The Universe Is Infinite? Nope

Have you ever seen a deep conversation on Sup Forums before? Well let me take you all for a ride so please sit down.

>*Clears throat*

It is widely believed that the universe is not infinite.. for they say
>IT IS FACT! that the universe is only 13Billion years old

Since when did scientist start making such bold claims? Why do people choose to try running before they can even walk? Humans lack the humble nature they so easily cast aside.

Ok.. Lets just say they universe isn't infinite, And when i say the universe are you thinking about the stars or the blackness that the stars are engulfs it. If we're talking about the stars then yes.. there is a chance that there is a limit number of stars in the universe (Although) it's a huge number most likely.

BUT.. if we're talking about the Darkness that engulfs the stars... it does and will always keep going, and it's fairly simply to be honest.
Let's just say that there was wall some where deep deep in space far away from us.. and that wall is on the very top of all creation below... wouldn't that wall be infinite? For the wall would be infinitely huge with no end.. bottom line, it keeps going going, no matter what.. And let's just think before the Big bang.. it still keeps going forever, even if there is nothing to fill in the void... with or without you it will always be forever infinite. For the emptiness was always the beginning and the end, it is alpha and omega, and you have the honor to sit in the gap between the two polar opposites.

Are you high?

This is what happens when normies misinterpret things they hear black scientist man say on tv. Just because the universe has a finite age doesn't mean it is finite in size. Most physicists believe the universe is infinite in size, which is something you can determine by measuring the large scale curvature of the universe.


May seem infinite in size from our meager human perspective*

Don't make it more complex than it has to be.

It's infinite... it's simply just... infinite....

This. Relativism, bitch.

Space itself was created during the big bang. "Before" the big bang there wasnt anything.

>You know anything about time before the big bang.

Spoiler alert, we can only speculate about the initial conditions of the universe.There are several competing theories, none of which have been confirmed.

Umm, no sweetie. God created the world in seven days six thousand years ago and put fossils in the ground to test our faith. Try again.

Yes there was. It's called "outer space".

The universe is a social construct

>God created the world in seven days six thousand years ago
Obvious contradiction.

Or is it?

I haven't read it myself, but one author supposes that according to the theory of relativity, it is possible that the development of the world could be conceived in "six days"

>put fossils in the ground to test our faith

>The Bible says that dinosaurs do not exist

If there was nothing that is still something you dense mother fucker, there is no way around that.

There was always something, something before the something.. always infinite, let me ask you this... i'm not saying the bigbang didn't happen... but where did the big bang come from ? because nothing comes from nothing, only something can come from something... why do you choose to believe that there is nothing in the beginning? why not believe that there was always something before the nothing... and if you still think that nothing came before something.. then how do you exist now faggot?

If something is expanding, it is not infinite. How dumb are you?

This universe is like a bubble - a body of stable 4d physics leaked (brrrrrrttt) from a set of higher Universes.
It expands much like a bubble, contracts, wobbles, and is long term unstable. The big-bang/big crunch paradigms are for simple goys to grok.

It is a psylosophy question we can only see to the edge of our universe. There could be other universes beyond what we can see.

Time is a simple by-product of light, and this thread is a simple by-product of an inferiority complex.

>"Before" the big bang there wasnt anything
Stop speaking about wild guesses with such confident tone. We don't know a fuck, and that's the only thing we can be certain about. Even imagining something to start from literally nothing is unimaginable.

The OBSERVABLE universe is finite yes, about the universe in general we don't and we may never know

the idea is that it is finite in the sense that it goes back to where it started, much like a sphere does, except in a shape we cannot conceive or understand because of our limitations.

not saying any of that is true, I just have no idea or even interest to pinpoint it.

Its expanding at the speed of light, so for all purposes you can count it infinite. You will never reach the wall since it escapes faster than you can ever close it.

Is that a real quote by that nigger from Crash? How do people not understand the explicit language of mathematics? 1x1 is literally saying "one instance of one" which by irrefutable logic is equivalent to 1.

I agree with you. The universe is (or has existed as) a closed system. It is superdeterministic.

OP is proof we really don't need more women in STEM.

ants may think the world is flat, due to their narrow perception

For what is the big bang filling in? is it just a mear explosion or is it still creating as it keeps moving?

There can be a 'wall' in space, you filthy pleb. As you go deeper into space, you will discover that the shape of space has turned you around and you're heading back to where you started. It's not a wall made of matter, but rather one made of 'rules'

>being this high
this is why you activate your almonds before smoking them

Stop playing so much Packman user. That is the shittiest theory ever, period.

