''You're voting for me... Aren't you, user?''
''You're voting for me... Aren't you, user?''
I voted for Corbyn to ne honest senpai
Sorry May, I voted for Corbyn.
But he's a cuck
>implying she thinks being an "user" is acceptable
Yeah but he hates jews tho
>voting for a commie
i want to kill myself because i will never kiss mummy
Best option
Thank god finnish people can't vote in british elections
My mom was Finned so I do have a British passport
Voted green
Fuck May
>voting for even more of a nanny state
Voted for Corbyn.
How can brit-cucks even compete?
Yes of course mumsy.
She is so hot
Yes mommy
Sorry, only one man has my vote.
I'd rather not vote for an even bigger nanny state.
Gib me citizenship first
>captcha: POLICE CALLE
I fucking hate that woman. Before you ask, I have met her in person. She is an awkward, disinterested bitch.
Yes, mummy dearest...
you know the rules, greentext nigga
You want me to tell the story?
spit it out
i have to know more about this beautiful woman
im giving the tories one more chance. i feel like theresa knows things are changing in british politics. i want them to sort out brexit. if they cock it up and dont do right by us then im never voting for them again.
corbyns a decent fella but he just doesnt convince me. he's already showed his hand in the upcoming negotiations. unless he knows something we dont then that was a foolish move
No. Fuck all of you, whoever wins, we lose.
Yes mummy i did, adopt me
>be me, be in the Navy.
>in Bahrain 2016, don't remember the month
>May comes to Bahrain on a diplomatic visit. Out of a ships company of 400 i'm her only constituant.
>selected to meet her.
>Tell her about my job and where in her constituancy I'm from.
> Get a load of uh huhs and hmmms
If she doesn't win the UK is fucked.
Corbyn will cuck to Merkle and you will be slaves.
i bet when she was younger she sucked a lot of dick. shes got one of those faces like shes stared at many mens belly buttons for extended amounts of time and now is bitter
What did she smell like?
Confirmed military
>not voting UKIP
She comes from Liverpool I think so probably
Typed in a rush, had to pick my daughter up from gym.
Well I was pretty close to her and out in the open air. Could not detect any perfume. Just a faint old lady smell, half way between piss and stale sweat.
>voting for the tories
I hope none of you actually did this, especially considering May is like the epitome of everything that is wrong with the party
Tempted to vote Labour just because the Conservatives are so obviously going to win. My constituency has been Conservative for something like 40+ years.
I didn't vote for you. I voted for Julian Lewis.
Really? You wonder why people hate you?
No, this country is dead
Buy full fat milk and leave while you can
so the same situation as just about every other election that's ever been then.
Nah, sorry love, I'm voting for this BASED Black(?) Guy representing UKIP.
>Just a faint old lady smell, half way between piss and stale sweat.
Bullshit. Still would even if true.
I don't live in that place so no voting for me.
Trips always tell the truth
>Overly sensitive to criticism
Confirmed military
>Falling for the 'he's a commie' meme
Your life is an empty wasteland
>Unintelligent with obvious self esteem issues
Have you considered enlisting?
Eww. Liberals are even worse.
Yep, both the red and blue globalist cunts can fuck right off.
Seeing as i'm in a 100% guaranteed labour area anyway, i'll probably go UKIP out of pure protest
>Had to pick my daughter up from the gym
>Go to voting station.
>Put a cross in tory box
quick rundown on why corbyn is better? thank u
Fuck yea
I did that
Nearly lost it
>literally defends socialism during Oxford debates
>not a filthy commie
Pick one comrade
No, i cant bring myself to vote for that feeble vicars daughter.
I wont be voting for Labour either, they fucked the UK up, ill never forget.
Hate that i cant vote desu.
Yes mummy, of course. Can i go on the computer now please?
>Seeing as i'm in a 100% guaranteed labour area anyway
I feel you. Living in Lancashire is suffering. Not only are we guaranteed labour, but we're full of pakis and inbreds too. At least we did some good by voting Leave.
8/10 would smash
As an American, do I understand it that the race is basically British Bernie vs. British Hillary?
