Operation trumpileaks


Other urls found in this thread:



>michaelmoore com/TrumpiLeaks

We should leak a document that contains photoshops of Michael Moore being a fatass that he is.

Like really disgusting shit. Tubgirl/Michael Moore.

And make it look legitimate and shit.


I will thank you and salute every time I see you doing god's work user

Archivebrah is a bot right?

Also, bumping for lulz.

I'm here every waking hour and I've made tools to help me counter shills more effectively. Not a bot.

we should start uploading red pills, pictures, infographics

overload the server with anti-globalist - anti-kike data and evidence

I salute you archivebrah. Keep it up.

so they are going to cling to this russia thing for another 4 years

I have already contacted him via whatsapp.

Bumping this thread for Shia 2.0 habbenings.

Delete yo pic just in case. nice

heres a (you) because that image is awesome

> You can transfer files to Michael Moore as large as 400 megabytes.

> Generate random zipped file to send him
> $ MEGABYTES=$(awk -v min=300 -v max=400 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}') && echo "Generating archive of: $MEGABYTES megabytes" && dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=$MEGABYTES | bzip2 > mooreleaks.bz2

Ideally one would zip multiple files that look real because he will immediately know this is fake once he starts unzipping

We need to figure out a way to waste his time

I'm 99% sure that Moore is actually a Trump supporter, that his Trumpland persuasion was entirely intentional (and is what got Trump elected). As such, this site is a beautiful fucking honeypot.

how are you so quick with this? and also, do you never sleep??


Did he bite?

Nest zipped files.
Also lzma2 on extreme might allow sending much larger files.

no one should send him tons of CP and/or gore
That would be wrong

What if that was his plan all along? He does have a certain