Published on Jun 6, 2017

Published on Jun 6, 2017

NYC chapter of Black Lives Matter threw an 'exclusively black' Memorial Day party because it felt a safe space was needed for people to be 'unapologetically black.' Tucker takes on this party

I love Tucker. So glad he's showing the viewers that people like this exist.

>unapologetically black
What do blacks do around eachother that they'd have to apologize to white people about?


Fuck that faggot Cucker Carlfag!!!

This faggot is too busy trying to be the biggest cuck on ((((((((((FOX JEWS)))))))))) to realize that niggers are self-segregating!!!

Let the damn niggers have their own 'niggers only' party and hopefully they will go on their own 'niggers only' cruise back to Africa!!!!


Tucker Carlson is basically debating on easy mode here and I'm surprised he bothered to even ask any follow-up questions. All he had to do was let her run her mouth and look like a loud, literally shaking idiot.


Jesus Christ what the fuck is this woman?

I need bleach for my brain after that.
Also fuck my new apartment for not having Fox News

Sorry bros but she won this one. She went in on Tucker the exact same way he goes in on his other guests and wasnt giving him an inch.

The new face of America and it's beautiful

No in all seriousness this is cultural Marxism

who gives a shit if niggers wanna have an all nigger memorial day party. you go to any park near nigger neighborhoods and thats all you see so who gives a shit

Do you really think this would go both ways if the niggers do it? Spoiler alert: it won't. Shit would have to boil over to the point that it was popular amongst all racial groups to have these race specific areas/parties/etc.

>trying this hard

So do you shills practice and share info before you post in threads or are you just making it up as you go along?



based natsoc black lady btfo multikultis the fuck out

The more I see these marxist cunts "debate" the more I realise they have no better understanding of the issues than a child might. It's terrifying to think these people have support anywhere.

What does 'unapologetically black' even mean?

dey not sorry fo bein dindus

Are we not going to destroy this nigger on Twitter?

Violent, stupid, and proud of it.

Good. She is right.

I'm white and I've probably been to blacker parties than that
Real niggers are just niggers, the idea of acting unapologetically does not even occur to them

>unapologetically black.
>freely breathe halitosis breath
>blast a 3 note repeating bassline while freestyling redundant lines
>smoke dirt weed rolled in dutch master leaves
>say "yeeeh boy-E"
>wear white wifebeaters with stains
>eat chicken legs
>eat all the cartilage and soft bone bits too
>drink purple kool aid their mom made out of old milk jug
>shoot at each other
>play dice while exchanging same 3 dollar bills for hours
>forget deodorant but over apply cologne
>yell at a movie

>Uhhhhh this is segregation your the real Nazi cuz you don't want to blanda it up.

Tucker Carlson more like Cucker Cuckson am I right?

best part of the interview is when he says under his breath, "this is what identity politics looks like"

Thank you for reminding me why I hate niggers so much.

Shut off after 5 seconds she opened her mouth. How can you stand it..

you god damn racist slant eyed nigger

That the infamous "I'm sorry I'm sorry" plea niggers do when they get put in handcuffs?

Conditioning since birth.

There's a reason my only quote on Zukerbook is a Groucho Marx line about a child of five

I quit watching tucker after continuous russian talk. Fuck i just don't care. Plus faux news is finally showing their true colors.

Tucker has gone from owtied to based.

But he has on Arch-Zionist neocon warmonger Charles Krauthammer far too often

You forgot
>Shooting the screen after yelling at it

BLM sprang up almost overnight and is now all over the country and well funded.

So - who is fubding them?

Also - why no concern about the 80-90% of black murders caused by other blacks?

I felt i missed i few things..

>She was louder than him
>So she won

No. She made herself look like a crazy person. She started off screaming and chimping out and by the end, she was literally shaking.

Because black lives don't matter. All that matters is what the people funding this garbage want, civil unrest.

Wow! Is this what CTR is up to these days? Shitposting fake posts on pol?

This woman has such shit logic: "I imagine that everyone is or was racist. Therefore, I can act racist too!"