What would he have to do to make you wish you didn't vote for him?
What would he have to do to make you wish you didn't vote for him?
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Appease the MSM and Hollywood.
Turn into Hillary Clinton
Be Hillary Clinton
War with Syria.
Become hillary clinton
Adopt social justice warrior shit
Do the exact opposite of everything he said he'd do
i would vote for him again
hes the only one in washington standing up
to the behemoth swamp
everyone else is a being a pussy about it
Not doing everything he said he would in the first 100 da..
Not being hypocritical about golfin...
Not selling 100 billion dollars worth of weaponry to islamis....
Not allowing poisonous pesticides to be used on crops by dismantling the EP...
Not being hilary clinton
I can't imagine him being worse than Hilary Clinton.
My vote was realpolitik. My continued support is realpolitik. Baby steps to the future, instead of shoot ourselves in the kneecap.
All it takes is pissing off people for you shills. It's ridiculous. What do you care? Turn off your TV if those people piss you off so much.
'first and foremost, i am a femenist'
Also, it's not like we had a fucking choice.
The left is nazi as fuck, everything is racist, and so much tolerant and participation trophy bullshit
The right puts capital before health, environment, and country.
Fuck both sides, both are cancer and they need to die off.
At least trump brought us to rock bottom and made more people aware of politics. Hopefully now people will actually do shit in stead of being armchair internet warriors with PHd's in biased facebook groups.
2017 the year of the fucking expert, everyone is an expert on everything. God we're fucked aren't we?
he would have to apologize for being mean and stop being hillarious
gun control
He has become the best thing to Liberals I could have ever wished for, he has them all acting like fucking lunatics in front of an audience of sane people.
He is separating the herd into those who should survive and those who should be culled.
Anyone who states they are a Liberal after 4 years of Trump Red Pilling the masses, are societies trash and they should be eliminated.
Raise taxes and approve of even more immigration from non-European nations.
break all his promises
go to israelm wear a yamaka and pray at the wailing wall
o wait
atleast hes better than hillary
This is the only correct answer and I still can't believe there are unironic Trump shills still posting here despite the high of the initial win being long gone. Makes me convinced the 12 year olds from thedonald are here to stay.
Trump was the only sane choice out of the two. That being said, I wouldn't have minded Sanders winning, I think he's a fucking idiot but I also think he's harmless, he wouldn't have done much, especially compared to Hillary. I don't know what I was expecting of Trump and while I'm glad he beat Hillary his campaign so far has been woeful.
SJW is as much liberal as fascist is conservative.
thats what hes doing
Stop making you mad
whatever he does will never be worse than would Hillary would have done. some things are just as bad though
nothing. I memed for trump to trigger liberals and it did. He can do fucking anything now and I don't give a rats ass. If it triggers them harder, fantastic. If not, more's the pity.
>That being said, I wouldn't have minded Sanders winning,
You dont belong in this country. Fuck off to Venezuela, you will be happy there.
I could see him doing that easily
stop looking for attention faggot
Start a war with Iran, Syria, or North Korea.
Thats already happened
This is going to happen with or without Trump.
outlaw being a cuckold
>I could see him doing that easily
I got bad news for you pal
he already did
Bernie would have increased my taxes a lot though, and I think the system is broken as far as tax distribution. If he were to fix that, I would gladly pay a little more in taxes.
Republicans don't understand that the poor need to be fed in order to prevent revolt. Democrats don't understand that the tax system is corrupt and needs to be revamped..
As someone who is "well off" from being employee 5 at a successful tech startup, I'd rather the poor get their food stamps than come breaking into my estate and taking my shit. I don't see why this is so hard for the right to understand. They're all pretty well off too.
It is kind of like they're both bought out by saudies and russia.. They don't give a shit about the US anymore.
Hes still pushing for the Muslim ban so I don't think that's accurate.
Holy shit, I'm now a #cruzmissile
It's the truth. Why in the ever-loving fuck would you want someone in that position that could do fucking nothing because his ideas are so pants-on-head retarded, not even the MSM would be on his side?
