Google image American food

>google image American food
>google image American culture
>google image American man
>google image American couple

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America is a multicultural melting pot, as is europe. In 20 years you euros will advance to where we are

How did America get so bad? For fuck's sake you were on the winning side of WW2 and the cold war

Rapes in Denmark

Denmark: 20% of babies have foreign origin

let's see
>European immigrants
>Asian immigrants
>Mexican immigrants
>Ex-slave Africans
>Muslim fanatics
>they refuse to integrate
>monthly terrorist attacks
>Welfare queens

In 20 years we'll have a Civil War while you'll slowly turn into Brazil 2.0

Denmark Muslims want annexation

Why is Danes in (brackets)? Are they actual Dames or 2nd gen immigrants?

Fuck you America kicks ass.

looks pretty good desu

Dont forget BBQ

Denmark: More stillbirths among immigrants
How are those health care costs coming along?

Damn. Lower left looks like Fatburger. Now I need one!

we're still doing great but thanks for checking up on us

sure, guy. let me hear your guns.

>American culture

>google danish man

>american couple


There's no better way to describe America.

>American culture


top kek

where are the burgers?? FAKE American BBQ cuisine.


>It writes told the paper.

please go away with your fake shit

The nazis unironically had America spot on.

google image Oklahoma food for real burgerland

their faggots user