Plus you have nothing to back that up with other then your word.

well, the bullshit about wormholes and such could be true and feasible

This guy gets it
The universe is either a doughnut shape or spheroid.
It may or may not have a "belly button" too

Take a rubber band. You can stretch it. Now imagine an infinite long rubber band. You can still stretch it.

Isn't dark energy or dark matter something (((physicists))) made up because the theories do not match the empirical evidence?

Really makes me think...

Stop Jewing us with Cantor's bullshit.

This has nothing to do with Cantor. The space is expanding this way.

You are close, but so far away.

Matter and space are intrinsically connected concepts, one does not exist without the other.

If you want to get a Nobel prize for solving Grand Unified Theory, follow what I just told you.

Yeah cosmologists aren't talking about this stuff, but only Faggoted OP is asking the real tough questions. Lay off the bong.

There is no such thing as a black hole in space.

>BUT.. if we're talking about the Darkness that engulfs the stars... it does and will always keep going, and it's fairly simply to be honest.
>Let's just say that there was wall some where deep deep in space far away from us.. and that wall is on the very top of all creation below... wouldn't that wall be infinite? For the wall would be infinitely huge with no end.. bottom line, it keeps going going, no matter what.. And let's just think before the Big bang.. it still keeps going forever, even if there is nothing to fill in the void... with or without you it will always be forever infinite. For the emptiness was always the beginning and the end, it is alpha and omega, and you have the honor to sit in the gap between the two polar opposites.
What if like we view galaxies currently is how universes also operate. Essentially you can think of our universe as a galaxy. There is a void (to us) between galaxies and the same applies to universes. We end up with with puddles within puddles.

the absolute fucking state of pol brainlets LEL


Earth is flat there is no universe you fucking sphere cuck

>Don't make it more complex than it has to be.

ofcourse the universe is infinite.
There are already infinitely many points between any two given pixels on your screen.
uncountably many infact.
we live in a four dimensional manifold for a universe. anyone denying that is just plain silly

Earth is a dome on a turtle and the sky is a screen projection by Kek to troll us. Astronauts were eaten by the turtle and shat out as zombies. All Nasa's pics were made in Photoshop by the same team of expert monkeys Google has.

There are no actual infinities.

>thinking the chicken & the egg idea is deep thoughts
depth of thought is purely subjective on how shallow you are

It doean't need to fill into anything, creating new space as it expands, but if it does fill into something, that something is most likely destroyed/"overwritten" by the empty space.

I agree but no one knows for sure. The expansion of space doesn't mean it must be finite.

Stars are finite.
The void of space has no limit, which makes perfect sense as the void of space is emptiness.

Since the big bang, the total, and finite, energy within the void of space has been steadily drifting apart, allowing for the formation of elements as that energy cools and slows.

At the center of every galaxy is a massive black hole which dictates just about every fine detail about that galaxy in terms of size and shape and drift across the x/y/z plane of the void.

These black holes slowly (relatively) draw in the entire contents of their surrounding galaxy, eating away at the available mass/energy. The extreme violence of movement among massive bodies nearest to the black hole results in mass being blasted to the outward towards the rim of the galaxy until caught by gravitational pull of some other massive body; then it joins the cycle of circling towards center once again.

On a long enough timeline, the super massive black hole at the center of a galaxy will consume the galaxy in its entirety. The "missing" link in astrophysics right now is the presence of gravitational influence holding galaxies together that isn't completely accounted for by the black hole nor by the mass present within the galaxy.

That aside, the next question to answer is the fate of all this energy being consumed by black holes throughout the universe. The universe comes to a cold stand still completely devoid of energy, but where has all that energy been placed?

In the event of the "big bang" the total available energy present in our universe was concentrated onto a pinpoint from which it expanded outwards; that is the center of our universe, and it is theorized that this process began 13.5 billion years ago. It is my hope that black holes are discovered to be sucking up the energy of our universe and placing onto a pinpoint sized starting line for the birth of a new universe, thus completing the never ending cycle of existence.

you know that fucking empty gap between your ears that is nothing, its the absence of matter.

just like black is the absence of light, there is no black, except for the cock your mom takes every night.

prior to the big bang, there is nothing, and not nothing as empty space, empty space is not empty,but in nothing as in OMEGA, NULL

existence did not exist.

What's on the other side of that wall? Funny I asked myself this same question when I was 5 years old in 1986.

Man I love potato chips

If the universe was infinite it wouldn't be expanding.

