So this is dead serious - my wife did a DNA test and found out she was 1% African, 99% European. I also did this test and came out 100% European. Needless to say, I married a nignog. Need srs advice. I mean I jest I love the woman but I am serious my wife is 1% black and sometimes when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out. Pic somewhat related.
My wife is 1% black, wat do
That means she has nigger blood in her veins. Dump her as fast as you can.
haha every southern italian is more moolie than that
Maybe it's that black gene that makes a black woman never leave her white husband?
If it's that black gene that makes her scream at 140 db non-stop blaming everyone else for her own failures, you would notice without DNA test.
If you are that stupid I really hope that your common children will have the recessive gene and be completley black.
Grounds for annulment
Dump her not worth the risk
Kill her, make it look like an accident.
did you go to check for aids?
You're Italian. Consider yourself lucky it is only 1%.
>1% black
Leave her immediately.
>Italian flag
Oh, who cares then?
Keep her. Your sons will have huge dicks
do you want to pass the negro genes to your future kids ?
Everyone is 1% black if you believe Out of Africa.
Thats a 1% chance of a chimpout
I have noticed the black area is often their vagina
Breed the 1% out of her in never ending creampies without any contraceptives.
Only niggers came out of Africa and that was on slave boats.
>1% black
Yeah, no that's just a shitty DNA test, that means some alleles that are most commonly associated with some African genome. Any Negroid ancestry would be far more than 1%, 1% on these results is meaningless statistical noise for the most part.
PS don't give your fucking biometric data to companies associated with Jewgle, fucking hell!
Whitest woman in italy?
That was debunked recently. They found older human remnants in Europe.
-kill her in a staged car accident.
-collect the insurance.
His ancestors got BLACKED thousands of years ago. Tbh his ancestor was probably a slaveholder who bleached some African bitches. Anyways, after that long all the undesirable traits would be bred out
I guarantee she carries the big dick gene
Do what you want... Shes legally your slave now.
You're from Italy? She's Sicilian, you mogoloid.
if you have a child with her, there's a chance that her nig-genes get lost and that your child can be safe.
Your future children will be full black, because of that 1%...
and you'll be cuck enough to believe her
Kill your self and her, nigger lover. Tis the only way
>what is margin of error
seriously, what is it? because you realize all tests like that are fucked to some degree.
Also, that company now owns your genetic information. ya dun got kiked in more ways than one.
1% is within the realm of statistical error, just assume it's that and don't let some arbitrary thing eat you up inside m80, she's white.
That must be a shit feeling... I say dump her. She didnt't tell you herself that she's 1% nigger, she was hiding that from you, that traitorous bitch. It's not like this is going away with time. Do you want your kids to be any % nigger?? Didn't think so.
Italians are all part nigger
Anything under 1/16th is fine.
Objectively wrong theory.
Lynch her
so she is whitter than you dagowop?
call her a nigger 1 out of 100 times
DNA tests have a margin of error around 5%
Besides that evetything under 12.4% was considered insignificant by the National Socialist gouverment with a good reason.
Chill out faggot and trust either genetic scientists (5%) or the NSDAP (12.4%) on this one.
Stuff under 2% is inaccurate and falls within error marginal, could be an anomaly, but she could also be black
Black DNA enriches Italian blood keeping it strong
That 1% of black power nulifies the 99% of the weak european watered blood. There's no escape. Even your children will have that black blood, cuck.
>muh one drop rule
you're as tanned skinned as I am
>100% European
This is where i stopped reading
Big Deal sage
Also, 75-90% is fine. Anything below that and they have to go back.
Brad more pic to verify
Well I guess you have to get used being only 99% relaxed.
1% isn't a lot. She probably doesn't even have knappy hair
Love her forever and cuddle her tight tonight for me
hahahaha ohhhh god Im dieing
For italians thats quite good
You know,the moors..
So this is dead serious - my wife did a DNA test and found out she was 1% African, 99% European. I also did this test and came out 100% European. Needless to say, I married a nignog. Need srs advice. I mean I jest I love the woman but I am serious my wife is 1% black and sometimes when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out. Pic somewhat related.
Only fuck her with 99% of your penis to avoid being an oil driller
Dude, um, this:
>1% black
You lucked out honestly.
Just do 4 kids instead of 5 and you will be fine.
Is that your wife's ass? Google image search revealing nothin
Your only option.
Is that 1% a gene that makes her ass THICCC?
Her bloodline will always stay 1% negro no matter how much you bleach it.
Don't take the trolling on Sup Forums seriously.
Get her to wear more outfits like in OP.
My gf is kosovar albanian, what do?
So this is dead serious - my wife did a DNA test and found out she was 1% African, 99% European. I also did this test and came out 100% European. Needless to say, I married a nignog. Need srs advice. I mean I jest I love the woman but I am serious my wife is 1% black and sometimes when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out. Pic somewhat related.
Btw, nice ass if that's your wife's.
breed the nigger out of her.
Your kids will be 99.75 white, and God willing, will marry whites making their kids 99.99999% white, and so on and so on
You're a dumbfuck. 1%. 1%. At worst that could be an error. Dude. Stop being retarded. If you go back far enough, you've got all sorts of shit in you.
>At worst that could be an error.
that could be an error*
stfu i'm sleepy
even if 1% nigger,
still is nigger
I'm surprised you don't know about your own national genetics Mario, it's common in your country
>mfw I came out as 1,6% Italian in my regional report
Still contemplating suicide
>he fell for the one drop meme
don't trust too much these DNA test.
Fuck her inna theea pussy, e.
>area stops right at wallonia wasteland
Just bleach her. Your kids will be 0.5% black. I think they'll be ok.
What would you do it it were reversed and you were the one with 1% African DNA?
a) leave her to let her preserve her offspring's purity
b) return to 'mother Africa'
c) kill yourself
d) ignore it
ONE DROP you fucking idiots
Jesus Christ, genetically screened 100% white 100+ IQ non-degenerate white nationalist Tinder when?
this but also try to use that one percent for gibsmedats.
FPBP. dont let the nigger win, OP. it must be eradicated. dont reproduce with her. you wouldnt want your children to have nigger dna AND the dna of some race traitor from the past (back when there wasnt even racemixing propaganda in all media, so that person REALLY wanted to racemix)
You should kill yourself. Its for the best.
If your wife looks like that...who cares I would fug her until my dick fell off
Are there any possibilities to get a genetical analysis in a anonymous way?
>with a good reason
Yeah, lack of scientific ways of proving it en detail.
>"This jar of honey only has ONE DROP OF TAR in it! It's totally fine you guys!"
It's not.
Just sterelize her and inpregnant an actual white women for you children. If she's white she will understand. If not, nothing of value will be lost.
No, but I was thinking, I don't give a damn if some user has my genetic analysis. If there were some exchange where people could pair up, and exchange DNA and send it in under each others' names then at least the data would be wrong. I would get one in that case
why not show the scene where the scrawny girl beats the giant man to death? this movie is pozzed and kike produced
>I also did this test and came out 100% European. Needless to say, I married a nignog. Need srs advice.
So it's all just a shitposting campaign to get people on Sup Forums to "give in" on racial purity?
How the fuck do you people have the time for this bullshit. It's like the reddit poster who admitted he spends hours here daily posting cuck porn.
Those DNA tests aren't very accurate. If you send the same person'a DNA to multiple different testers then you'll get different results.
>sometimes when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out
A well-earned (you)
>100% European
not even believing this for 1 second
sage this shit