Why does nobody care about Galicia, Sup Forums?

Why does nobody care about Galicia, Sup Forums?
>third largest separatist group
>5th largest economy in Spain
>one of the most conservative areas in Spain
>home of Francisco Franco
>widely considered the 7th Celtic nation
>culture is distinct and unique to the rest of Europe

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Birth rate - 0.88

Why don't they make babies?

Portugal formed from Galicia. Galicia and Portugal had virtually the same language until the 13th/14th century. Even today, the Portuguese and Galicians can perfectly understand one another, and I do mean perfectly.

Galicia is Portuguese clay.

Portugal is Galician clay.

I've spoken Italian to spaniards and they understand me perfectly. Does that make Italy Spanish clay? No!

same reason we dont give a shit about catalonia or basqia or aquitaine or kurdistan

because they are commies

Because they actually have jobs to do

why hasnt the world gone extince then you utter fucking moron?

Mi madriña, que morriña..

Galicia is one of the most conservative parts of Spain. even based Francisco Franco was Galician

most american argument you could ever imagine

I don't really care what you call it. Grant Galicia independence and let it merge with Portugal. We'll make up some name afterwards.

Franco didn't give a fuck about Galician culture or whatsoever

He consider himself Spaniard

I think you're the utter fucking moron, Croat
>on English website
>can't even speak English

You don't get it. The language is almost the same. This is not the same as me understanding a Spaniard. It's more like a guy from NY understanding some dude from the South in the US. If you only cared about spoken Galician, you could even say it is a dialect of Portuguese. The major difference is in how it is written.

Merging Portugal and Galicia would be a reapeat of Czechoslovakia. They can understand each other perfectly, but in the end it wouldn't work out and it would fall apart. One country hold beckoned a major tourist attraction (Galicia) while the other nobody would give a shit about (Portugal)


I care pham, my paternal line comes from there

That's actually a bad example. North owners and southerners can't understand each other half the time. We hate each other. A better argument would be comparing English and scots, although a lot of people still consider them different languages

Franco tried to repress the Celtic and Suebian heritage of Gallaecia and he bombed the Trees from Basque Country, so he can fuck off


If time travel is ever invented, will you go back in time and tell them how badly they fucked up your life by moving to mexico?

Yeah but he mostly left Galicia alone. He really fucked the basques and catalans

>One country hold beckoned a major tourist attraction (Galicia) while the other nobody would give a shit about (Portugal)

Tell that to everybody buried in the Alto do Furriolo.

Pretty sure Portugal receives way more tourists than Galicia and it's Ca(meme)o

depends what the meaning of "care" is

Actually, you are OUR clay not the other way around

Once the kingdom of Galicia forms people will be more interested in swing a newer country


Fuck off shitskin! Do Reino de Galicia will never belong to you!


Weak bait

Exactly how?

This is more like it, ricenigger

>One country hold beckoned a major tourist attraction (Galicia) while the other nobody would give a shit about (Portugal)

Ok that ones a bit of a long shot but the rest of that is highly likely


Of Galician was a Celtic language, then everybody would consider Galicia a Celtic nation

I wouldn't even consider the other ones celtic desu, only about 1%-5% of them could be described as culturally gaelic/brythonic.

Even less can speak the languages, the vast majority of each nation are just mongrel larpers, whom tend to be very left wing.

It's a shame desu

Besides, dumb scots don't even realize that Gaelic is a highlands should thing. The lowlands speak scots

Scots is not a language, no amount of snp divide and conquer bullshit will ever make it a language.

It's a dialect with a lot of slang.

Please just invade us. Im tired of uni, what i would give for a good old war and an excuse to kill inferior femenized beta castillians on the battlefield

>yeah dialect

It's spoken, barely written unless in rather old poems ect.

the vast majority of words are the same as english, except now the leftists just make up words with shitty grammar to try and make it a language.

>lefties make up words
So like transgender, and refugee?