ITT we imagine his first reaction tweet

ITT we imagine his first reaction tweet


This is hilarious. It is literally fucking nothing.

I really hope he stops tweeting. He is doing so much reckless and unnecessary damage to his presidency with this nonsense.

Been great serving as the President of this nation DESPITE the negative press coverage. Will not go down without a fight! Allahu akbar! Washington will burn!

>president of the united states of america
not for long, burgeritos

I fired him, he is upset, I can understand he is still a good guy.

His tweets are elegant compared to Obama's "ummmmm" speech attempts.

Draining the swamp might upset the people you fire

Are you listening to the same stream I am?

This is Straw Grasping 101, literally the same shit they have been doing since Nov 8. The fucking salt from these people is actually making me laugh.

Thought he had a guerenteed job for 10 years. This isn't Union work your fired.

They are getting paid shareblue.

This shit is ridiculous. Why the fuck do my tax dollars go into this bullshit.

Sad! Bad!

Here's an old one

>tfw trump will never tweet this

If his first reaction tweet is tapes of Comey and his conversations where Comey is revealed to have perjured himself, I will literally build several churches worshiping Trump.

How did he get away with this one

> Listening to toothpaste.

I hope he says:
>"Guys I just listened to the Comey hearing and it turns out it's just another big juicy nothingburger"

I wish it was real

It's a double edged sword. Media takes his tweets out of context often and it just proves they have a narrative against him. If anything he needs to just tone it down some. We live in an age where even the president uses social media.

Nothing wrong with it unless it's not actually the president doing it. Which every president has does to some extent since since Twitter became so popular. So a total of two.

>too long; didnt watch


Trump gives these idiots all kinds of ammunition with this stuff.
>Illegal voters
Don't tweet, damn it.

7 1/2 years to go folks, hope you like winning.

There's nothing wrong with using those words if you aren't a literal autist.

> That ID
> jew Defending jewish Victory

This is the thing, the media doesn't have anything on him but he gives them all kinds of material that they can work with.

And not seeing how they constantly prove Trump's position on them being hysterical hit pieces is how I know you are a shill, Klauss.