Kekistani HATE thread

Kekistani HATE thread




>blocks your path

This is a political discussion board, not a circle jerk.

i wanna put her in the queue for masturbation, name?

It makes me sick how popular this cancer has become.

Go cricle jerk back on plebbit pls


very sad, many such cases

Fuck Kekistan and all the cringeworthy autistic faggots that unironically support that garbage.


Fucking faggot didn't call it a digit spinner.


Very creative!


Ruined my night, quite possibly one of the worst things Ive ever seen

blame sargon of acuck.

Kekistani people should remain on the internet. Once these people go out in the real world with their Kekistani flags and Pepe t-shirts it ruins the magic. Either way, I'm not an ethnic Kekistani, nor do I worship kek.

I still remember the pre election memes and post election memes. Kek was a fucking fun as shit culture to be a part of. Fuck you OP.

sargon and his normies did this

I think this is a shill thread

Sup Forums gets to meme the kek thing into some success with borderline normies, getting it's ideology to the masses, and starts hating it?

Are you idiot? Don't you want to win the cultural war? Thats why I think this is some divide and conquer thread, some smart faggot just realized he could shame Sup Forums when looking itself in the mirror

Don't fall for this shit, push it to redpill the normies

He stole the meme that originated from here. We are the ones responsible.

This isn't even degenerate. Its just fucking lame

No THATS degenerate. Slippery judaism at its finest.

>"Shouldn't have come here!"
>"I yield!"

normies dont redpill, they just ruin

is that a kippa?

Sup Forums didn't start any of this cancerous shit.

this happens all the time actually

>we create a meme
>newfags start spreading it on twitter/normiebook/instagram
>all of the sudden it becomes one of the most trendy memes, all of the normies love it
>now its own creator, 4chinz hates that meme

Pretty fucked up how the kek and Sup Forums memes got destroyed. We Sup Forums now.

So you want nationalism urges to stain contained in this shit place? Whats the fucking purpose, you ultimate retarded faggot mongoloid imbecile

Black hair porcelain skin master race

more like chanology, doesnt have to be memes

Imagine being a 20+ years old participating in this fagotry. You can't really blame the kids for doing this shit, but if you participate in this kekistan trash as an adult you seriously have to reconsider your life choices and maybe even get yourself checked for some extra chromosomes.

Who the fuck even watches Sargon of acuck? His content is overly long and boring as fuck with constant shitty non arguments.

It disgusts me that I actually share a board with these kekistan fags.

Why is he wearing a kilt?

thinking that Sup Forums created the kekistan crap shows how fucking new you are

its an embarrassment and anyone who thinks it is "redpilling" to walk hallways in a kek flag or upload dance videos to "kek" needs a bullet.

I've seen you kids many many times and everyone just cringes and ignores you. It's like you kids think pepe larping in real life actually works. neck yourself

Kekistan thing got more gas after people trying to decide where to make refugees for white people, lands, farms, isles, whatever

Now you think this is somehow bad, to get people together for the ideology you shill 24/7?

Can't you see that to shame people against it only serves them?

You bunch of shill mongoloid faggots, wake up, this is a good thing, not bad, the proof of it is that it scares the shit out of the mongoloids of the left that you got all this reach, with the same symbols, hymns and everything else


True. I remember "anonymous" before it was taken seriously. But this time it's different in a weird way seeing how much more influence there was this time around. I'm going to miss the pepe, unfortunately this culture didn't make it enough mainstream to become predominate. I've seen it being used less and less every month.

nationalism is useless if it's civic nationalism. civic nationalism (aka the normie religion) is multiculturalism-lite.

>pol created kekistan

please kill yourself right this minute and the world will be a better place

Not true faggot, I was for a time now, you have no real arguments against mine, just repeating the shaming tactic

Communists wish they had a organic cultural reach like this, fuck off paid faggot, go suck a tranny dick like you like so much


It's like chanology 2.0
The original kek threads and coincidences were pretty cool but the election wave brought in loads of faggots who didn't lurk and wanted to be "in" on it. Then some cunt made that kekistan shit and now they sperg out with all that stuff at public rallies now. When people see these tards and then research the kekistan shit it's also linked to us(they use the clover in their flag ffs).
It's always good for people to get redpilled but this shit is too cringe, 4chans natural instinct is to attack all cringe even if it started here.

be gone

go to 4archive, and go see kekistan threads of feb 2017, see the explosion on threads about buying an island or a farm with collective funding on kickstarter or some other shit, with colonialists

kill yourself paid shill faggots, all you are is afraid of the memes reaching critical point to the normies, like Sup Forums always do

This place is autistic but it's the leader producer of cultural life of the internet

Thats why you are shunning this shit down, to kill it off