Does Sup Forums actually like anime, or is it just a meme?
Does Sup Forums actually like anime, or is it just a meme?
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anime is the final red pill
some of it is pretty good, just dont one punch man right
I prefer my western comic books
cory in the House is my favorite
Those Jelly donuts are deliscious
Couldn't live without em!
you mean the ones who have intersex fluid transgendered super heros
I used to watch anime all the time, but I can't get into it anymore because I'm too preoccupied with Sup Forums thoughts.
same, but I still have a fondness for weebs. I think of them as like Murdoch
checking in
I don't watch as much as I want to. And I hate anime fans because they're stupid and have terrible taste and should all kill themselves.
my first anime, it was great
Despite being subversive in nature, jews have no influence on Japanese cartoons.
you one of those canadian happa chicks
watched berserk only
I've never watched it, but this is the only explanation that seems like it would make sense. Otherwise I'd say I've been very confused as to why so many people on here -- with whom I share far-right views -- also have an interest in Japanese cartoons. To someone whose never seen anime (nor do I even know where to watch it), I hope you can understand my confusion...
you watched the only anime where mc fucks a nigger. Congrats!
Japan has what I want for my people
I wish I could still get into anime, cause it's not like I have anything else to do. I know what I should be doing, but I just end up watching porn anyway, since that's the only thing capable of completely focusing me on something not sociopolitical.
Some anime is good. I don't understand the obsession though
Do you not?
Anime is the only thing I can't let go since being red pilled.
iktf as well. Anime used to be a good escape, but now even it's not enough. Life really is a nightmare
Like, people actually like Ichigo Mashimaro even though it's horrible garbage. How the fuck can they like that shit? I think the "people" who claim to like it might actually just be demons.
Go watch Cardcaptor Sakura.
What are you a fag?
I always thought Daily Stormer had a VERY good article on the subject
TL;DR: Japs still adhere to Traditional story telling archetypes/gender roles
I like masturbating to it but otherwise no, I just get annoyed by it.
Don't you like japanese cartoons user?
Anime is one of the most ironic things ever made. Its white supremacy by proxy.
Which makes all the antiwhite minorities that are obsessed with it fools.
Eat shit and die everything on this board is a meme
The site was made for anime + anime is not jewish propaganda = lots of realists who just happen to already like anime. I get the confusion, but it makes perfect sense, trust.
I just like cute things. So I like anime even if I don't always watch
Anime anime :3
Anime also makes for AMAZING memes
Better then attracting pedophiles with little cartoon girls.
There's a few that I like, but Sup Forums would consider them the most entry-level anime for tasteless plebs.
If you watch anime, you aren't white.
God bless anime.
Anime is one of the four pillars Sup Forums was built on.
Wtf is Akira?
but Japanese cartoons are redpilled user
Haha oh shit I remember this. Ghost tales fakedub was the best
>liking Chinkamation
I wish porn wasn't so addictive. Even when the anime was shit it felt like it was enriching my knowledge and appreciation of art. Porn is my demon. Trying hard to watch anime when it's supposed to be recreational seems backwards though.
Why shoujo for someone who's never seen an anime before and is most likely not a little girl? I know it's apparently good, but it still seems like a questionable recommendation.
Holy shit is this real? I remember in that one speech he did that almost got shoah'd he called cosplaying "disgusting".
>Traditional gender roles
>pol is one person
The guy in the picture
Why yes OP I sure love anime ero games.
Like this recent hit, where a child refugee (pic related) comes to stay at your house and fuck your wife and daughter while you work to provide for them.
It's my favorite since that interracial game, where you share your white wife with a well built black man.
I love being redpilled!
That was just a joke dub.
Really good cyberpunk movie from the 90's. Very renowned. Lots of motorcycles and shooting. 8/10.
Without anime, my life wouldn't be the same. Watching for 10 years, never gonna stop.
Anime holds many truths.
