Lord Kek is so adorable. He thinks he'll win

Lord Kek is so adorable. He thinks he'll win

more of dem titties?


side boob okay

Kekistan shadilay GOOBA GOOBA

To be honest I'm not really sure how to answer. I stretch further then I know lol I fucking love Sup Forums though. People are so much more honest when they think we don't know who you are

Thanks, brave user. Any of her bending over with pussy showing ready to be taken hard from behind?


what elase you got


I'm so lonely, won't somebody save me? refute thy father and rebuke thy name that i may be...i don't remember the rest but you get the picture lol

I miss my goddamn safety threads. How the hell are we supposed to keep them safe?? Mods are cucks, safety squads return to your posts


What the fuck?





wait, so thats not a romanian woman?


benis is love benis is life

pedo fuck wit, pedophilia does not extend to art. Mohammad can't be "pictured" because if it is, it becomes "known". Kek is Chaos, Islam is hell for women. But it needs a new prophet. Do not hate Muslims, they believe they are protecting their women, but they are blinded by the antichrist. please help my daughters. please make it known that the little girl was right to let him in

thats pretty gross

You know what, if these muds are going to steal our women, why dont we steal theirs?

they get SUUUPER triggered, right? over shit with mohammad? so let's denigrate their women. rip off their shawls to show the world who their REAL god is. it's not mohammad, is it?

We must protect the individual's right to decide FOR THEMSELF whether or not they do something. the liberals are right. the conservatives are left. so long as you follow love, you will find salvation.

Islam is the religion of the west. Christianity is the religion of the east. If this upsets you, look within and you will see Me.



Pretty sure OP is legit autistic, all "she's" doing is posting memes and replying to everyone

Fucking nasty. What the hell is wrong with that thing ? Is it British or something ?

>Lord Kek is so adorable. He thinks he'll win
Is that evalion? Damn she just keeps getting uglier.