I asked for the meaning of life at the similar age. I still don't know the answer. I think it has something to so with owning a successful business and a house, marrying a beautiful aryan wife, having a dozen half-mongoloid-half-aryan children, and driving the most expensive car of the neighbourhood.

If universe is infinite, there are infinite planet with life

If there are infinite planets with life, infinite species would have visited earth

If you see, infinite brings a lot of non sense, its clear that the universe is not infinite but its actually enormously huge.

I am using the metaphysical definition of actual, not actual actual. You cannot have it otherwise you'll have absurd contradictions just like that story of the hotel with infinite rooms.

You were in jail at 5 years old? nigger detected.

The universe is spherical and is "infinite" in the same way that Earth is "infinite". You can travel in a straight line forever and you won't reach the edge, but you'll also never exit it. The only difference is that we can leave Earth

Your a fucking idiot, and let me tell you why, Op said the that universe goes forever, but probably not the stars. For the emptiness of the void keeps going forever with no signs of life because there is a limited number of stars in an infinitely dark void.

Mathematicians like Gauss didn't like the concept of actual infinities. But now it's used in set theory all the time. I guess it's a matter of taste.

by god OP, you've done it

You've debunked the universe! All without a shred of fucking source on anything you said! What is your secret OP? How have you learned the truth without the schooling or instruments to do so?

You are powerful, OP. Please be careful...

Wow, Chile, that post was almost nigger tier retarded.

It could be that both intergalactic and intragalactic travel requires immensely complex technology and has not yet been obtained by the most developed of all existing life within our universe.

It could mean that the technology has been created and that it has been used, but you're too pleb to be included in the alien dance party.

What's most likely is that the capability for life to achieve intergalactic or intragalactic is not possible, and we are truly alone in this universe despite it being filled with life on an infinite scale.

Thats the same than saying the universe is finite you retard, as "infinite" void makes no difference, in fact, what the fuck a "not even void" space would be like?

Op didn't crack shit, the clear truth was in front of you the whole time, All op did was take the time to write about it.

Virtually it is infinite for the foreseeable future.

It's fine in math, though, but don't be autistic enough to assume it's anything more than an approximation when you apply it to physical events.

Hey, stupid fuck, the void matters just as much as the mass within it. It's why the universe is "expanding" as galaxies drift further and further away from each other a towards a freeze of absolute zero.

Actual smart person here

The universe isn't expanding at light speed, in fact it's theorized that the curvature of the universe is flat, which means that the expansion will eventually start slowing down and continuously slow down forever(while never quite stopping completely), though this depends on the nature of dark energy, the unknown constant that is currently causing the expansion to accelerate.

The reason you can't reach the edge of the universe, the way scientists see it, is that the universe is shaped something like the 4-dimensional version of a mobius strip - eventually you would just return to where you came from. Personally I think this sounds like bullshit though, and that the universe is a more simple volume with an edge, though that edge might simply be a border between regular space(which is never completely empty) and nothingness.

Also we know the approximate age of the universe because we can only see things that are less than 13.8 or whatever billion lightyears away. Beyond that, our telescopes only see a wall of glowing energy (the cosmic microwave background), which means that light that has traveled for longer than that time to reach us came from an age where the universe was opaque, dense and extremely hot - not long after its creation, logically.

Also black holes don't suck in entire galaxies, they are far less gluttonous than sci-fi leads you to believe. They also probably aren't a portal to new universes, because the matter in them does eventually break free via Hawking Radiation, which is basically an extremely slow evaporation process. The universe will be a world of black holes for billions and billions of years someday, but eventually, those too will disappear and we will be left with a homogeneous soup of particles. RIP.



it's not

>It could be that both intergalactic and intragalactic travel requires immensely complex technology and has not yet been obtained by the most developed of all existing life within our universe.

Then your silly infinite universe theories are non sense because they will never be observable

>It could mean that the technology has been created and that it has been used, but you're too pleb to be included in the alien dance party.

If there are infinite aliens with that technology, theres 2 groups, one that never met the humans (which is infinite), and the one that met the humans (whjch is infinite too!). Its not hard to see that the word infinite brings too much paradoxes and there's not even proofs that its actually like that

Chile is right, user. Infinite brings a lot of baggage with it.

yea he's a real bold guy. So bold he described the observable universe and empty space as "the stars or the blackness that the stars are engulfs it."

At least I posted some actual content, instead of a "Tid(us)y Desktop"

You're a smart burger. Keep up the good work.

We have so many audacious scientists who cling onto their theories and then gain fanboys who don't want to see heir crap challenged.

