as much monetary wealth out of bitcoin investors as possible and then destroy it by crashing bitcoin, thereby increasing their relative wealth in traditional investments.
The plan to crash bitcoin will be three-fold:
>1. Expose a fundamental flaw in bitcoin that allows recentralization (similar to covert ASICBOOST) >2. Cause excessive hard forking to resolve said flaw, exposing the network to a 51% attack >3. Release a competitive product backed by a global reserve of finite natural resources that are majority controlled by the Rothschild family
Don't say I didn't warn you Sup Forums. If you think about putting your money into crypto, STOP, and ask yourself how much you really know about the technology you are 'investing' in. This plan will bleed the greedy members of the lower and middle-classes absolutely dry, while the rich maintain their holdings in traditional fiat-backed funds.
Crypto is such a scam. I bought a couple bitcoins for $200 last year now I can't fucking cash them out.
Kayden Thomas
Yeah, bitcoin/crypto is interesting. But there's no possible worse time to dive into than now and the coming months.
Henry Harris
dumb nocoiners
Christian Long
lmao you'd have to be a fucking retard to buy into that shit, a bunch of wallets just got hacked, an exchange site basically cashed out on all the investors, and now the jews are trying to take the last bit out of it all.
Oliver Scott
>2017 >Thinking that all of these bootstrapping indie altcoins are going to make it Just lol. Wait until Google releases Googlebux and Apple releases Applecoin. That is what's going to dominate the crypto market in the future, not some bullshit meme coin created by a ragtag clique of amateurs. All shitcoins save for maybe the two or three which form the strongest corporate partnerships and the two or three which will be used on the darknet are going to be worthless.
Caleb Nguyen
>2017 >not investing in silver
how are you willing to prepare for the apocalypse
John Wright
The market cap isn't there yet.
Jaxon Martin
I just sold 3 coins today on Coinbase. They have a $10K a day limit on selling, but it works well, went straight to my paypal.
Isaac Wilson
((( Coinbase )))
Gavin Cooper
>rumors say. Sup Forums will lap this up because it's not MSM.
Charles Ortiz
nice subtle brag
Caleb Lee
>apocalypse happens >now have all that super important silver to hunt werewolves
Solid plan.
Caleb Scott
Nick Szabo is no amateur.
Sebastian Gray
>3. Release a competitive product backed by a global reserve of finite natural resources that are majority controlled by the Rothschild family so, you're saying the Rothchilds are gonna bring back the gold standard and with it (can't have one without the other) Glass-Steagall?
the libertarians are gonna cum and start farting.
Henry Perez
I wonder how that would work. They wouldn't let people mine the coins themselves, would they? It'd make more sense for them to mine them all and sell coins to the public.
Eli Taylor
sort of, except that gold is distributed among all classes already
their new "gold-standard" crypto that will replace bitcoin will be controlled by them and be backed by their natural resource extraction companies. Instead of gold, the standard will be oil, LNG, lithium, rare earth, etc, etc, and only the companies that can extract these resources will be able to control the creation/inflation of the crypto.
In other words, it will be like starting over from scratch with a new standard that they control.
Cooper Reyes
Only criminals use crypto. At least that's what my professor at university said and I trust him more than some neckbeard from (((Reddit)))
Lucas Howard
There's a book called "Wartime" by Milovan Djilas, one of the Yugoslav partisan leaders in WW2. At the start of the war, they would drag around these heavy chests of silver -- he describes them as being "obsessed" by this. Eventually they buried it and nobody knows what happens, probably some peasants saw them and later dug it up.
They never missed it. In a SHTF situation, the people with guns take what they can. Including more guns and more silver.
David Gomez
Literally just Internet money dude. How could anyone fall for that meme lmao
Also Make America Great Again and fuck non American money yeah
Connor Collins
>It'd make more sense for them to mine them all and sell coins to the public.
The public isn't that dumb. The creation of the coins will be standardized by the extraction of earth's natural resources. As more resources are extracted, more coins will be created and distributed to the nodes. Thus there will be a demand for Rothschild-owned companies to extract natural resources as fast as possible. Any pushback by the Rothschilds will be seen as "eco-friendly" and not the blatant manipulation that it actually is
Luke Parker
Sweden's biggest electrics store accepts Bitcoin silly Finn.
>Some kind of (well informed and plausible) psyop to undermine confidence in crypto that is about to explode
Ian Nelson
someone should screen cab this, I think you've just made a prophecy.
no tinfoil no Alex Jonesonian rants and ravings no fedora spinning larp bullshit
I think you just.. if I may term it so... coined the future, if the top 1% gets their dirty little way.
Chase Smith
Holy shit the tinfoil hat in here
Jeremiah Walker
Australian coinbase won't let you cash out
Jaxson Adams
Rofl, nice try schlomo, sounds like your short just got liquidated.
The protocol has barely changed at all these 9 years it's been around, if there were any fundamental flaws with SHA-256 or any other code in the client they would have been found by now.
Nakamoto Consensus is a bitch, isn't it?
