So will Trump get impeached?

So will Trump get impeached?

yes just ask MSNBC

Mexico is. Huge. Enjoy!

>Mexico is great! Little credibility

Ha ha ha. No, even the simplest people understand that the news are extremely biased. Trump is fine, and maybe we hear of him for eight years.

@CNN is little little celebrity!

>Jobs are rigged. Make America great again.
Some truth to this.

Covfefe is dishonest fake media!

>Covfefe is loony. It is sad!

Just about sums up the lifetime of that retarded meme before reddit beat it into the ground.

Hillary's emails are bad. Big trouble!

This is a datamining thread.

Fucking retards

>Dems are phony little credibility!

Whatever, I'm behind 7 proxies and using TOR

Thats why i used fake data, you fake bastard.

>Russia is Useless Fake Media!
well duh

ObamaCare is Dangerous! Make America Great Again!

kekus dey

Mexico is incredible, enjoy! Lol

@CNN is crazy! Media is fake!

Women are dumb phoney hypocrites
Not bad desu

@Cnn is dumb, it is sad

no he won't be impeached. If you're too god damn lazy to look up what impeachment is and the parameters for the process, here's pic related

Fake news media is classy little credibility!

>Dems are awesome!

Dems are crazy. Big trouble!


Dems are ugly. See you in court.

subtle data mining/social engineering

America is Failing. Enjoy!

Fake News Media is stupid, I have tremendous respect for women!

hillary's emails are little. little credibility!

>implying im giving my information to this fbi honeypot

@Foxandfriends is crazy not good

I guess the 31st isn't a day


Jobs are huge. Jobs, jobs, jobs!

Are you drunk?

It's in the rightmost part

nice data mining threat you fucking faggot.

This board has a terrible reputation on pretty much any other place on the web, even other boards on Sup Forums.

Ask people on GameFAQs, Kotaku, Reddit, Tumblr, and they'll all point out how circlejerkily insane this place is. People on those places laugh at this board's insistence on accepting YouTube videos and image macros as a source over peer-reviewed journals and legitimate authorities.

and those are just the websites frequented by young intellectuals, the same demographic Sup Forums would claim to be part off (judging from the demographic threads; THANKS for letting me know how many straight white males in their late teens and twenties are deeply hateful inside; it makes me wonder how many I know in real life TRULY are)

YouTube, Facebook, and every other major website have owners extremely hostile to your views. When I look at the posts here, I can definitely see why they're justified in taking this kind of shit out of their own websites, which -- by the way, they own. You can't claim free speech when it is 100% within their right to remove future Breiviks and Elliot Rodgers from being associated with them.

You are going to lose. Face it. History is on our side. How many of your ilk aside from Hitler were successful in ANY way? Any way that can't be attributed to privilege and any other basic unfairness in general?

Hillary's e-mails are great. See you in court!

>Ask people on GameFAQs, Kotaku, Reddit, Tumblr

Too obvious.

Nope. It's moronic to even ask.



>@CNN is phony. It is sad.

That worked out well.


Women are ugly, it is sad.

women are loony i have tremendous respect for women

Russia. Is useless. Not!

Hillarys emails are huge. Big trouble!