I'm voting in the next 5 minutes

I still cant decide..

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vote for the one that will let you have a gun. that way, you can change your mind later


Labour lad, we need to see it all go to poo

I just voted UKIP lad, show the Tories they can't talk about turning the UK into a police state and still get a massive margin. Show them that nationalism/ populism is the way they should have gone.

>If safe tory seat -> UKIP
>If swing seat/safe labour or SNP seat -> Tory

Labour to save the internet.

Even Enoch Powell was willing to vote Labour in a time of need.


Vote for the lulz


Tories, unless you want to spend the next twenty years funding the healthcare of wealthy pensioners.

Can't decide either, I'd go with labour but I lost faith in this shit

Tory Tory Tory!

>Ye-Yeh heh, vote labour lad, make it all worse...heh, im definitely with you... *Hides labour badge*


Certainly not labour. They all are mudslime apologists and only a stinking mudslime would suggest voting labour.

The one that doesn't want to import hundreds of thousands of immigrants.


>Two posts by this ID.


Vote ukip. At least it won't bite you in the ass later if uk goes to shit with tories/labour

I mean the tory manifesto is basically beaming 'for the rich' so I wouldn't vote for them but all the party's seem to be shit


listen to the sevie-wevies

Tory if you live off mummy and duddy and never worked in your life.

All you britons need to vote UKIP. Labour and Tory and two sides of the same coin.

m8 I grew up Tory and generally despise Lab, but it's literally better that the alternative right now.

That's both of them.

Conservatives will never reduce it because they bow to corporations.

There's unironically a greater chance of Labour reducing it by inadvertently changing working conditions such that there's no point in hiring from abroad.

I was gonna draw a big fat veiny cock on my ballot and vote for that but I didnt want them to interpret that as a vote for Corbyn.


Most of the internet stuff is just scaremongering. They'd have to either fuck up the internet so bad that it would BTFO of businesses and the economy or just do some token gesture like 'plz ban more extremists Twitter, k, thanks.'.

Anything but Cuckservative.

dont act like your vote will matter.

Did the same. Can't let the communists win either.

Everybody is anti-tory because they are gonna regulate the internet and i dont think anyone on Sup Forums has actually read into it

if tory win we'll have so many triggered faggots on the internet. Dunno about you but I love watching people have public internet meltdowns when the vote doesn't go there way. Vote tory lad.

vote for the good one

Exactly why I'm voting the, its worth it for the next 5 years. Then vote UKIP again to cause an even BIGGER assblasting beyond assblasting proportions.

apologies. Their*

I earn 31k/annum and don't get any cash from my parents

vote tory

Yeah apart from the triggering though I don't want that prick Corbyn in charge. Uncontrolled mass immigration IS a complete fucking disaster. He'll run the country into the ground with debt too. Mummy May's internet censorship is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in exchange for less pakis.

Vote Tory if you like food, because you will not be getting any under Labour.

Make the right choice user.

Watch Conservative MPs Daniel Hannon or Jacob Reese Mogg, the type of leaders you'd want to represent you. Frog stomping virgin hater JK Rowling just endorsed Labour MP Jess Phillips.

If you want save the internet: vote for Labour.

Vote for who you actually align with most, seriously it shouldn't be that hard there are only a few real options.
Seeing as you're here you're probably closest to UKIP, but if you like economic flight and state funded nigger breeding vote Labour I guess.
Conservatives are just slimier UKIP so I guess vote for them if you enjoy fox murder...

lads.. did you actually read the manifestos or get a quick rundown? this is the future of the county not lols. Think of the memes with Cobyn in charge

Conservative. Got to get that Brexit done, and I doubt May will actually get any of her crazy internet regulations into law.

vote for hard brexit or end yourself

UKIP has no chance.

Conservatives will make sure Brexit, the pride of UKIP, actually happens.

Labour puts Brexit in jeopardy. That cannot happen.

>i haven't actually looked into what the tories are going to do with the internet but it sounds bad so im against it.