Anthony Rodriguez
>if there were any fundamental flaws with SHA-256 or any other code in the client they would have been found by now
>what is ASICBOOST >who is Jihan Wu >what is BIP 148
You may want to investigate your investment a little better next time
Jaxson Cook
you cant even withdrawn coins, then sell them to a local exchange?
Luis Sullivan
Henry Cox nigga
David Cruz
or, ya know, a 51% attack and a loss of confidence
Caleb Powell
>what is Asicboost an optimization to make ASICs 20% faster that currently no one is even using. I agree, it shouldn't be patented, that is unfair, but Bitcoin doesn't follow shitty laws, Nakamoto Consensus is law. >Who is Jihan Wu The man trying to save Bitcoin from (((Blockstream's))) shitty attempt at diverting transaction fees from the miners and instead to their pockets without even having to secure the network by mining >What is Bip148 An extremely shitty attempt to push (((Blockstream's))) shitty client by means of bypassing the miners. Problem is they don't have any miner support OR economic support. They've gotta have at least one or the other.
Nolan Bailey
Caleb Bell
HAHAHAHAHAHA anyone that knows anything about it know this is a load of horseshit. How would creating a crypto profit them? Do they run electrical companies? Better question: How are you so retarded?
Josiah Moore
>bitcoin >virtual form of currency >created in 2009 by an anonymous programmer >who goes by the code name, Satoshi Nakamoto
[Gold] is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it. Alan Greenspan, 2014 Cash in not a very convenient store of value.... Janet Yellen, 2015
Lucas Nguyen
Cameron Gutierrez
How do you get 3 bitcoins
Gabriel Davis
i'm feeling E N E R G I Z E D guys anybody wanna do some jumping jacks to get their blood flowing? we've got a lot to read and archive today, so let's all get going and get some ENERGY. feeling energetic let's have some energy this is a good feeling this could be a great day of happenings let's all find some energy
Eli Parker
buy them
or buy a small amount then make successful trades / investments
Kayden Gray
David Allen
it only took 10k years for humans to figure regular fiat debase = bad. eliptic curve nsa leakbook when? but seriously we can't give'em the crypto codes.
Jordan Diaz
What is the source of these rumours? Provide sources...
Carson Gray
OP is CIAnigger recruited during their 5 year long LGBT outreach drive, working for the jews
Michael Lopez
This is only because you are stupid and cannot follow basic instructions.
Nathaniel Kelly
So the rumor on the street is that Nathaniel Rothschild and Alan Greenspan are the masterminds (codename Satoshi) behind So the rumor on the street is that Nathaniel Rothschild and Alan Greenspan are the masterminds (codename Satoshi) behind B̶i̶t̶c̶o̶i̶n this post.
Jeremiah Cruz
Oh if you guys wanna start here the plan is for bitcoins to reach millions first then pull out the rug 2-3 years later.
Scam or not the point is to make money.
Charles Kelly
It's fucking brilliant and exactly the thing a Rothschild would think of. Of course, there is no evidence to suggest this is the case, so it is a hypothetical. Regardless, that is an amazing strategy and I wish I had the resources to pull it off. That is a billion, or even trillion dollar idea right there.
Brayden Perry
I mean let's be honest, with some of the schemes these tricky fuckers pull off they deserve to have peoples' money.
Brayden Myers
Yea ill have weapons and guns so not only will I have you're gold and silver, my friends will take turns on you're daughter,sisters and mother.
Jacob Parker
I have no clue about Straya rules mate, sorry :(
I bought 40 of them when the bottom fell out. Figured it was a grab and dump scheme, which so far it has been. But, that's not a bad thing if you watch closely.
Dylan Torres
It's an interesting rumour and would make a good episode for a Black Mirror or Mr. Robot.
Bitcoin is crazy awesome though for storing and moving value across boundaries. I haven't used Ethereum yet.
Wait until they expand Blockchain technology into things like Smart Contract, etc. That's going to fuck wit a lot of people's business and jobs.
Zachary Carter
Yeah.... > bought "A Couple bitcoins for $200"
Zachary Cox
>51% attack Not going to happen. At this moment the BTC mining network has a combined computing power of ~21,000 exaflops, which is approximately 100,000 times more then the top 500 supercomputers in the world combined. Back in 2014 when BTC wasn't as popular, one mining group did get a majority for a very brief moment, but groups have generally reduced in size a lot since then and there's no chance in hell of that repeating.
Cooper Cox
>E N E R G I Z E D >jumping jacks >get some ENERGY. >energetic >have some energy >find some energy
Ryder Nguyen
This plz
Josiah Young
there's nothing i hate more than poor people larping
Aaron Allen
Extra rare E N E R G Y
Jordan Murphy
That's the same shit they were saying when bitcoin was $100. Bubble, overbought, blah blah. Fucking knobs have been predicting the end of crypto since its market cap was $1 Billion. It's nearing $100 Billion now. And they keep singing the same bullshit song.
Benjamin Rodriguez
>watch Laurens video earlier today >Invest in xvg coin >Already up 80% profit