Filthy niggers


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Based on a real dream

Poopy African-skinned man stole my bike.

You really do want to go all out with this don't you?

Eeeeyup :D

I dare you to post everything you got then as far as your stereotypes are concerned.

Well, there's always the fact that there's an innocent black man sitting on the bench as he eats fried chicken and watermelon while the cops are standing by saying "STOP RESISTING!" and shooting. Or there's also the asian band with small penises singing about how small their dicks are.


I eat two tacos in the morning, I eat two tacos at night!


Actually wait a minute OP do you have a stereotype for the british?



Die nigger.

Yeah what about it?

LMAO what the fuck is going on in that webm?

It's a rhode island accent.

That's in the US right? I fucking hate niggers.

This entire thread made my night.

Thanks OP

It's called reverting back your African ways

I thought it was the civilization of an african man.

All you need to know is that niggers are just white people born from the toilet.


Stop being redundant!

Oh sure this is fine but I get banned for nebulaposting. Skypepe is real. You should have listened.

Is it satire or are they just acting like literal animals? So confused. Why are they pursuing that hambeast? So many questions.

No those are just normal babies that I have everyday with the tacos I get from taco bell.

The sewer is their day care

I thought that was a pretty fulfilling and informative post.



Honestly I thought it was an orgy at first glance.

Or a gangbang. that's what I got from that video for realzies

I can only give you questions, sorry.

>Is it satire
Good one, user.

You must be a wizard at questions.

>Chicongo residents understand satire
In a perfect world, maybe.


Holy shit. Why are niggers so fucking crazy? I haven't seen this side of them, only the sluggish, violent daytime variety. They go fucking crazy at night.

Jesus man...

That's one I didn't have. Thanks man

you're just like diarrhea

what the fuck


srsly like children they look for literally ANY opportunity to showboat.



Monkey letting the flag touch the ground.

you're welcome

I'll contribute the webms I have


Fits with this so well I'm just realizing.



one time i saw a nigger do math

hahahahahahaha what the fuck


wtf did those niggers stral?
like 12$ worth of chinese jewelry?

lol wtf


No idea

better than the post itself

oh my god......what about the poor , traumatized child............plz tell me this monster is caged......i'm done...disgusting

Can't tell if it's an execution or a trick gone wrong.


What the fuck are they doing?
What is their fascination with tables and standing on them?
Why is the woman smiling?
Is the male trying to rape her?
I honestly don't get it. Is this a real thing in murrica? I need more if these videos

All out of webms amigo

It's called daggering. It's a Jamaican thing, from dancehalls there, and it's a new thing, within the last 10 years, and it's spreading to the mainland.


Gotta love the Kangz shirt.

That was a part of the trick.


FUCK niggers

Thank you, user. I have two follow up questions.
1. Why?
2. Seriously, why?

you give a nigger one job and he cant even get it right

1. Niggers.
2. Niggers.


why do niggers hit and run?

cowardly tactic for a cowardly people

fuck forgot the link

i like to think that this one is peak nigger

These are the parasites that leftists will defend to the death, just to appear tolerant.

filthy niggers

this is what egyptian kangs looks like

reminds me of that dreadlock guy raging face to some banger

this is why everyone should carry guns

niggers sure can take a brick doe






He dayd.

im so glad he made it out of manchester safely

He walked away, the vid was cut short.

whole block smelled like fried chicken and urine.

He died.