Fucking hell, Dad.
I won't even tell what I would do with her
I just did, Darth Maylevolence.
Nope you horrible jew witch.
ow, i didn't know you were gonna break out the businesses time look.
Nah Corbyn
Sorry mummy
Basically yes.
It's 2 different flavours of big-government, nanny-state garbage.
>Runs through fields of wheat like a saint
>wants to clamp down on paedos and terrorist muslims using the Internet with more surveillance
>there are people ITT that aren't voting Tory today
Hint: they're called pedos and terrorists
First on the chopping block should be those soft liiberal cocks that made the liar liar song.
I would rather money be spent on more police than a fruitless attempt to control the internet
>>wants to clamp down on paedos and terrorist muslims using the Internet with more surveillance
>implying these new laws will be used against terrorists and not against any uppity natives who protest too much about the mass immigration of pakis.
Pretty much. I'd say May is about half a shade better than Clinton and Corbyn is even worse than Sanders.
We're still pretty goddamn fucked overall.
t. Nonces
>Got mocked in parliament for carrying Mao's LRB on him at all times
>Actually fucking gets it out and defends it
>Not a (((Commie)))
Let me guess, you're a REAL Communist and (((Corbyn))) is like a little baby. Neck yourself, faggot.
I did!
>thinks the fucking Tories of all people will clamp down on nonces.
What are they going to do? Arrest themselves?
Knew you were guilty.
If you've got nothing to hide, who cares if the government can read your Whatsapp or emails. What are they going to do with me texting friends about drinks at the weekend lmao..
Why do I have to facepalm so many times today. Do you want to Brexit? If yes, then Tories are the only party that can properly deliver that
This is Brexit referendum 2.0 is it not?
>then Tories are the only party that can properly deliver that
Remember greece?
Guess what greece thought about tsipras for negotiations with EU, beware of the cuckening
Yes mummy cummy
Seriously though yes I did
m8 i'm in the centre of Londonistan in an area that's 40% white and dropping, please nuke this shithole (let me leave first though)
>nothing to hide, nothing to fear, dude lmao XD
>implying the government won't use it to clamp down on any anti-government, anti-paki, anti-immigration or anti-globalist messages.
t. good goy.
>Shariah May will clamp down on """terrorists"""
Yeah, right-wing """extremists""" perhaps
>le goy meme
Non-argument. Move on.
Yes. My point is the Tories will get a better deal than Corbyn. May has said she will walk away without a deal, falling back on WTO. Corbyn has said he won't walk away which means the EU can offer us the worst deal possible and they already know that under Corbyn we will take it. We've already lost Brexit if Corbyn gets in. That's not even mentioning the Remoaner parties of the SNP and Lib Dems that will be in coalition with them, pulling them away from full Brexit
Tories are the only hope for Brexit, that's just a fact
David Davis is my MP. He has a 16000 majority here. He is a ledge. Met him many times. But i WILL NOT vote for that feeble vicars daughter.
She is useless. She has been exposed as having nothing deep down to uses for summoning courage. She is plastic and devoid of feeling. she is purely analytical, and as a woman that makes you very vulnerable in a mans world.
The EU negotiators now know this. The UK public know this.
Tories will win, but i cannot vote for weakness.
holy fuck your dense. try to think about how things might affect people other than yourself and you can see why mass surveillance states are a bad idea
Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide, is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say,
>ignore my point to instead focus on one word.
Did you miss this bit?
>implying the government won't use it to clamp down on any anti-government, anti-paki, anti-immigration or anti-globalist messages.
>be government staff
>see law abiding citiizen's everyday boring chat
>move on
>see terrorist or pedo plotting to kill or rape kids
>instantly flag them
>they get taken down before committing a crime
Problem being????
Brexit cant mean that much to you then. For me it's easily the most important issue and precisely why the election was called in the first place. Because you obviously understand that Labour will not succeed in Brexit negotiations. Whereas the Tories simply will, especially if ukip get a good showing. They're saying all the correct things. Not too bad if you're already in a Tory safe seat, I suppose