What should realistically be done with mental retards?

what should realistically be done with mental retards?

>can't kill them because inhumane
>they do not contribute anything to society in any way (unless intelligent enough to work low skill service job for 40 years)
>they are a burden on parents, who essentially sign off their entire lives just to take care of them and die old and alone

The 1800s had the right idea of just keeping them locked up. In today's world you could have one big sort of mental retard retreat in the wilderness where the state/province sends all its retards.

In ancient rome if a child was born with deformity or mental illness it was routine to take them to the outskirts of rome and throw them into a pit.

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I don't know, what did they do with you?

Labor camps.

Theres entire countries of mental retards.

Institutionalization in cottage style campus, group homes but also provide lower level jobs for the one's that can function in society. I've known a few good tards in my time who made excellents workers and had hearts of gold.

Also, I apologize for the grammatical errors in this post.

Too stupid for that.

I like the Roman method but applied in the modern setting: utilize modern medicine and enforce abortion on all fetuses that would otherwise be born with severe genetic disabilities.


The free market would be able to give them low pay jobs for their low skill but minimum wage.

fuck this took me a second

>I've known a few good tards in my time who made excellents workers and had hearts of gold.
> t. tard wrangler

ya, you love retards because you use them as slaves to make your business profitable.

typical capitalist yankee pig

you tell him, comrade

Some people need to be burdened

the best solution to mental retardation would be to close Canada's border and cut off the internet connection

same thing you do with the mentally ill. you bought asylums where they can work to help run the asylum. Imagine how prison kitchens and gardens used to work and just do that

Cheap manual labor you faggot.

This, fucking enslave them and breed them to work in wheat fields while I wait for them to finish the harvest so I can buy my wife a nice folklore costume

>can't kill them

you know how I can tell you are a fucking leaf?

how about you shut the fuck up before I kick your fucking ass?

How about this, lads?

>All mental retards sterilized
>Legal to fuck mental retard women

Yeah it's predatory, but if she's not being hurt who cares? They're property. Would love to entertain a downs cutie and pump her sterile pussy and blow inside.

Why should society stop mentals from experiencing the pleasure of sex? As long as they sterile of course.

Saying they cannot consent means you have admitted they are not fully functioning thus not an adult, and their status as a human being is put into question.

at the university i go to they collect the trash. downies can work and function and even be autonomous. nothing wrong with letting them live and looking after them, it's technically a burden in some cases but it's a pandemic and never will be. a civilized society would just look after the tards and give menial work to the best tards.

there's a few autonomous downie cuties i've seen, (go to gym, take classes) swear to kek im gonna light the next one up I see.

There must be a book written about this. "The tard that became the King of tards". What would an alpha tard look like? He would dominate the other tards in the tard kingdom.

im an alpha tard,

complete failure at life with sub 100 iq. being literate and having sex my greatest achievements

Just leave them be.
Not everything has to be about making profit

>leaf flags
>stale shitposting
It checks out

Shock Troops

we should just euthanise them

Sterilization and possibly abortion if caught early enough. It's a liability to taxpayers and families alike either way

We could collect all the retards and then throw them in roman-style coliseums where normal people can watch them battle to the death with swords and all sorts of medieval weaponry and equipment

Can we sterilize you instead?

Be honest Sup Forums if you could remove retards or black people from existence, which would you choose?

Obviously Jews

>can't kill them because inhumane
that's where you're wrong kiddo

They can be useful. Shit, Trump wouldn't be President without them.

Give all the tards cell phones and send them to the hood so we can laugh at nigs. Solution to both problems without a need to kill either.


Feed them to the vegans. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Send them all to an island called "Retard Island" and film it and make a reality show. Retards try to recreate civilization and we see how far they get.

when Israel is defeated, we should enforce diversity hires of the mentally disabled and put them at tops positions for deciding Jewish fiscal policy and business decisions.

We give the tards any raw materials needed to create anything, and see what they do with it.

Abort them before they get born.
Make it mandatory to do so.
Let those who already live die of old age.
Problem solved.

Bring back eugenics, God knows we need it.

Back in the old days we in Iceland used to just tie them to a pole.
Either way, I'm for abortion when the baby is actually retarded.

There's actually a village in Britain (correct me if I'm wrong anons) where retards were sent as part of an experiment to see how they would live.
And cause I see this coming, no its not London (but if they cant control their Islam problem it soon will be)

As long, as they are whit,- send them to poolakia, they'll blend in, nobody will notice.
Any shitskined to amuricah,
Problem?- solution!

I don`t see what the big deal is? Do you know how much a horse eats and shits? And you have to shuwwel all that as well.

A person with Downs is "way smarter" then a dog. You can train him/her to dress, go to the toilet, clean himself up and even do manual labour, which many do. They are like very intelligent "pets". It all depends on how well you take care of that person. Just look at Forrest Gump. He turned out well.

>>can't kill them because inhumane

i just wish Publix didnt hire retards to touch all my food

t. retard

What should I do If my child comes out retarded? Should I smother it?

grocery store down the road has a couple bagging groceries. they always seem content. i don't see the problem with retards. ones that are being fed through tubes and can't even move are probably best pushed into a lake somewhere but retards who can bag groceries are doing more than some NEET scumfuck who thinks he's above that type of work

>Oy vey no no no, don't average the--no, the interest can't be compounded before--please, no, stop, oy vey another shoah...



Thanks, based Iceland

Abort as many as you can.

Send the rest off to plantations and have them pick cotton under the careful supervision of their overseers.

Starvation would be inhumane, a quick lethal injection would be best.

Are leafs allowed to be this edgy?

Stop reading Mein Kampf before Bed Turnip.!

Don't worry, Scrote.

At least they're employable and can hold down a job and not complain about wanting free shit

By retards you mean niggers?

I think it's called Haiti

No problem.

>what should realistically be done with mental retards?

Send them to Canada like we've always done.

Let Canadians have sex with them