Checkmate, alt-right!

Checkmate, alt-right!

There are only two genders

I'm a scientist


i have a MD
there are only two genders


try reassigning your chromosomes

you mentally ill faggot


There are only two genders.

>assuming nigger cultures count

Of course niggers have 6 gorillion genders. They all look like apes.

I am sexologist there are only two genders

Sexologist here. There are only two genders and OP is a male homosexual who identifies as an idiot.

Two sexes: Male and Female
Four genders: Natural Male or Female, Artificial Male or Female

I'm a Doctor who has a bachelors in Psychology working as a scientist in a company full of sexologists who all have a degree in anthropology.

There are only two genders.

Is asshole a gender?

>doctors, scientists, and everything else
gee i wonder who could be behind this

Oh boy. You're not going to win this one no matter how right you are or how much consensus among experts you have. Such is the nature of Sup Forums

Person with a degree in Anthropology here:

We could name various societies that do have people identify as something else. The problem is that this doesn't mean the society you live in suddenly works the same way as the other ones we mentioned. Furthermore, other cultures allowing you to go by something else is an expression more of how that culture changed to handle psychological permutations than it is an indication of there being additional genders.

Unfortunately a bunch of fucking quacks took over Anthropology so now we have that clusterfuck in our hands that isn't really what are research is trying to say. Instead it should be "Well, you know there are other cultures where the culture created this space so that people who act this way can just go about their business in a functional way" rather than what Gender studies wants to cram it as it being proof of more than one gender.


Somebody who lost the good fight against these idiots.

Weird how biologists are left out

>ok, what are their roles in biological reproduction?

Human beings display what biologists would call neoteny, which means a species retaining childlike traits into adulthood. For example, in most mammals, the young of the species have extremely neuroplastic brain function, meaning their mind is more attentive and adaptive to learning and information. By the time they become mature adults, however, their minds harden considerably. Human beings, on the other hand, retain neuroplasticity throughout our lives which makes us capable of incredible feats of learning and imagination. Also, notice that humans remain mostly hairless, unlike our closest primate cousins, almost as though we've retained the physiology of a fetal ape. These are high-risk high-yield adaptations that have obviously paid off for us human beings in spades.
Now the other piece is the biology of gender. The way gender works in mammals is that the young of the species are far less heavily sexed, and gender dichotimization doesn't hit with any force until puberty and adulthood. This means a young boy and young girl have more in common with each other, chemically and hormonally, than either do with their adult counterparts. So perhaps, because humans already display so much neoteny, we could speculate we also retain more connection to that gender-fluid androgynous mindspace of the child.

I think the transgender movement is actually a godsend, because I think that some factions of feminism have tried to whitewash the messy sadomasochistic aspects of sex, the nature of how many men and women interact and view each other sexually, to try and create a world where gender is as insignificant as earlobe shape or any other arbitrary variable. "Transgenderism" confirms, no, there IS a dichotomy, there is masculine and feminine, there are reasons the two are attracted to each other, each brings something to the table that the other cannot. But when we speak about masculine and feminine, what we're distinguishing is not physical bodies, but rather aspects of each individual's psyche. The gender roles and cultural myths about gender are not the whole story, "male" and "female" are really like these archetypes, something we wear or something we play with, depending on who we're with, what we want from them, what we're trying to project... The true bass note is just this androgynous consciousness that can recognize both sides of the polarity. I think deep down, in all of us, the truth of how we relate to gender, our own and others', is far from simple.

There are only two genders.

t. asshole

Gender is a social construct. Sex is not.

Someone has been reading too much Kant.

You're forgetting that we're actually embodied as either male and female. Jung recognised that and saw the structure of the psyche change accordingly. He would probably have diagnosed animus/anima possession in these people.

Appeal to authority and the authority is a strawman you created.

How many layers of logical fallacy are you on right now my dude?