Explain to me why i shouldnt wife a qt japanese girl...

Explain to me why i shouldnt wife a qt japanese girl. at least then i know i will have guaranteed a future for my lineage. the white race is doomed. its time to abandon ship. the leftists and the jews have ripped away the christian foundations of our society and culture and there is pulling out of this death spiral. the japanese are immune to jewish trickery since the jew naturally fears the samurai. this is why Japan has existed for 2000 years and cannot be conquered or destroyed.

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nobody cares what you do el salvador. i suggest you shoot for a harem of japs if thats what you're into

Get ready for
>No sex after marriage
>Passive aggressiveness
>Fake smiles
>Constant lies


Yes, El Salvador. Marry a Japanese girl.

fuck you for copypastaing me you ms13 nigger

>a future for my lineage
Artificial wombs will be superior to human women

>Explain to me why i shouldnt wife a qt japanese girl.
Maybe because you're a beta who belongs to ?

Your primary concern when deciding who to marry is whether or not you love the person. Everything else is secondary. Don't do it to save the white race or to stick it to the Jews or to preserve some weird notion of traditional morality. Just look into the other person's eyes, ask yourself if you truly love them, and then act accordingly. God's speed, user, I hope you find happiness in the arms of the person you love.

>christian foundations of our society and culture
Kek. Christianity is an alien kike religion. The real foundations of your culture are Paganism and whatever pre-Columbian Mesoamerican religions you taconiggers used to practice.

implying a qt japanase girl would want to even touch someone from Honduras.