It isn't as infested as western media, this is why many go to it.
Seriously, have you even seen the shit they put on American TV these days? I don't watch TV because of most of that nonsense.
I like my Eva
Oh it's real user
>traditional gender roles
I should've been more clear, if you read the article he's talking about Jap storytelling (plots I guess) and how they still tell heroe stories for both male and female characters through the use of traditional gender specific virtues
Gimme a quick rundown...
Anyone have that one from Gundam iron blooded orphans where one of the characters advocates for child marriages?
>the state of western entertainment
Anime/Manga is the last bastion of entertainment free from Jewish control, plus lolis.
Does mecha count?
>m-muh degeneracy
No justifying your degenerate sexual impulses through the use of gook toons
Kys degenerate
Weebs are the most degenerate autists on the planet
(You) have to go back redd*t nigger
Some of it is good, like a few of the '80s OVAs for example, but anything involving high school and/or harems is liquid trash that is to be avoided at all costs.
It's better "turn off your brain" entertainment than the latest ham-fisted AMC drama at least.
I like anime
Oh, there are far worse out there. After all Swede, you should know how deep the rabbit hole goes especially after Achmed was plunging his dick in yours.
anime is degenerate as fuck
Dude the only reason I come to Sup Forums is for all of the hilarious memes, away from the scum and degeneracy of anime. Unless its a reaction pic, GTFO
i like certain kinds of anime
the fighting high test shit
i also like the horror ones
some drama/romance like dusk maiden x where some dude falls in love with a ghost,it hits you in the feels
none of that degenerate shit though like boko no pico,people who watch the weeb shit need to be gassed!
>Why shoujo for someone who's never seen an anime before and is most likely not a little girl?
Because it's an absolute classic for good reason. It epitomizes 90s shoujo anime and holds up. Just watch the opening theme and it'll get you pumped.
I guess if you don't want a mahou shoujo show try, fuck, I don't know, I'm bad at recommending things. But I have a manga rec, read Afterschool of the Earth, it's a fantastic series.
Oh good. Now bendover weeb slut
Fuck this turned into a Sup Forums thread
I come for the same reasons, but if you get so ass blasted by fucking gook toons, at least more ass blasted than from western entertainment, you might want to consider suicide
Is Mandarin audio any better than English ones?
Fuck off, loli is love, loli is lyfe
I'm not getting pissed or anything, I just want my daily dose of jew memes..... Perhaps a compromise of anime jews?
Anime makes me kinda into men
Maybe it is degenerate
Ghost in the shell and Rin roh and Berserk i can enjoy.
Without anime Sup Forums wouldn't be the same as it is today
Watch Made in Abyss in July, thank me latter.
You got it user
Say what you will about those zipper heads, but they're pretty wine on Jews
There's one image I've seen floated around here of an anime Jew saying "goi are cattle" lol
i hate how anime portrays women as sexy as fuck but the men are effeminate as fuck also
i hate that shit
I think you're giving weebs too much credit.
Oh, I see what you mean.
I don't really remember the plot. I watched like a year ago. You should just watch it. It can't be more than 2 hours, and it's dystopian and nasty, so any Sup Forumsack would probably find something to enjoy in it.
Oh, here's a pasted synopsis.
"In 1988 the Japanese government drops an atomic bomb on Tokyo after ESP experiments on children go awry. In 2019, 31 years after the nuking of the city, Kaneda, a bike gang leader, tries to save his friend Tetsuo from a secret government project. He battles anti-government activists, greedy politicians, irresponsible scientists and a powerful military leader until Tetsuo's supernatural powers suddenly manifest. A final battle is fought in Tokyo Olympiad exposing the experiment's secrets."
I think something more action oriented, yet still appealing to adults and teens would be better. Someone who's not into anime wouldn't want to watch a girls show just like that, I don't think.
This season is garbage though.
>Sup Forums
if you don't like anime you're on the wrong site, honestly.