A Bernie win would've brought an even MORE rabid right to this party we have going on here. Only good to come from it would've been even more redpilling, because people would get what they wanted, and see it crash and burn.
Be on record as saying the Clintons are great people..
oh wait
Nothing but lip service to his fanbase. Which is exactly what Clinton would have done and did during her campaign by being a conservative pretending to be a liberal. So he is exactly like Clinton. Let me know when something actually happens because right now its just empty words.
How many times does socialism need to fail and how many societies does it need to destroy before people realize it is a complete disaster of an ideology?
I am sick of paying for other people's free shit. The people that are Socialists are the one receiving free shit.
And if you are receiving free shit and you are not a Socialist, you are either a shitskin, illegal, handicapped, or a nigger.
He cant do anything worse than anything the dems have to offer
Get a real alternative shill
actually invade Syria/another middle eastern country beyond the ones in which we're already conducting operations
beyond that? maybe bolstering or ceding further power/control to the Fed
The real Donald Trump was assassinated. The current one is an imposter (this isn't metaphor).
War with Syria and many other middle-east nations, including Iran, will continue as planned.
The right has no problem taking care of OUR OWN POOR but fuck if I will ever be happy paying for the border rats and the trash Democrats import into this country.
what dont you go drink some cum from your masters and come back after your done cause it looks like you have had too much Sup Forums for today you shareblue faggot
- Give amnesty to all 30 million illegal spicks.
That would do it.
have fun being apart of the left/right psyop.
>socialism needs to fail
See this is where I disagree, we need to keep giving the poor free shit to sustain them, to a certain extent.
Also pure free market capitalism is great on paper but will never work with humans.. We're too greedy and we'll build monopolies etc, just as pure socialism will never work because, again, greed. We need balance, we also need greed.
Think about a world where we take all the social programs away from the poor.. Fucking chaos would issue. You may not be rich, or even close to it, but I worked my ass off for my wealth, and I'll be damned if I lose it over not paying my share of taxes to incapacitate a massive poor revolt.
I agree with this though. This would fall under the tax revamp, going towards better illegal immigration tech.
He was the right choice.
Privatize atc..
It's literally going to court, moron. Trump's doing okay. The Democrats on the other hand are now an explicitly anti-white party.
Nothing Trump could do short of actively taking on an anti-white male stance could possibly make him as bad as Hillary Clinton.
There is a difference between a small but functional welfare state and Socialism. There is a right-wing conception of a welfare state--one which covers the failures of the market by aiding the needy.
The Left-wing welfare state isn't aimed at "helping" anyone, but at tearing down the rich and trying to forcibly redistribute wealth for the sake of redistributing wealth.
This is what creates the Ghettos and welfare rat enclaves of the country. That is what Bernie Sanders and other "Social Democrats" who are really just Socialists moderating their position for popularity want. They see wealth redistribution as a good in and of itself, not the actual effects it will have on the economy. This is the difference between a moderate Democrat and a Socialist ideologue, and the American people can smell it a mile away.
Whenever you are faced with a situation--student loans, for example--and a proposal to fix it, first ask this question:
-Have they addressed WHY the situation is unaffordable? We know for an empirical fact that student loans and college costs have reached an untenable high because they are state-assured.
-Have they proposed fixing the issue of price before simply trying to make it free/
-Have they given you a method to pay for the program that will not destroy finance in the country, like Sanders' proposed trade tax did in Sweden?
If the answer is no, if they just jumped STRAIGHT to the nuclear option of taxing the shit out of high earners, then they're an ideologue and they deserve to be ignored. If you do not go through EVERY STEP in the above process, they are acting not rationally but ideologically.
raise income tax or restrict any gun rights
Yes. Because of our best allies, Israel. They've been so good to us.
> Appease (((Hollywood)))
> Support BlackLivesMatter
> Support the idiocy's of liberalism
His fascination with Jewry is bad enough, but at the very least bearable for me because of our alternatives. We had some REALLY shitty candidates this year and he was the best there was (his anti-PC rhetoric was exactly what got him elected).