Institutional science is going to be the old Catholic Church if it is not already.

>Since when did scientist start making such bold claims?
It's called theory and you can chose to believe it or not. Fuck of muritard.

fuck you faggots
everybody knows the universe is made of strings

Where is the universe where I have a stable of genetically cloned 1999 Jennifer Love Hewitts?

Yeah, I read the wiki too. We r supr smurt gaiz.

>curvature of the universe is flat
wrong, with a positive cosmological constant, you live in an asymptotically de Sitter space. de Sitter space has constant positive curvature.

>Also black holes don't suck in entire galaxies, they are far less gluttonous than sci-fi leads you to believe. They also probably aren't a portal to new universes, because the matter in them does eventually break free via Hawking Radiation, which is basically an extremely slow evaporation process. The universe will be a world of black holes for billions and billions of years someday, but eventually, those too will disappear and we will be left with a homogeneous soup of particles. RIP.

How do you reconcile that block holes slowly release the energy/mass they've captured, yet will not eventually turn this released matter into new galaxies?

I'd also like to know why black holes will disappear on a long enough timeline. So far, there's no observable evidence that explains black holes beyond what they're currently doing, and even then it's a shallow understanding.

Yes, this is clearly drugs. OP mom and dad are concerned for you, please come home soon

The fedora tipping in this thread is beyond infinity.
All those responding to this no-effort OP should kill themselves.

Yes. I have a question:
Does your mommy and daddy know you're playing on their computer, little girl?

Comment too:
C- for content; D for spelling and punctuation. A for effort (considering your a borderline literate 6yr old).

>Be cool. Stay in school.
>No, seriously... you must educate yourself in multiple areas, the least of which at the moment being either theoretical physics or philosophy.

I would tongue punch her fartbox.

Content is subjective, Spelling is indeed poor but you can't deny the questions Op is bringing up was done by a little girl.

I think Op did good for once.

But empty space isn't empty
then how does Hawking radiation evaporate dark holes?

Ugh... let us guess: flat earther?

Destroy that meme

Yes, if you outright ignore relativity.

Infinite will not exist for you, or for myself, or for anyone else because you cannot fully observe something infinite. This doesn't make infinite an impossibility. Your existence and your observations are inevitably too limited to understand the full scale of the universe; and frankly nothing occurring on this planet is significant to the universe.

What you're doing is thrusting yourself into something infinitely more complex than yourself and stating "none of this will ever be relevant to me personally, so it cannot be". That's pretty fucking retarded.


Correct spelling: Nigger.
Emphasis on last g, er -- g'ur. Say it with me now:
nig' gur... nigger. Good job

There was not anything "before" the big bang. A philosophical nothingness. Time hadn't started, therefore there wasn't space either. Matter didn't expand into an existing field, the... Fabric of space itself was created.

Holy shit, this sounds true


The curvature of the universe is flat with a 5% margin of error.

The released matter from black holes is in the form of subatomic particles, which won't fuse together and form atoms and molecules in the extremely cold and thin universe of the distant future. Evaporation of black holes isn't proven yet but most scientists assume it must happen. In fact, if it didn't, we likely wouldn't exist, as microscopic black holes could be formed from all sorts of high energy events (like cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere) and then proceed to grow unhindered. The evaporation prevents this from happening. It works like this: In quantum physics, energy can spontaneously be converted to a particle of matter and a particle of antimatter which then instantly re-merge and annihilate eachother turning them back to energy. But if this happens at the event horizon of a black hole, one half of the pair might appear just outside of the horizon and one half just inside, which would separate them. The one outside the horizon then carries half of that energy away from the black hole.

Only nothingness with come from nothing, and only something come from something.

Stop trying to block out the fact that there was always a dark void, And it's true, maybe the Bigbang did happen, but there was still an infinite void around the big bang. All the Bigbang do was fill the something nothing empty void with something other then infinite darkness. For what is the Bigbang even filling in? It's obviously filling in something.

Well, not really.

There was nothingness, in the most literal sense, prior to the big bang. It's worth remembering that the big bang only matters to the 3rd dimension of existence.

Once matter entered the nothingness, the nothingness between matter and the nothingness still left undisturbed by matter became the space between matter and the space still left to occupy by matter.

None of this suggests that time, which would be the 4th dimension, didn't exist prior to the big band, which is the 3rd dimension.

It's a bit like saying that time didn't exist until you personally realized you were waiting for something to happen or that you personally realized that something happened outside the present moment. That's just when you first realized what time is, but time had already been in existence with or without you to measure it.

Please don't feed the