
Is there an Australian AltRight presenc? Who is worth following and watching?

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Alt-right is a media meme and a label which (((they))) use to demonise the views associated with the term. Just be a conservative and nationalist and leave it at that.

Watch New Zealand show you how to get shit done - NZF 20% - South Seas Kikes on Suicide Watch.

One Nation is expanding to include youth

There are plenty of facebook groups active.

Start with Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell

Posters at my shit university put up by people who call themselves socialists say that there's an Australian alt-right which is a totally legit super-dangerous nazi movement but as far as I know it doesn't exist. Normal Australians are probably pretty far right though so the issues would probably find a lot of support if somebody would push them.

One Nation's image is too shit to do any good. We need to rally under the banner of rationalism if we want to get anywhere. Push population control as the #1 reason to stop immigration/boats. A lot of old-school lefties are big on that.

You could maybe kill yourself?

Sydney Uni? Seen some stickers in the toilets that get scribbled on by marxists, but if there is anyone further right than Chairman Mao they keep a low profile on that campus.



Anyone at ANU?

Blair cotrell

>socialists say that there's an Australian alt-right which is a totally legit super-dangerous nazi movement but as far as I know it doesn't exist.

thats what they always do, everyone who isn't a ignorant commie is a nazi to them

Retarded bogan that tries to sound educated, but his highest attainment is a ticket as a plumber or something. Got a few years in a cell for a roid rage domestic stalking incident, allegedly involving a tomohawk.

Anybody with an iq above the double digits keeps mum on this stuff in public, so what we get are retards as spokesthings, which is very convenient for the opposition.

Btw Mark Latham isn't altright, but he's pretty sick these days. He's learning

Larpers gonna Larp

Fight me faggot.

He's learning that he needs an income, and that means he needs an audience. All the old cabbie basher has figured out is there is a market in pointing out certain obvious hypocrisies and appearing to be anti-establishment. In that sense, he's slightly ahead of the curve compared to his former compatriots in politics, but still slow as a wet week. We've moved onto edgier fare than he's willing to provide.

I figure he sees either a rebel media tier role for himself as a 'radical commentator' or picking up enough disenfranchised voters to land a senate seat for the requisite number of years for the golden parachute to kick in.

Not really. Just bogans who like to go up to Newtown and beat up Antifa.

>thinking antifa arnt the real bogans

Well fine. Same shit.

Bogans have better taste and are 1000% more tolerable.

Mate your alright.

Literally you.


I think it's been shut down. Not sure why.

Youtube - Porridge Pals, Reactionary Expat (asian wife and lives in Asia but is a good youtuber),

#dingotwitter hashtag on twitter is where most hangout

Checked. no.

>abc net au/news/2017-05-15/the-australian-fascist-advertises-dingocon/8525678