Star a war with Iran or Syria.
Id regret my vote if Trump pull us out of Iraq and let my brothers die in vain, allow ISIS sand niggers to flourish like a certain liberal cock sucker did.
go back to t_D you underage reddit newfag
>It's literally going to court
He's doing it to throw a bone to his fanbase. He knows nothing will come out of it.
Like I said, let me know when something actually happens.
No, he isn't. The fact that it's going to court at all is evidence that it's happening. The ban is absolutely constitutional and it will easily pass--does anyone actually think it won't? What would he gain from proposing a bill, allowing it to be halted, then taking it to court and allowing it to be halted THERE? That makes no sense, your only defense is that it is still resolving, so you have not yet been decisively proven wrong.
You've created an unfalsifiable situation for your bitching because the results aren't in. If I'm to call you when something happens, then you're to shut the fuck up until the results are in. You don't get to use a point as an argument when your defense of the point is that it hasn't yet resolved.
>Keep ignoring North Korea and just propose more sanctions
>get BTFO by sanctuary cities
everythign he's done so far has been wonderful and i am very happy with my vote
but if he doesn't get rid of Kim Jung Un and defund all sanctuary cities until they kneel I'll be pretty angry with him
>hurrr neocon
>stupid warmonger shill kyke
war with NK is inevitable
oh yeah and ill be salty if he never investigates hillary like he promised and the wall never gets started
Not pick conservatve Supreme Court Judges but he already picked one. He will pick another as soon as that old hag Ruth Jewburg kicks the bucket. If he does nothing more then that I'll still be happy with him. I don't think some people realize how fucked our country would have been for the next 30 years if Hillary had won and stuck a bunch of Libshits in there.
Hillary would have ruined america for the next 40 years at least
I literally dont care what happens from this point forward simply because of this
5 star post
Last 2 travel bans were shut down by the courts. B-but 3rd times the charm right my fellow MAGApede? xD
Appoint Hillary Clinton to a cabinet level position. Short of that, nothing.
Oh fuck off "le we're all fucked, both sides r stupid! That's why im such a sensible moderate."
Go blow it out your ass, he clearly was the better choice no matter his faults, all the false equivocation in the world doesn't change that.
Have to admit, beyond my rational reasons, this was why I enjoyed voting for him so much. To see those fucking smug cunts cry
>1 post by this ID
CNN asking you to do their work for them, Sup Forums
Bullshit, even if nothing gets done he's done us all a favor by breaking up the western group think on unrestricted immigration and the insistence that Islam is peaceful. If it forces confrontation faster all the better.
Trump has placed a bet that he knows he's going to win; that progressive immigration policy is going to keep encouraging terror attacks and that he'll continually be on the right side of this. The alternative that euro immigration policy has nothing to do with it and these are all just deranged lone wolves like the media insists is in truth believed by no one
No no no, you're right, lung cancer is far better than brain cancer. Fucking retard. We need to do better at being a country not being a divided bunch of faggots who put parties over country.
I actually voted for Trump in the primaries and in the general. Just curious since all I ever see is BS about how unpopular he is.
War on Syria so goyims can die for Sith Lord Netanyahu
Lung cancer is better than brain cancer you cut guzzler. Go to an oncologist and ask them which they'd rather be diagnosed with tomorrow. Actually it's a good analogy...one is basically a death sentence, the other once you at least have a fighting chance of recovering from
not indict every single sharia blue agent ctr member antifa member cnn employee and a few others because then ill have to go ahead and do the dirty work myself systematically with a machine.
Not build the Wall, not deport Muslims
got eem.
Best friend survived brain tumor actually, stage 4 lung cancer killed my first companies CEO. But it is a good analogy, because both are cancer and need to be chemo'd.
At least he admitted we DO need to recover from the "better choice". That is pretty rational actually.
Literally be Hillary Clinton.
- Two Scoops
- Covfefe
I rest my case.....