So we are at the final hour to laugh and make fun of Hillary supporters.
It's been fun lads. Postem' if you gottem.
So we are at the final hour to laugh and make fun of Hillary supporters.
It's been fun lads. Postem' if you gottem.
Hill dawgs in the house
How is this the final hour?
Don't fool yourselves Drumpfsters, we're the ones laughing at you because you lost to us by 3 million votes. And that doesn't even include the Russian hacking which Comey and the FBI have confirmed.
Then again, you're used to fooling yourselves, remember when you were chanting "Build a wall" "Lock her up" and "Drain the swamp" and it was all a bunch'a lies. Roflmao.
dude, don't proxy when posting shit like this
you look retarded
if Comey drops a serious bomb on Trump, there will be massive pressure for Trump to resign.
There will be massive pressure to have a Special National Election to fill put the rest of the 4 years term. I could see enough Republicans supporting this.
Hillary and maybe Pence will run again.
This one is so simple, but it gets me every time without fail.
I don't even think I've ever seen the un-shopped original.
T-Minus 23 minutes until the biggest redpill since Trump's election
You are incapable of learning or growing. You can only follow. You fail as a human and have no value. You are not welcome here.
So this will be the final hour of mocking Hillary.
Don't forget the Koch Bros said they could get along with Hillary if they had to.
Comey is about to expose Trump and he'll likely be impeached.
Triggered, did I violate your safespace, snowflake? Ah the irony of alt-righters.
The most delusional thing I've ever read.
I have no need for a safe space. Just stating the truth. You are the one with the problem. Get a real job, shill.
You're a fucking retard.
IF there was any evidence of illegal activity, the most he could be charged with would be obstruction.
And even after that, the Senate would still have to vote to remove him, which they won't because of it being such a minor offense.
Trump ain't no quitter, unlike your father you nigger.
Im still a HillDawg, and 2020 is going to be our time to shine. I'm with her, are you /pol?
PS: You are a bunch of faggots for not supporting her & CTR during the election, it just blows my mind how you want oil men polluting the worlds fresh water, and war mongers making all our decisions. Its so corrupt, and we almost had a chance to cleanse DC with Hillary being elected.
the Republican establishment has never really had Trump's back and would throw him under the bus if they could.
btw I am not in any way defending or promoting Hillary. In fact I voted for Trump
Trump was the establishment candidate, what could be more establishment than a billionaire?
Hillary is the political outsider, a woman has NEVER become president before
Special election for president? What are the mental gymnastics it takes for that conclusion.
>Hillary is the political outsider,
and yet she is welcomed at Wall Street conferences for paid speeches, and the Koch Bros aid they could get along with her.
I don't think the Washington Establishment would let Pence waltz into the job.
when it became apparent that Nixon was at risk to be removed, they maneuvered Gerald Ford into place to be the replacement, rather than Agnew.
Amaaaaazing graaaace
>I don't think
They don't really have a choice though, that whole framework of laws we have and all.
you've been eating to much of that canned rotten fish, Nils
and then the Republican's have to consider how this would reflect on them in the mid-term elections. Plenty of areas for them to mis-step coming up.
Oh wait, I may have jumped the gun. Looks like 4 more years of Hillary voter bashing.
SHE is so ugly wtf
Riders on the storm.
Into the muzzie hordes.
Riders on the storm.
watching the inauguration of trump was one of the best days ever
this one isn't shopped, for a few hours you could google 'pathological lying' and Hillary's photo was there
That is great.
Like mother, like daughter.
This is my favorite.
Seth Rich, murdered for exposing the DNC.
Feelin pretty dumb now huh?