Tory if you want CCTV installed in your house because "if you've got nothing to hide why complain"

Plus wide internet filtering

You either need to put up with maybe a week of internet police until the huge backlash is too strong from the tories or mohamed shoving his jihad up your ass from labour.
Corbin can't run a country, I like my anus muslime free. UKIP would be ideal but they don't really stand a chance. Best be safe and vote Tory

I hear Andrew Anglin is endorsing Corbyn so I would definitely trust that goy.

Reluctantly cast my first Tory vote.

Labour would give more bennies but it's for the good of the nation

>lads.. did you actually read the manifestos or get a quick rundown? this is the future of the county not lols. Think of the memes with Cobyn in charge

What? Whiney left wing hipster cuck memes?

Off yourself you faggot.

>neither have i but it can't be as bad as what they tried to push through last time hurrr durrrr

Its literally less paki's vs less internet.

Not a hard one.


If pol is too pussy to vote ukip who will?

I am gonna vote for Labour lads. Diversity is our strength

and checked

I'm a little more well-informed on this than you think. This isn't really new, I've literally been following Theresa May's career since she was Home Secretary, and she honestly doesn't any position on anything, except for one thing: a pathological hatred of civil liberties and a free internet.

She's already made a law which forces your ISP to log every page you visit. Her next intention is to 'ban' encryption, whatever that means. Hope you haven't been up to anything naughty :)


great quality image m8

The won't be enough power supply to keep the internet going, if JC gets in.

A Bill To make provision about electronic communications infrastructure and services; to provide for restricting access to online pornography; to make provision about protection of intellectual property in connection with electronic communications; to make provision about data-sharing; to make provision about functions of OFCOM in relation to the BBC; to provide for determination by the BBC of age-related TV licence fee concessions; to make provision about the regulation of direct marketing; to make other provision about OFCOM and its functions; and for connected purposes.

Honestly I don't even think rural and sububan Sup Forumstards are this dumb.
Anyone who read into it and supports it is a cuck.

>willing to throw away the internet for a small immigration of 300k pakis

do the only responsible thing and vote Forron

If you want grandchildren named Mohamed vote Labour.

No offence to any one individual on this thread, but yeah, the average Sup Forumstard is dumb as shit and is going to fuck this country up big time. People actually have a chance to vote for a genuine anti-establishment anti-globalist candidate, but they fell the oldest trick in the book: the Red Scare meme.

>i'm bringing back imprisonment without trial and regulated press and media because it will make people mad

Votes were a mistake.

you better have voted for jeb

I know die hard Labour voters in the country who vote conservative because of the hunting ban.

Labour obviously

I want the sixth formers studying politics, who had their opinions formed through left wing teachers and institutions to leave.

Ah! You're a nonce then ;^)

>9/10, rustled my jimmies

I'm 26 and voted Libdem in 2009 and 2010, then UKIP every time after, until Labour today.

As well as the "if you don't vote Tory you're voting Labour" meme. No, you vote for who you vote for.

I never went to college and I'm a 30 year old neet.
checkmate, 1st year political science polytechnic student.

Wow, you're quite the inconsistent piece of shit.

neet as in rich, not bennies, just thought I should clarify

Vote yes the EU is ripping Britain apart.

Holy shit it's the entire philosophical foundation of the United States of America in 19 words


Pick one bruv.

user is right, always vote Nazi

Cheers to the Eternal Anglo


Agreed brother,here's to VIC Tory

And now defend why you voted for literal cuckservatives.

"Tactical voting" is going to be the final fucking nail in the coffin of this country
>Oh I know I'll vote for a party I'd never otherwise vote for to stop another party I'd never vote for getting power

Lose-lose situation every single time, you're literally asking for stagnation and for current trends to continue. Stay true to your principles and vote for the party that actually fucking represents your principles you complete fucking mouth-breathing, fickle fucking faggots.

Purely for Brexit to happen. That's all

Just voted corbyn. Fiancee did too

Why dont you votering UKIP you ginger ass tea whores

People here criticize our two-party system and say we should be more like you with more parties, but it sounds like having a million parties just leads low-IQ faggots even further astray.

We're already a police state, mumsy may just wants to finish the job.

>being this naive

What's she even going to do though? None of the internet infrastructure is even in your country so she can't censor anything at the source.

I was thinking this, show your political leanings without the baggage of helping may win

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.